pear shaped partners looking to lose 25?

Hi everyone,

I am new to this site, and decided its time to get something done for ME! I am a severely handicapped special education teacher- it keeps me on my feet all day, but is very mentally exhausting, and occasionally physically exhausting as well. I don't have a husband (or boyfriend for that matter) or kids of my own, but do have a healthy social life on the weekends which can be challenging for me.

I am looking for support buddies who are in a similar boat as me... or any fellow pear shaped ladies who have had luck reducing their booty :) I currently just walk, but own Brazil Butt Lift, Insanity, and have a membership to 24 hour fitness and love lifting weights, i just haven't made time for it.

My eating problems? I binge eat when i get bored... (I am trying to just go to bed earlier), I eat like crap if I have been drinking, I loooooove candy, and i often feel like when i eat something "bad" i blew it so I just eat like crap the whole day. I also HATE cooking, but need to get away from lean cuisine meals. On an up-note i do love broccoli :)

Sorry, this turned into a bit of a brainstorm- Anyhow I would love support and love to offer support to anyone who can identify with any of the ramblings above :) (sorry about the profile picture... nothing like my body in my face to make me conscious of my food choices!)



  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    no one? :(
  • lorenapcc
    lorenapcc Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join you. I have a pear shape body too, I don't like candy lol but like you i love to eat. 90% of our meals are done at home. I'm married, have 3 kids, work full time and run a family business as well, with that said my problem is that I starve myself all day and come home to pig out. Not only that but my meal is usually after 5:30 pm. I just started on Monday and I'm trying to follow a 1200 calorie diet. I love socializing. Hope to support and get support on this site. I have become more addicted to this than Facebook. I would love to lose 35-45 pounds. Friend me if you would like too :) I know it's so hard to lose weight all around except in the butty! You are so brave to post a pic of you in your undies!! I wouldn't dare lmao. You go girl
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Yes, I'm definitely pear shaped here and can always use more MFP friends. I've been doing lots of kickboxing, which has made some difference in my backside. My eating problem is that I love sweets!