Any rapid weight loss tips.



  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I don't have an answer to your question, but thank you for telling me when you'll be on the cruise. Where did you say you hide the extra key again? You know, so I can watch your house and stuff.....
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I knew a guy who did wrestling in school and he told me he'd do cardio w/ loads of sweats on just to make weight the next day.

    Sounds kind of dangerous though.

    Detoxes would help you lose some fast, but they also will have you locked in the bathroom..
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Fast. But this is easier said than done. Your anxiety and "mind" making you think you need to eat are going to make it as difficult as humanly possible.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    rapid weight loss! awesome way to plan a gall bladder removal.. ask me how i know :)!

    unless u only want to lose like 10-15lbs..
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    up your water and protein, cut carbs and processed sugars. use a sauna suit or an actual sauna. it will cut some weight off short time and it's not a super unhealthy way to lose.

    good luck!

    want to split the cash winnings with anyone? heh.
  • Yeah, I have some advice, don't do it. NOTHING is worth risking your health. Bask in the glory of helping others, don't try to then show them up in unsafe ways. Enjoy their journeys and do your own as best and as healthy as you can.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    The only thing I want to say is don't do it. Its not worth it in the long run. If you find so,ething that will make you loss alot of weight and fast. Its not good You will gain it all back and more. You started this challenge doing it the right way so end it that way, . Its not all about the money, its about your new life .... But its all up to you..Go to the gym and create a HELL of a last chance workout for yourself would be what I would do if I was in your spot.... Good luck!!!
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    $600 is a nice amount of money, but is that the price you put on your health and long-term wellbeing?

    Sorry if I sound like like a partypooper, but I've 'been there, done that, worn the Tshirt' with rapid weight loss, and believe me, it goes back on, AND more.

    Lots of different suggestions on here, some may work, some may not, and I really do wish you luck, but I'd rather lose my weight a little at a time and have it stay off than force my body to do something it's not capable of sustaining.

    Just my opinion..... xx
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    My brother got into a weight loss competition with friends two years ago. He won the competition and lost his gallbladder and I'm 100% serious.

    He decided, at 240ish lbs, to eat 1200 calories per day and exercise 7 days/week on an elliptical. He cut his calories and dietary fat too low, lost a ton of weight, and ended up pissing blood after a run.

    I bet he'd buy back his gallbladder for $600 if he could.
  • worthashot73
    worthashot73 Posts: 33 Member
    OP, you had to know the responses you were going to get from're better off just Googling for ideas on this.

    Apparently people think their opinion is SO important that they must share it even though it doesn't answer the question you asked.

    It's a given that all of the "experts" on here will have a field day with this and you're the only one in the world to ever try something like this so it may be uncharted territory! *snort*
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    As a PT , a normal healthy rate of fat loss is 1-2 pounds/week @ 3500 cals= 1lb of fat, anything more then that is extreme and usually means extreme measures are taken like fasting, starving, endless cardio etc. and or some kind of restriction which in turn just causes more harm then good and boost your cortisol levels, in the beggining yes a lot of weight does come off but really alot of water weight. A heathy rate again @the 1-2 lbs per week turns into 4-8/mth and then you can forcast from thier as when you like to achive your goals i.e wedding, vacation, divorce etc..... you can bet that if your are going exteme you will not be able to maintain this type of restriction for very long and hense causes the yoyo effect, you will rebound and get even bigger, you never lose fat, you coax it as an energy source, fat cells are always there, they inflate and deflate like ballons, once they deflate and you yoyo the fat cells inflate larger and grow more! you need to be very consistent, rome wasnt built in a day, it takes time and nutrition is 90% of weight management.-Ty, that concludes todays PSA Kiddies
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    My son is a wrestler and would "cut weight" every morning of a tournament before weigh-ins by running until he was basically dehydrated and then immediately drink the weight back after the weigh-in. He has been known to lose 3 to 4 pounds by not eating the night before and cutting the next morning.
    I don't like it, I think it's unhealthy but that's the world of wrestling. :grumble:
  • HJCsDaddy
    HJCsDaddy Posts: 419 Member
    Epsom Salt and rubbing alcohol bath, saw it on the Ultimate Fighter, but not too sure how exactly it works.
  • thinking outside the square - let the other guy win then immediatly intoduce a new competition. The one who has kept the weight off in six months time gets double the money. It is most likely that the person who has lost the weight slowly and HEALTHLY will win that competition!!
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    Wow...I think there are a lot of really judgmental people in this thread. He's made it clear that this is not a part of his actual diet plan and he understands the risks and disadvantages of crash dieting. One or two days of doing a cleanse diet or increasing water intake is not doing to put a huge damper on his clearly already successful weight loss (congrats on 50 pounds, that's great!). If it's not for you, then it's not for you. But no one needs to come in here and insult him with a 'Holier than Thou' attitude. That's not what MFP is about.

    As far as your situation, I understand completely. My work is having a contest ending in March and the pot is over $1000. As a recent college grad with student loans to pay for, that is an extremely significant chunk of change and nothing to scoff at. The only things that I've tried in the past that seemed to accelerate weight loss were increased water intake and a fruit and vegetable cleanse diet. After one day of eating all fruits, veggies, and 100% fruit juice, I lost 6 pounds over night. Obviously I put it back on in about a day and a half, but it did work for the short term. This was more of a diet kick-starter for me. Also, after about 3-4 days of increasing water intake I lost about 2 pounds and kept it off by keeping up with the water. I echo the person who said half your body weight in ounces. Obviously laxatives are also an option, but I've never tried this, and I'm not sure I ever will.

    Clearly none of these are going to give you permanent weight loss and might throw a wrench in your healthy weight loss for a while. But I understand the need for a last second bump for $600 should you want to try them. Good luck in your contest and make sure to think this through!
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    My brother got into a weight loss competition with friends two years ago. He won the competition and lost his gallbladder and I'm 100% serious.

    He decided, at 240ish lbs, to eat 1200 calories per day and exercise 7 days/week on an elliptical. He cut his calories and dietary fat too low, lost a ton of weight, and ended up pissing blood after a run.

    I bet he'd buy back his gallbladder for $600 if he could.

    yep! i was pissing blood and bleeding from my belly button.. some internal bleeding going on there haha..
  • HJCsDaddy
    HJCsDaddy Posts: 419 Member
    My son is a wrestler and would "cut weight" every morning of a tournament before weigh-ins by running until he was basically dehydrated and then immediately drink the weight back after the weigh-in. He has been known to lose 3 to 4 pounds by not eating the night before and cutting the next morning.
    I don't like it, I think it's unhealthy but that's the world of wrestling. :grumble:

    That's why a lot of body builders and fighters do the epsom salt/alcohol thing. Before a contest (to make weight) or show, the fighter will sit in a hot bath - the hottest water they can handle - with approximately one gallon of Epsom Salt and five to eight bottles of Winter Green rubbing alcohol, (which is poured on the body). They lay in there and it sucks out all the subcutaneous water, while allowing the body to retain its intramuscular water. For bodybuilding purposes, if you sit in that for 30 to 45 minutes, pad dry it off, and go straight to sleep. When you wake up in the morning you will be shredded.

    A sauna will burn the athlete out and dehydrate them, which will affect their performance the following day. We just want to make weight. We want them to be on top of their game. This way will help them to rest, as it will put them to sleep immediately.

    I imagine this will piss a lot of people off, but he asked a question and got a straight answer.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Cut off your most unused limb, I am guessing this would your non-dominant arm. Make sure you keep the limb on ice as you may be able to have it re-attached after the competition, although if may cost you much more than the $600 you would win.

    I actually laughed out loud at this one!!!!! Hmmm, 'most unused limb'... can't think of which one it could be!!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    My son is a wrestler and would "cut weight" every morning of a tournament before weigh-ins by running until he was basically dehydrated and then immediately drink the weight back after the weigh-in. He has been known to lose 3 to 4 pounds by not eating the night before and cutting the next morning.
    I don't like it, I think it's unhealthy but that's the world of wrestling. :grumble:

    That's why a lot of body builders and fighters do the epsom salt/alcohol thing. Before a contest (to make weight) or show, the fighter will sit in a hot bath - the hottest water they can handle - with approximately one gallon of Epsom Salt and five to eight bottles of Winter Green rubbing alcohol, (which is poured on the body). They lay in there and it sucks out all the subcutaneous water, while allowing the body to retain its intramuscular water. For bodybuilding purposes, if you sit in that for 30 to 45 minutes, pad dry it off, and go straight to sleep. When you wake up in the morning you will be shredded.

    A sauna will burn the athlete out and dehydrate them, which will affect their performance the following day. We just want to make weight. We want them to be on top of their game. This way will help them to rest, as it will put them to sleep immediately.

    I imagine this will piss a lot of people off, but he asked a question and got a straight answer.

    Really? And this works?? Seems safer to me than cutting weight by running until your nearly dead the morning of...