PMS - Does anyone else get it bad?



  • hkovich
    Yes, this is me SO much! I have found that the right birth control can help significantly with controlling the symptoms, but not always. Do they diagnose different types of birth control for PMDD?
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Yep I used to get it bad in teens then its eased off then after I hit 40 it started to get bad again. I've been totally stressed out today cos of a letter I daren't open this morning, then it snowed which made me cry - i'm wheelchair user and was trapped in house for 2 weeks last year when we had 8" of snow here.. just in case you think crying over snow is a bit extreme!!

    I get frustrated cos if i can't get mobility scooter up drive i cant get dog out for her walk or to shops.. and my monthlies are due next week so there in full swing! :sad: :sad:

    Feel free to add me as a friend and we can be paranoid together about the rest of our friends list.. lol! :laugh:

    Sorry to hear that. Hope the snow passes soon and you can get out. xx
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Could definitely be to your GYN and carefully consider all options. I've tried YAZ and it made me far worse instead of helping. I also tried antidepressants mixed with the pill and that was a huge disaster that took me quite some time to recover from. Being that I had two bad incidents, I decided to drop weight, exercise and eat healthy plus seek another opinion. I ended up being diagnosed with endometriosis which I had dealt with early last year and I've been considerably better. However I still get bad PMS at times...but I find that exercise and healthy eating do me the best. I also take a high dose of B12 daily.
    Trust me, there's no reason to live your life like that...go from doctor to doctor until you have one that really listens and is willing to help!! :flowerforyou:
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Fish like salmon or trout is usually a good source of Vitamin B. I think that liver is too. But there are all kinds of Vitamin Bs. Vitamin b is actually what helps give you energy too! :)

    My friend who I spoke of is taking a multi and a combined B vitamin.
    I am taking a vitamin pack that includes that. We have both been using Shaklee simply because its made from whole plants/ whole foods and its not artificially created.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I usually eat chocolate and cry, A LOT!
  • heatherlh83
    heatherlh83 Posts: 76 Member
    Oh yeah, I'm a total psycho when I have PMS too, lol. You definitely aren't the only one. For what it's worth, I was actually less emotional when I was pregnant than I am when I have PMS. Hormones are weird.
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    I have really bad PMS - some times im literally crippled with it - however the more weight iv lost the better its got tbh ! The psycho side of me tho that happens for 2 days hasnt gone tho on them days guys just need to leave me alone ( but then i get mad there not talking ) so they cant do anything right lol
  • dlynnkind
    dlynnkind Posts: 134 Member
    Pre-Meunstral Dismorphic Disorder. I have the same thing, talked to my Gyn about it, they can do birth control, or an anti-depressant the week before your period. My dr. also recommended Evening Primose oil (pill) and exercise. The exercise seems to help, I have noticed its less severe and haven't had to take the anti-depressant for awhile.

    Good luck and talk to your doctor.


    P.S. I'm 38 and just noticed it getting worse the past two years, I think its hormonal changes with age.
  • SparksFly460
    Oh I'm glad I'm not the only one. When I lived with two female roommates, it didn't feel out of the norm to have crying bouts, frustration, moodiness, general hatred of the males species etc etc.

    Now I live with my boyfriend...

    I feel like I'm crazy...

    He looks at me like I'm a ticking bomb sometimes...

    I questioned my sanity...

    Then I remember I am within the delicate time constraint of my menstrual cycle. It's funny how your environment dictates your perception of the normalcy with regards to hormones :laugh:

    Anyways. I was on Loestrin 24 for four years. Worked awesome. Controlled my moods beautifully, lessened my acne, reduced the flow....I even came off anti depressants within months of taking it (yeah it was baaad).

    But I was still experiencing break through bleeding so my Gynecologist switched me to Aviane....and I lost my mind. I mean it was the worst 2.5 months I had experienced in a long time. I was sick to my stomach every morning. I had my period for two weeks, off for one it again for another two weeks....lather rinse repeat. I was a nut job & a basket case. I ran back to my DR crying and she put me on the Nuvaring.

    It doesnt control my moods the way Loestrin did but I have no other complaints.

    At this point the safest bet is to let me wallow in my corner while I'm PMSing, on the day I take my ring out (drop in hormones) and during my period. Throw an occasional chocolate my way, endless amounts of tea and don't question the crying outbursts
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I usually eat chocolate and cry, A LOT!

    Maybe my healthy eating is why its got worse - I've given up chocolate!!!!
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Yes, I get like that sometimes. My symptoms change every month though... sometimes cramps, backaches, headaches, fatigue, etc. Sometimes I even get hot flashes, my visions blacks out, or I throw up. :frown: Sounds terrible, but I haven't talked to a gyno about it yet. All the women in my family are intolerant to birth control, so I haven't considered it an option. The more I take care of myself, the easier it gets though. I basically expect the worse and deal with whatever I'm given that month. :drinker:
  • Babyrunner1225
    Oh yeah, I'm a total psycho when I have PMS too, lol. You definitely aren't the only one. For what it's worth, I was actually less emotional when I was pregnant than I am when I have PMS. Hormones are weird.

    I am the same way.
  • chrren
    chrren Posts: 71 Member
    I also get it pretty bad, but only the first day. I'm not usually effected emotionally, but I get cramps so bad that I usually end up throwing up. After I started to exercise it has gotten better though, and sometimes even one painkiller does the trick.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I never totally gave up chocolate. I just limit myself to one or two very tasty squares.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I simply cannot limit myself! As soon as I have one square I get the taste for it and can't rest until the bar is gone!
  • yluuuu
    yluuuu Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry if this is in the wrong group. But its not really weight loss related, so hoped it fit in with support.

    I get extremely bad PMS these days - I cry at ANYTHING and generally feel I cannot cope with the world. I also find myself creating whole fictional arguments with those I love in my head as I convince myself everyone has fallen out with me/is annoyed with me/ I've done something terrible when I haven't. Usually all made better with a hug for hubby to be and a cup of tea at least!

    Its only for 3 or 4 days before my period, and the rest of the time I am fine. So its not depression. But I am starting to worry its not normal.

    Does anyone else feel like this?

    Are you me? This is exactly how I feel a couple days before my period. I start thinking everyone dislikes/annoyed with me. I cry over anything and everything and I'm also very *****y and get pretty depressed during those days... Of course I feel pretty horrible afterwards since I get irritated easily during those days and lash out at people. =( Those days are definitely worse than my period!