On the wagon again

I've recently started MyFitnessPal and losing weight...again. My main problem is exercise as I've never been overly enthusiastic about it. I was the girl in high school that looked great without trying and well, it has caught up with me in the last 6 years. I have a horrible medical history in genetics so I need to do this to keep myself healthy. My dear husband has tried to be my coach, but it's not always easy when he can lose 20 pounds without breaking a sweat and I'm next to him sweating my butt off and losing maybe 5 if I'm lucky. I'm trying new things this time with both diet and exercise, so I hope to be at my goal weight by Thanksgiving. Now, to find that motivation....


  • sspetter
    sspetter Posts: 20 Member
    You are in the right place! I love the ease of calorie counting with MFP. If you wan to friend me, please do! It's always easier to diet with others than on your own!
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I'll help motivate you! Add me if you'd like some extra support.
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    Yes, you are definitely in the right place. i too am back on the wagon. I used MFP for most of last year and lost 57 pounds. I then made the mistake of letting life get in the way and started eating crappy again, stopped exercising and therefor started feeling blah again. This is my first week back to eat healthy and exercising and I'm feeling great.
    Try not to compare what your body is doing to your husband's or anyone else's. Everybody is different. Your metabolism is different. You might have to work a little harder to get your metabolism going but it will get there.
    You will find a lot of fantastic support and ideas here on MFP.
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    good for you, prioritizing your health and giving it a shot again! i'm back, too - it's tough to admit that we're not taking the best care of ourselves as possible (with diet and exercise), but realizing that is the only way to get back on track. good luck to you!
  • nshannon14
    nshannon14 Posts: 36 Member
    The thing I like about these forums is the ability to come here and vent sometimes. Most of the responses you will get will be positive in encouraging. I do find a few that are condescending and a few that are know it alls but I would say 90% of what you hear on these will be encouraging. Getting assistance from other people that are going through exactly what you are going through helps keep you motivated. I advise you to add as many friends as you can. Thus far all of mine have been really great about being encouraging and providing support/advice. Also recipes get thrown around quite a bit. OH! I also advise you to go in the "groups" section. There is one group that is all of the Hogwarts houses. Something tells me that will be right up your alley. :wink:
  • aislingjm
    aislingjm Posts: 2 Member
    First of all well done on taking the right step forward. remember stay positive and keep telling yourself that you will succeed. i have to say I love my job as fitness instructor/personal trainer. if you need any advice I am here for you. remember it doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop.
  • zebraspots2069
    zebraspots2069 Posts: 213 Member
    Welcome, this is a great place for motivation and support (give or take a few).....feel free to friend me for additional support.