Frequent (daily) weigh-ins: what have you learned?



  • But I like to weigh daily, it's probably the control freak in me.

    100% Agreed. Its absolutely the control. :)

    It's a huge motivator to stay on track, too. I think if you defined by the number on the scale, daily weigh ins would be torture. But I take it in stride, and if I flucuate up I stay focused on eating healthy that day. If I'm down, I'm motivated to eat healthy. Win-win - and I'm in control. HA!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For those of us who weigh-in daily or frequently, what lessons have you learned from it?

    I have learned that I friggin' LOVE Zumba because it made that scale go down so quickly.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night.

    I've learned that if I only gain a pound or so throughout the day, I can expect a loss in the morning. If I gain MORE than around 2 pounds during the day, I can expect to maintain or gain a bit.

    So far, this has been true EVERY time.

    HOLY COW I thought I was the only one that did this!! Glad to see I am not!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm always down 3-5 pounds early in the week then after Thursday - Saturday it usually levels off at about a 2-3 pound loss on average, and that I'm also very sensitive to sodium.
  • Could that be b/c you're dehydrated from the alcohol? Try drinking tons of water when you drink alcohol next time. I don't find that I weigh less the morning after alcohol; I am pretty sure it's b/c my body is holding on to fluids as I'm dehydrated.
  • it depresses me. I do it once a week. weight fluxuates over the course of a day and with hormones and lazy eating I do it once a week . If not I get discouraged. But thats me.
  • Zalitharia
    Zalitharia Posts: 34 Member
    Eating restaurant food or anything loaded with sodium would make me "gain" anywhere from 1-3 pounds for about 2-3 days

    After a night of drinking, dehydration will make me "lose" 1-2 pounds for a day.

    I'd never connected restaurant food/ high sodium with the upped weight - good work on linking those!
    Although that may be because I'm more likely to cheat on weekends, which is when I'll go to restaurants.

    And as for the alcohol - lucky you! I put on up to 2kg for the next day or 2 :grumble:

    Sodium! Of course!
    Learned something new today
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I find this to be true also....I work shift work and I weigh myself after an 8 hour sleep or whatever, and before I go for my sleep. I know when I go to bed exactly how much i'll be in the morning, based on what I ate and what exercise I had throughout the shift. I used to live on the I learned how everything I do and eat or drink effects my weight. Now I only go on twice in 24 hours and this keeps me motivated and on track :))
  • wannalosew82
    wannalosew82 Posts: 108 Member
    The difference in weight before I do my exercise DVD (Ripped in 30 for now) and after I am done in the morning is approximately 0.5 lbs.
  • Chottu
    Chottu Posts: 17 Member
    I was 40 lbs lighter before my baby so my goal is to fit back in my old dresses so I donot weigh myself at all.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I used to weigh myself daily and I find it too discouraging... I am doing once a week so I can see a big change!! :happy:
  • emactut
    emactut Posts: 7 Member
    Yep, I've found that to be the same with me. It's so surprising how much sodium can affect me for a couple days.
  • Zalitharia
    Zalitharia Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, after a pee, because it motivates me and encourages me. I realize that fluctuations will happen and I don't let them get me down. I only track the weight each week (Monday morning), but I like to see the little fluctuations that occur based on what I did the day/week/night before. If, on any given day, my weight is down, I get excited to keep going. If my weight goes up a bit, it's motivation to work a little bit harder that day, or be a little more careful about what I eat.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    1. Excess sodium will only affect my weight after 4 or more days of getting too much.
    2. any time i try something new, my weight fluctuates like crazy for 2 weeks, and then settles down again.
    3. Eating a half pound burrito and immediately weighing....does not lead to a half pound gain (SO mysterious!)
    4. My mom weighs daily, too. I know this because my scale is ALWAYS on User 2 when i get on it, and i have to reset it, get back off, and try again.
  • LauraLH86
    LauraLH86 Posts: 2 Member
    I measure both weight and inches. I only weigh myself twice a week but only record my weight on Tuesdays. I measure myself also and I always measure a couple times. Ex: if I'm measuring my hips/lovehandles then I measure three times, trying to get the largest part possible and then keep the largest measurement and I keep the measuring tape lose and don't pull it together. I like keep track of both, especially since I started weight training. Last week I only lost 2lbs on the scale but I lost 1.75 inches off my body. When you start building muscle but it's hidden under a bulky fat layer inches will tell you more then pounds regarding your progress.