You know you're on a diet when...

... you fancy a treat and buy a chilled pizza, but BEFORE cooking it, you cut it in half so you can't be tempted to have the whole thing! These are the small but important things that make the difference for the future of 'keeping it off'

So have any of you got turning points like this where you realise you control what you eat rather than what you eat controlling you? Let's here them here...


  • Spending time, sometimes up to 30 minutes, on a restaruants website examining the nutritional information so that I can get something I want and at the same time not feel guilty and truly enjoy my meal.
  • Im at the store and something looks really good. I pick it up excited and read the food label. Then I realize how unhealthy it is and I really shouldn't buy it. I think to myself 'but its just sooooo good!'. I have to fight myself to put it back :grumble: but once I leave the store, I feel better about my self control.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member plan your entire day's worth of food so you know how many calories might be left for dessert. Then, you make sure you get in enough exercise so you CAN safely eat dessert and not stress the enitre day.

    LMAO...not that I'VE done that. I've heard other do that sort of thing:laugh:
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    Spending time, sometimes up to 30 minutes, on a restaruants website examining the nutritional information so that I can get something I want and at the same time not feel guilty and truly enjoy my meal.

    I've done that!!!!!!!
  • When I buy boxes of snacks, I look at the serving size and split the whole box into little baggies so I don't accidentally eat more than one serving
  • Beccaliebchen
    Beccaliebchen Posts: 20 Member
    Oh my goodness, that is a fantastic idea!
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    When you refuse the new death by chocolate doughnut at the store, when someone else is buying because you know it has a bazillion calories and that you'll eat it all.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Start figuring out least amount of calories you can eat to still have a a few beers and not go over calories.
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    When you tell your kids "Don't you DARE bring home any leftover cupcakes after your class party! Try and give them to other teachers, the school secretaries... maybe the librarian would like one (or two)..." (And you bought your favorite cupcakes so that you could IMAGINE how they taste before you send them to school...) LOL
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    You know you're on a diet when you buy an extra set of measuring spoons, remove the Tbsp one and carry it with you at all times so that you can measure your half & half when you get coffee... and yes, I actually do that! :)
  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    It takes you a long time to either just grocery shop because of reading labels on everything or you get dirty looks from some moron behind the counter at a fast food place because you asked to see their menu with the calories on it.. I just smile back & take more time & really tick them off... And also putting one serving size of treats in a baggie so that you don't eat to much.. I could go on - but I do know that I have changed the way I handle food & life in general since joinging MFP.. And being addicted to logging.. Good luck everyone..
  • When I buy boxes of snacks, I look at the serving size and split the whole box into little baggies so I don't accidentally eat more than one serving

    Love this!!!
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    Wow... truly scary... I've done ALL of this... LOL
  • You know you're on a diet when you buy an extra set of measuring spoons, remove the Tbsp one and carry it with you at all times so that you can measure your half & half when you get coffee... and yes, I actually do that! :)

  • You know you're on a diet when you buy an extra set of measuring spoons, remove the Tbsp one and carry it with you at all times so that you can measure your half & half when you get coffee... and yes, I actually do that! :)


    Totally, and not even necessary for just coffee... Used them in restaurants when I get my salad dressing on the side.
  • that's me everyday but i don't cut out the food so much...i figure out how much i need to work out to be able drink a few. if i don't have enough calories left for a good craft beer or two then i drink a jack and diet coke instead! (1/3 the calories!) beer is good but since we started brewing our own a year ago, i put back on that damn 20 lbs i had just worked for a year to get off. but since starting with myfitnesspal, i am back down 12lbs and applying a bit of moderation to the diet too....but i really like beer.
  • Eating a store bought applesauce that tastes to sweet only to find out it has extra sugar added to it. I check labels much closer and swap brands if I don't like the ingredients.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    Start figuring out least amount of calories you can eat to still have a a few beers and not go over calories.

    OK...I've done that, too, when we're planning on going out. But, I also figure in the fried goodness, too!
  • trolkeeper
    trolkeeper Posts: 127 Member
    Spending time, sometimes up to 30 minutes, on a restaruants website examining the nutritional information so that I can get something I want and at the same time not feel guilty and truly enjoy my meal.

    yes, me too
  • trolkeeper
    trolkeeper Posts: 127 Member
    You know you're on a diet when you buy an extra set of measuring spoons, remove the Tbsp one and carry it with you at all times so that you can measure your half & half when you get coffee... and yes, I actually do that! :)


    Totally, and not even necessary for just coffee... Used them in restaurants when I get my salad dressing on the side.

    great tip