MFP friends

Hi! I am not new to MFP, been here for about a year. Recently my team at work has started a "bigger looser contest" not for just loosing weight, but to build a healthier lifestyle. I have told some about this site and found that one thing I told them is that you can add friends doing the same thing you are. Then I realized that I had not utilized that myself. So, I am a 1,200 calorie a day person looking for others to help motivate me and who I can help motivate. Anyone feel free to add me.

On the plus side, one friend did look into this site, loved it so much she talked her sister into joining :)


  • Tangy1966
    Tangy1966 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm on 1200 calories a day, and seem to be maintaining ok. I am not drinking any alcohol at this time
    and that seems to be making the difference...miss my wine a little, but losing weight is more important to me right now!
  • whatluckycat
    whatluckycat Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, so you're my first friend! :) I'm also at 1200 calories and so far don't really have any problem staying at or below it. My major cravings are ice cream and cheese (not together! :tongue: ) so I try to look the other way in the grocery store. I really can't have stuff like that at home, because if it's there I WILL eat it.
  • winodini
    winodini Posts: 135 Member
    I am missing wine too. But I figure I won't miss it as much as I miss my belly lol!
  • tmlittl
    tmlittl Posts: 10 Member
    I miss my wine too LOL
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Hi there... I'm at 1390 calories, but that seems close... and it's WAY less than I'm used to eating, so it's definitely a challenge.

    I'm looking for more friends to help motivate me (good peer pressure is always very motivating to me), so if my calorie count's not too high, feel free to add me as a friend.

    Not a wine drinker, but I'd love a good microbrew right now! Holding out... my new rule is no alcohol during the week (gotta have a little fun, or what's the point?).

    Good luck :-)