Losing Weight really FAST



  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I hate that weight loss has become a competitive sport. :huh:

    Giiiiirl your booty looks great! Folks, please, behold the power of strength training!!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Is a biggest loser week longer??

    I have heard about them being dehydrated and going to lengths, esp toward the final. Also its clear to see what being hydrated does to their bodies when one wins a free pass for that week, drinks water, looses very little then the next week has a mega loss due to water weight and of course whatever they lose that week.

    I do enjoy biggest loser and like that they have started to show nutritional bits and stuff but feel it gives unrealistic view, they dont work, they do nothing but workout, dont go to the shops to choose and buy food etc, its unrealsitic.

    I lost alot of weight with a very low calorie diet and within 2-3 weeks of stopping it had gained about a stone. I wasnt even eating badly. My hair also started to fall out.

    Fat again and trying to do it right this time!

    Eh, the nutritional bits are really just built-in commercials for the packaged food sponsors of the show... frozen smoothies, cereal bars, Subway, whatever. I personally HATE those parts of the show, they're so stilted! "Oh hey, are you guys hungry for a healthy snack?" "Sure, I was thinking of having ...." ugh

    That said, I watch the show while I run on the treadmill sometimes : X But it's obvious to anyone who's made it as far as MFP that a lot of that weight loss is not going to be lasting because of how it's achieved!

    So why is Biggest Loser not treated the way other "unhealthy" and unrealistic methods of weight loss are on MFP? Why is everybody do darned hooked on it? Since repeatedly losing and gaining is less healthy even than staying fat, and since it's "obvious" that the "weight loss is not going to be lasting because of how it's achieved," why would it be appropriate here?
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I have read an article about the biggest losers fast weight loss methods. And they were losing a huge amount of weight and wherein losing 10pounds a week or more looks fantastic and losing like 3 or less is like more frustrating. Mostly of the contestants gained a lot after the show.


    Article says::

    Take Ryan Benson: The 2005 champ admitted he was urinating blood after fasting and dehydrating himself toward the $250,000 prize. Not very admirable press for "The Biggest Loser," and Benson believes he's been ignored by the show in return. Then there's Season 3's Kai Hibbard, who has blogged she and others would dehydrate before weigh-ins and stack on clothing during workouts when cameras weren't rolling. She gained 31 pounds in two weeks after the show, mostly by staying hydrated. Great, about 10 million viewers unknowingly tuning in to dehydration TV.

    I'm shocked about gaining 31pounds in 2weeks! That's a fastest weight gain, I ever heard in my entire life!

    The lifestyle on the biggest loser is not conducive to long term success. Its a good start but its simply not possible to maintain that level of activity. I watch the show but it is very misleading. The average person doe snot lose 10 pounds every week. Its just not healthy. I think it sets people up to fail. They expect 10 pounds every week and when they cant get it the get discouraged and give up.
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    You do know that a Biggest Loser "week" is not really a week, right?

    I've never watched the show .... but the competitive nature is scary to me.

    our biggest loser uk is done over 8 weeks and it is weekly weigh ins. They tend to lose lots in the first week and then it slows to around 2lbs a week.

    i personally love the show, i watch it every week :love: :heart:

    I love the show too. And if people are dehydrating themselves or starving themselves in order to win the show, then that's their problem, not the show's.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Is a biggest loser week longer??

    I have heard about them being dehydrated and going to lengths, esp toward the final. Also its clear to see what being hydrated does to their bodies when one wins a free pass for that week, drinks water, looses very little then the next week has a mega loss due to water weight and of course whatever they lose that week.

    I do enjoy biggest loser and like that they have started to show nutritional bits and stuff but feel it gives unrealistic view, they dont work, they do nothing but workout, dont go to the shops to choose and buy food etc, its unrealsitic.

    I lost alot of weight with a very low calorie diet and within 2-3 weeks of stopping it had gained about a stone. I wasnt even eating badly. My hair also started to fall out.

    Fat again and trying to do it right this time!

    Eh, the nutritional bits are really just built-in commercials for the packaged food sponsors of the show... frozen smoothies, cereal bars, Subway, whatever. I personally HATE those parts of the show, they're so stilted! "Oh hey, are you guys hungry for a healthy snack?" "Sure, I was thinking of having ...." ugh

    That said, I watch the show while I run on the treadmill sometimes : X But it's obvious to anyone who's made it as far as MFP that a lot of that weight loss is not going to be lasting because of how it's achieved!

    So why is Biggest Loser not treated the way other "unhealthy" and unrealistic methods of weight loss are on MFP? Why is everybody do darned hooked on it? Since repeatedly losing and gaining is less healthy even than staying fat, and since it's "obvious" that the "weight loss is not going to be lasting because of how it's achieved," why would it be appropriate here?

    Because, believe it or not, many people did become inspired by the programme and the contestants and their weight-loss.

    Whatever anybody may say or feel about the Biggest Loser, it did one thing and that was bring to the public's attention weight-loss and all it entailed.

    People would watch the programme and be genuinely interested to see how much weight each person would lose the next week.

    Don't forget the people that go on there are severely obese, their weight will literally fly off because they have so much excess in the first place.

    Love it or hate it, it certainly has the Marmite effect.
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    Check out the boxers and MMA fighters do weigh-ins. They will pack on 20-25 pounds in 24 hours before a fight.

    i saw St. Pierre fight a little while back. and his stats said 5'10'' and 175 lbs. Im thinking, im 6ft and 175 lbs and he looks a quite a bit bigger than i do...... an inch in height cant make that big of a difference. lol

    i was guessing he looked about 190
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Judging by the opinions in this thread, not "everyone" loves the show. :smile:

    I've watched it, and found it inspirational, but I also found it completely ridiculous and hate that it makes it seem like you have to deny yourself everything you enjoy and exercise until you cry, scream, puke or fall down, to get results.

    I also watched Celebrity Wife Swap, but I don't want to switch spouses with anyone. It's just trainwreck television. I'm not proud that I like watching trainwrecks, but I do.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Judging by the opinions in this thread, not "everyone" loves the show. :smile:

    I've watched it, and found it inspirational, but I also found it completely ridiculous and hate that it makes it seem like you have to deny yourself everything you enjoy and exercise until you cry, scream, puke or fall down, to get results.

    I also watched Celebrity Wife Swap, but I don't want to switch spouses with anyone. It's just trainwreck television. I'm not proud that I like watching trainwrecks, but I do.

    Actually, something has always confounded me in the Biggest Loser regarding exercise and that is, how the hell do people that large not have bloody cardiacs when they are forced to do the exercise they do on there. Some of them are huge and yet RUN on the treadmill. Completely and utterly confusing.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Of course they all stayed in sauna with no water and no food before the weight in.
    Why does that surprise you?
  • aweightymatter
    Is a biggest loser week longer??

    I have heard about them being dehydrated and going to lengths, esp toward the final. Also its clear to see what being hydrated does to their bodies when one wins a free pass for that week, drinks water, looses very little then the next week has a mega loss due to water weight and of course whatever they lose that week.

    I do enjoy biggest loser and like that they have started to show nutritional bits and stuff but feel it gives unrealistic view, they dont work, they do nothing but workout, dont go to the shops to choose and buy food etc, its unrealsitic.

    I lost alot of weight with a very low calorie diet and within 2-3 weeks of stopping it had gained about a stone. I wasnt even eating badly. My hair also started to fall out.

    Fat again and trying to do it right this time!

    Eh, the nutritional bits are really just built-in commercials for the packaged food sponsors of the show... frozen smoothies, cereal bars, Subway, whatever. I personally HATE those parts of the show, they're so stilted! "Oh hey, are you guys hungry for a healthy snack?" "Sure, I was thinking of having ...." ugh

    That said, I watch the show while I run on the treadmill sometimes : X But it's obvious to anyone who's made it as far as MFP that a lot of that weight loss is not going to be lasting because of how it's achieved!

    So why is Biggest Loser not treated the way other "unhealthy" and unrealistic methods of weight loss are on MFP? Why is everybody do darned hooked on it? Since repeatedly losing and gaining is less healthy even than staying fat, and since it's "obvious" that the "weight loss is not going to be lasting because of how it's achieved," why would it be appropriate here?

    Not sure, I didn't start the thread? I didn't even see a full episode of the show until a couple months ago when I got Netflix.

    I think a lot of the people on the show are dangerously close to life-threatening disease, though, because they are so large.... So I do think the parts where they get a wake-up call medical screening from the doctor are useful to a mass audience. As far as the rest, well, it is very telling that there is no talk of body fat percentage or muscle mass -- because they're probably losing a crapload of muscle.
  • Effervescent17
    Effervescent17 Posts: 61 Member
    Never got into that show, because it's pretty ridiculous. Dehydrating is horrible! I'm constantly drinking water myself. If I gain water weight so be it! So not worth it to see the scale lower if I'm missing out on water. I'm addicted to h2o!
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Wowww... I like how Americans tend to do the stupidest things to themselves for some extra money. Next thing you know it's going to be like Indonesia where selling your kidney is considered normal.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I lost the first sixty pounds of my weight very quickly (first 20 weeks of dieting) and I feel like I lost a TON of muscle too - that I am now rebuilding. I also lost a ton of hair a few months after, which is now finally growing back in well. Its hard on your body. If I had to do it all over again, I'd gradually reduce my calories and start high. And weight train from the beginning. But I have to admit losing quickly motivated me to see it through to the end.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I have a problem with the problem people are seeing here.

    There are other sports with weigh ins that tend to require dehydration to meet.
    Wrestling, UFC, Boxing, Powerlifting... even some bodybuilders dehydrate. This is nothing new. Personally, I'd spend all day every day working my butt off and working on dehydrating myself over and over again, every week to make all that money.

    These guys know what they are in for, they even have medical professionals there to oversee it and make sure they survive! Yes, they aren't losing the healthiest way, but you have to also realize they are not dehydrating themselves nonstop for the whole show, its bits and pieces. The water weight is probably the last few days every week, so the rest of their loss is still a real loss.

    I've had to "cut" weight through dehydration before to make a weigh in, it sucks. It really does, they are basically in a special sport, where its a fact of life.

    Most of those people will gain weight back as well for two reasons.
    1. Because of the rigorous training and process, they are not learning to maintain a lower calorie deficit on their own.
    2. Part of it is water loss, so a percentage (my estimate about 10-25%) of it will bounce back on as soon as they finish.

    Yes, this isn't something the average person could handle, but these guys signed up for it. I believe that those people, whether they win or not deserve kudos because they are truly working harder than 95% of the average dieters out there. I guarantee by the time they exit that show, they are healthier than they have ever been in their lifetime!

    I wont be back to argue, go ahead... I have to go to the gym and do my own stuff.... but why down on the show for paying people to do it. The contestants know whats going on beforehand. Is it the whole "The Media is misleading us!" Well, buddy. This isn't the first time.
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    Sure some of the things they do on the show are unrealistic. As someone previously mentioned, its not the shows fault that people are dehydrating themselves to win 250,000$ in the finale... They are desperate to win that money. .. as for the "unrealistic" amounts of weight loss.. of course they are losing big numbers... their JOB is to work out and eat healthy.. its the POINT of the show.. that healthy diet and exercise are an effective way to lose weight. They are trying to wake up America by proving this point, since fad diets, and surgeries are becoming so popular, as well as obsesity being a huge PROBLEM! I dont know about you but i wouldnt be so interested in watching a TV show where people lost 1-2 lbs per week, living an every day normal life.. They have to make it interesting some how.. and with 13 seasons i'd say people are pretty interested...The show has inspired many people, and the people who are expecting to lose numbers as big as on biggest loser.... thats their own fault, setting unrealistic expectations... unless you are making working out your life, like they do on the show, you are not going to get the same results...
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Check out the boxers and MMA fighters do weigh-ins. They will pack on 20-25 pounds in 24 hours before a fight.

    i saw St. Pierre fight a little while back. and his stats said 5'10'' and 175 lbs. Im thinking, im 6ft and 175 lbs and he looks a quite a bit bigger than i do...... an inch in height cant make that big of a difference. lol

    i was guessing he looked about 190

    You are probably correct about that 190... he might have been heavier. Dehydration is serious. My boyfriend tried a 45lb water cut for a meet once, he gave up at 30lbs and switched his weight class up because it was so rough, he has done crazy cuts before as well.
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    I have a problem with the problem people are seeing here.

    There are other sports with weigh ins that tend to require dehydration to meet.
    Wrestling, UFC, Boxing, Powerlifting... even some bodybuilders dehydrate. This is nothing new. Personally, I'd spend all day every day working my butt off and working on dehydrating myself over and over again, every week to make all that money.

    These guys know what they are in for, they even have medical professionals there to oversee it and make sure they survive! Yes, they aren't losing the healthiest way, but you have to also realize they are not dehydrating themselves nonstop for the whole show, its bits and pieces. The water weight is probably the last few days every week, so the rest of their loss is still a real loss.

    I've had to "cut" weight through dehydration before to make a weigh in, it sucks. It really does, they are basically in a special sport, where its a fact of life.

    Most of those people will gain weight back as well for two reasons.
    1. Because of the rigorous training and process, they are not learning to maintain a lower calorie deficit on their own.
    2. Part of it is water loss, so a percentage (my estimate about 10-25%) of it will bounce back on as soon as they finish.

    Yes, this isn't something the average person could handle, but these guys signed up for it. I believe that those people, whether they win or not deserve kudos because they are truly working harder than 95% of the average dieters out there. I guarantee by the time they exit that show, they are healthier than they have ever been in their lifetime!

    I wont be back to argue, go ahead... I have to go to the gym and do my own stuff.... but why down on the show for paying people to do it. The contestants know whats going on beforehand. Is it the whole "The Media is misleading us!" Well, buddy. This isn't the first time.

    ^^ totally agree
  • Biomisty
    Biomisty Posts: 41 Member
    Of course there are going to be people abusing the situation just like with everything else. I personally love the Biggest Loser. It is the reason that I ran my first marathon. I don't think its possible for me to drop 10 everyweek, I'm not that stupid, but I do think if I worked out for 6 hours a day I couldbe to my goal in a few months. Just because there are some that gained their weight back doesn't mean that most have not kept it off. My take home message from the show is that with hard work anything is possible. And for the rest... the dehydration, ads, etc. well nothing is perfect becaue humans aren't perfect but overall this show for me atleast has been positive.
  • susankaye123
    As far as Im concerned the biggest loser inspired me. Maybe some gained all the weight back. But they have reunions where they all come togeather and most have kept their weight off. Alot have run marathons. They lose weight fast cause they work their butts off on that show and learn about nutrition..Its truly amazing to see people with so much weight find themselves and get a second chance at life.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    What is telling to me is how few of the biggest loser contestants managed to keep that weight off. Most of them failed miserably.