Hello I'm new!

Hello! I joined MFP back in December before I had my youngest son. He was born Jan 5th. I also have a 3 year old. I just had my 6 week apt and am finally able to work out etc again! I need all the help I can get on my weight loss journey! I need to lose about 60 pounds to get back to where I was before kids.


  • annahrait
    annahrait Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome!! I am new too. Happy to chat, support, tell you off.. what ever you need.
    6 weeks seems really early to get back on to any weight loss? You just taking it easy at first??
  • Yea I want to get into a good routine with eating healthy after 9 months of crap eating!
  • Hi I'm new, been hiding in a pot hole for long, no confidence... i need some serious help here.... i'm just 25 and every one mokes me for my weight.... hope to go all the way from here...my first post
  • Mymy101
    Mymy101 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm also new, and right now I'm busy trying to navigate around this site. Hopefully I'll master it soon. Good luck on your journey. I'm going to get serious about it soon, and I'll be sure to check up on your progress when I do.
  • Hi! Welcome back! Im also trying to lose post baby weight although she's 2 and a half now! lol Add me if you like x
  • Yea I was trying to lose the first baby's weight still before I got pregnant again and he is 3 going on 4 Uggg. Time to get serious!
  • SerenityGelsinger
    SerenityGelsinger Posts: 80 Member
    I'm fairly new and am also trying to lose baby weight...toddler weight?? My son is three now!!
  • nawazarrio
    nawazarrio Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome aboard! This is an awesome site full of some pretty amazing people. I'm sure you'll be able to find a good support system on here. Good luck to you! :)
  • vbrinks
    vbrinks Posts: 6 Member
    Nobody should mock you for your weight! That's just cruel! I applaud you for having the courage to make the decision to improve your life and your health! Yea for you! I am not new here, but don't post. I need some encouragement with my journey to a helathyier me as well! We can do this!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Hello, i've been doing MFP for a few months and i'm kinda confused. I'm 57,5ft tall & workout 6 days a week, 3miles a day & also do 30min segment of lower, upper & ab workouts in addition. One day of the week I did a 5mi workout. Of course I'm giving each a day of rest on the 30 min segments. I've lost 38 pounds in about a couple of years doing different wgt loss plans. Since adding additional 30 min segments, i've noticed i went up a few pounds. My friend says it's because of that. I do use 6lb wgts for arms & fit cuff for legs. Could that be the reason for wgt gain? Also, I have my goals set at 1200 & eat my exercise calories. Why does it tell me at the end of the day I'm under my calories? Please explain the Goal, Food, Exercise & Net thing for me or please direct me to that section! I'm so confused and upset with scale showing more!!! I hate scales. My clothes fit fine, tho. I'm more interested in inches but the #s on the scale bother me. At one time I had upped my Goal #'s but I lost my weight with 1200 calories & eating my workout calories and so my sister in law who is a registered dietician says i need to start at 1200 & eat my calories worked out. CONFUSED :/ HELP Thank you!
  • hi ya, im half way through loosing my baby weight, got about 20lbs to go

    goodluck on your journey

    feel free to add me anyone who is serious about logging in everyday x
  • 4Tracylee
    4Tracylee Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! Welcome back! Im also trying to lose post baby weight although she's 2 and a half now! lol Add me if you like x
    I am in the same boat as you, my daughter is 2 and 1/2 too. It sure doesn't come off easy at all. I just started three weeks ago and have had little progress.
    Feel free to add me too.
  • hooligansmom
    hooligansmom Posts: 122 Member
    I'm fairly new and am also trying to lose baby weight...toddler weight?? My son is three now!!

    Lol...I am also trying to lose some baby weight...my youngest turns 14 in May! You are eleven years ahead of me!

    I am looking to add some friends, so feel free to add me if you wish.

    Good luck to everyone just starting out. I started on MFP early last month, and have been very fortunate so far. Logging in my calories works so well for me that I have lost 23 lbs. I am expecting it to get much tougher as time goes on, so I just started exercising (long walks) a few days ago.