If at first you dont succeed.......

Hi All!!

So this is anout my gazillionth time trying to lose weight, my problem? NO WILL POWER! Oh and a love fr everything naughty but nice! Anyone else with no will power or struggling? :drinker:


  • Dolphino45
    but just found this site,, put in for the first time what I have eaten in the last few days and oh my what a shock
    just must remember to keep a good check on eating.
    Good luck
    I get the feeling with this site to have fun so you forget the real reson why we are here.....
  • Ngazey1985
    Ngazey1985 Posts: 8 Member
    Glad to see it's not just me struggling!!! (Not that i want you to struggle). I'm still struggling with the will power! My problem is i like junk food and alcohol oh well time to "man up" i suppose! Get ready for the summer!!!!!!