Thinking of trying 30 Day Shred

Ok so I am thinking about trying 30 day shred because I have heard some good things about it and I need a variety in my workouts too. I am worried because I am 296 pounds that I won't be able to do all the moves she does and plus I live in an upstairs apartment and I don't think my neighbors would want to hear me jumping around more than I do already! Anyone who has done 30DS I would love to hear your experience and input. Thanks everyone!!


  • sondyscraps
    sondyscraps Posts: 35 Member
    I have done the 30 day shred but feel I need a buddy to keep me motivated in doing it. I love the work out. There is definitely jumping around involved in it. It is difficult the first few times of doing the routine but it does feel very good to finish the 20 minute work out. I highly recommend it! There is 3 different levels but I have only done the 1st level. If there is anyone out there that wants a buddy type system I am way willing to join in! I really want to do the full 30 days non stop but need that feeling that there is someone else counting on me to do it when I feel like I just can't do it on that day!
  • Mattymoomoo5
    Do it, i just finished day 2 of my first go at it, it hurts every muscle in your body, u find muscles where you didn't realise you had them! you will manage, they excersises i think are effective but simple, no complicated routines like in some of the work out dvds you can get, i have tried many of these and given up because i couldn't keep up!! good luck
  • ctsmith
    ctsmith Posts: 79 Member
    Give it a go you might not be able to do it all the first day but it'll get easier. I am on day 5 and I'm definitely able to do more of it - although still not the cycle crunches at the end! Don't worry about the neighbours it's only 20mins and I asusme you wont be doing it in the middle of the night :-) If you want support while you are doing it feel free to add me :-)
  • Laylasmommy8710
    Great workout!! I did it around christmas 2 years ago. a few of my friends joined me. we cussed jillian out but we pushed and encouraged each other to keep going. we got to level 3. i just recently did level 1 with a different friend of mine and i couldnt believe i ever made it to level 3. shes gonna make ya sweat and swear but it goes by relatively quickly. when i first did the shred i was 300 pounds. you can do it!!!!
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    Give it a try! If it is way too difficult for you, then store it away for when it isn't. But either way, a lot of people really enjoy it.
  • Mmmporkrinds
    Yeah I've done level one a few days and have to say I really enjoy it. It hurts and you puff and sweat and all those sorts of things, and have nightmares about Gillian, but it's all over in twenty minutes. And it does seem to work: I used to have to do the girlie-pressups but now am doing mostly the harder ones. I just need to stop the 'ah, I'll give it a miss just this morning' sorts of thoughts. Today I convinced myself I shouldn't do it because it was Friday. Hello?!
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    I did my first day yesterday and it wasn't as horrific as I was expecting. I'm 219 pounds and was really worried I wouldn't be able to get through it. Struggled with the bicycle crunches towards the end and had to take a bit of a breather but otherwise it was ok. I can feel it a little in my muscles this morning but nothing too awful. I've got my brother visiting at the moment but am going to restart on Monday and try and get all 30 days in - feel free to add me if you want to try and keep eachother accountable.
  • Jordana_x
    I plan to start tonight, my DVD is supposed to arrive in the post at some point today :) Fingers crossed it does!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    do it! If you're worried about noise why don't you speak to your neighbour about it. Maybe you can find a time to work out when they're not home?
  • Charlieh16
    Charlieh16 Posts: 109 Member
    I am currently on level 3 and have so far lost 8" of my body and 7lb from when i started! It's hard but it's really worth it and you do feel great after! :)
  • AnnaMarieRamsden
    I am on day 5 level 1 and I am finding it easier and easier each day. The first 2 days i ached like mad. I am going to maybe watch level 2 today and possiably give it a go.

    I also have the 6 week 6 pack dvd of Jillians as going to add that in to my daily work out.
  • Buzzerman
    The 30day shred will turn inot a 30+ day put even more weight back on!!!. Stick to myfitness pal, Eat all the given calories in there values including all fats and exercise 30mins each day at a fast waliking pace. Thats all there is to it!, Surely you can do that!!!.....Good luck but it is easy paesy! x
  • Frankilou25
    Frankilou25 Posts: 57 Member
    :bigsmile: hey, just got mine on the post today, to start on monday morning!! my husband is joining me nd has no idea what its about mwah ha ha!! but i too feel like i need a buddy to do excercise sometimes. feel free to add me and I will elt you know how its going!!
  • Laurenazz
    I'm going to target to see if they have this todayyy... let me know how everyone likes it.

    feel free to add me =)
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I'm on Level 3 now, and I've lost about 4-5 lbs...level 2 was really hard on my knees and shoulders, so be careful, but it does get results. Personally I can see it most in my arms. Have fun!
  • stephsergi
    I have the same apartment problem as you, living on the 3rd floor. But I find that as long as you're not working out super early or super late, the jumping shouldn't bother your neighbors. I'm also starting 30 DS this weekend , so good luck to you!