I don't want to be a quitter!

Before I was losing weight like nothing, as long as I stuck to my right amount of cals and exercised. In this last month I've only lost about 4lbs because I can not stop eating over my cal limit on weekends! I don't think I push myself hard enough when I work out, and there is NO way I will on my own, I just can't do it. I have no one else around to help me and no money for a trainer or anything! I'm really starting to think I cant do this! I want to so bad, so I should make a way, but I just dont have the motivation.

What can I do to push myself? I walk most places instead of driving now, at times I do a tae bo work out that pushes me, but some times I will just stop if I get too tired, I don't push my limits... Maybe I just need to stop being so lazy! :frown:


  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Before I was losing weight like nothing, as long as I stuck to my right amount of cals and exercised. In this last month I've only lost about 4lbs because I can not stop eating over my cal limit on weekends! I don't think I push myself hard enough when I work out, and there is NO way I will on my own, I just can't do it. I have no one else around to help me and no money for a trainer or anything! I'm really starting to think I cant do this! I want to so bad, so I should make a way, but I just dont have the motivation.

    What can I do to push myself? I walk most places instead of driving now, at times I do a tae bo work out that pushes me, but some times I will just stop if I get too tired, I don't push my limits... Maybe I just need to stop being so lazy! :frown:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    4lbs in a month is GREAT! That's 1lb a week! Don't quit over that! You've lost 4lbs AND you've enjoyed some treats on the weekend, right? THAT is the kind of lifestyle I could stick to!

    I think you should celebrate the 4lbs!

    With that said, could you add a protein shake to replace one of your meals on the weekends? I use a shake that is 130 calories, 20 gram protein, no fat, no carb, and it satisfys, while is low calorie, so that I can indulge in some other treat... just a thought...
  • FitKitty
    FitKitty Posts: 46
    DONT GIVE UP!!!!!
    I know it's EZ to say but we have all been there before! I agree with AJCM, try a protein shake to replace a meal. I dont have one that has no carbs but if you love smoothies... here ya go!

    Fit Kitty's Shake!

    1c. frozen peaches - or any fruit you like frozen
    1c. frozen mangos - or any fruit you like frozen
    4 almonds
    1-3 scoops whey protein powder (I use Designer Whey (get it at Vitamin Shoppe or GNC))
    1 pk Splenda
    1/2 cup plain yogurt

    Put in a blender and enjoy
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Look Carrie, I'm not going to sugar coat it for you. There are times when we all just wanna stop. There isn't any magic bullet that's going to make you go go go. It's really up to you to do that. I can tell you one thing that works for me (well 2 things). 1st, before you start a work out that you know will be hard, stop, take 5 minutes and just think about it, think about everything (I use my stretching time as my focus time as well), think about the work out, think about your goals, about how you will feel as you approach the end of a hard workout and want to stop. Anything, just think about it, motivate yourself, get rid of all the distractions in your head before you start. There is nothing worse for a workout then going into it distracted.
    The second part is, when you start to feel like "this hurts too much" really think about what you are doing, really focus, break down the routine into smaller time frames (I tend to say, ok do it for the next 2 minutes and re-evaluate), give yourself the opportunity to say "Yes" and after a while it will become your motivation without a second thought.

    I hope this helps.

    Stay Strong, you can fight through it!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    The protein shake is a GREAT idea thanks! Thanks for the recipe fitkitty!

    Banks you are right and it has helped. Thank you all! :happy:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    You have lost 4 lbs Carrie that is something to Toot your horn about.:drinker: So it goes to show you you have been doing it. I choose to go for my walk at the same time every day, there have been times I felt I was to tired or just didn't feel up to it. But once I push myself out the door I feel so much better for having done it. Remember your goals and why you started this in the first place, don't give up hope you will feel so much better for it.:flowerforyou:
  • wildcatmom2u
    I had such a rough weekend this weekend. My son is in Iraq and with a new grandbaby in the house there are a lot of times that I don't know if I am coming or going. In fact, this weekend, I didn't do anything. I didn't care and just blew my whole diet. I got up this Monday morning feeling the same way. And you know what? I lost 3 pounds over the weekend. We all get depressed. We want the future us and not the here and now. I have found that going to the gym has really helped. I don't have a trainer, couldn't afford one if I did. But there is a small gym in my town and most of the time I am there by myself, loving every second of it because it is "my time". Even if there are other people there, I still enjoy it because I know that they are there for the same reasons. I know how tough it is with the money. I can't always afford to pay for the gym at the first of the month. When I first started losing weight, I had an old Jane Fonda work out. The best I had ever seen, and when I can't go to the gym I just rely on them. Or if all else fells, tape off the television. I have done that also!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    There is no gym here :frown: I walk, hike and do work out vids... I cant wait for summer when I can SWIM!! My all time fav thing!
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    4 pounds a month X 12 = 48 pounds......... now .. thats a lot !!!!!!!!!

    48 lbs is thats like 7 new born babys :noway: or more then 9 bags of potatoes (the 5lbs ones) !!!!!!!! imagine what that does to your body to have to carry that around all the time ? . and how much it would feel to walk around without it !!

    it always hits reality when you put things in perspective :smile:

    you've done well so far .. just take 1 day at the time.. 1 hour at the time. and you'll get there
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    4 pounds a month X 12 = 48 pounds......... now .. thats a lot !!!!!!!!!

    48 lbs is thats like 7 new born babys :noway: or more then 9 bags of potatoes (the 5lbs ones) !!!!!!!! imagine what that does to your body to have to carry that around all the time ? . and how much it would feel to walk around without it !!

    it always hits reality when you put things in perspective :smile:

    you've done well so far .. just take 1 day at the time.. 1 hour at the time. and you'll get there

    Thanks, I guess when I look at it that way it is good. Just lately its like ive hit a plateau and it sucks!! But when you say it that way its great! I guess it all just takes time.. and effort :grumble: hahaha but at least after I will feel better knowing I did the work and accomplished something right? :smile:
  • wildcatmom2u
    Sorry to hear about the no gym. Try the high school maybe they leave their gym open on the weekends for the athletes.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Buck up, sister! You can do it.

    I know it is SO hard to keep going sometimes. You just have to.

    Maybe get a new workout outfit or DVD? Even if you workout at home, looking cute doing it makes it more fun. (that's the girliest incentive ever, but it works.):flowerforyou:
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    I had a night like that last night! You know what I do? I just crank up the music in my bathroom and just dance. That's it. Just dance. I suck at dancing but that is the fun part. Just say I'm going to move to 5 songs that is about 30 minutes and you can just do anything. I lost 1 inch and 2 lbs in 4 days. That's my workout just tuning out the world and shaking my bum-bum! I put in some actual workout moves too lol. And I'm doing 300 crunches a day. I used to do 1000 crunches back in the day lol. But just getting the 3 sets of 100 I'm so proud because a week ago I couldn't do that. I have been logging my cals and going over sometimes ( a lot) but my body remembers and I think my metabolism is waking up, cause I can see some changes in my cottage cheese:laugh: It doesn't matter what you do just move and keep moving.
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    We don't have a highschool here :frown: A new work out outfit I could do.. i like to dress up even for lil things :laugh:

    I could try the dancing thing... would be fun hahaha
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    We don't have a highschool here :frown: A new work out outfit I could do.. i like to dress up even for lil things :laugh:

    This actually works for me! When I was getting down on working out and what not, I bought a new pair of shoes and a cute little outfit that matched. And its keeping me going.
    I'm really not that girlie, but I mean...whatever works for ya!
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    Let me just say..... visualize, visualize, visualize. That helps me so much! My vision is something like this:


    Also....... if you haven't been to a dressing room with those evil mirrors that show you from every view, take a trip to your local JC Penny's or some such store and have a look. It will be enough to keep you motivated for weeks!

    If those two things don't work, try imagining that twinkle in his eye (doesn't matter who HE is).
    Also think about my friend who recently would up in the hospital with congestive heart failure because of his weight. The doctor said he has two choices, make a radical change in diet and exercise or stop living (for real).

    Hope this helps. I'd love to hear if you actually did any of these.

  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Don't give up, honey...we have all been there. You will get through this little slump. We are here for you!!

    **giving you a little kick in the tush to get you going**