I dont get it!



  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Thanks guys. I have been lifting for a while now. Im not sure if the water retention in the muscle is something that is always occurring or only when you're first starting out. By the way I had my RMR checked and it is currently at 2360. No idea what my TDEE is or what that even means for that matter.

    Water retention will always happen, if you have sore muscles, you'll retain water. Stick with high protein, drink enough water and give it more than a week. Your body could drop drastically next week, you have to wait and see. :)
  • luvmi2kids
    luvmi2kids Posts: 3 Member
    I just came across this and looked at your diary. I think you didn't eat enough. If you do not eat enough your body is smart. It holds onto the fat, because it is afraid you are not going to feed it. It's starvation mode. If you eat all or a bit closer to all of your calories I think you will start to see the weight come off again. This site usually warns you against eating to few calories a day.
  • Is it ok to eat less at one meal so you can have a bigger meal during the day once in awhile? Was just going to have an egg for breakfast so I could save the cals to go out at lunch?
  • Dont give up, everyone hits a plateu every once in awhile. Try mixing up what type of exercise you are doing, or take a day off and endulge in some special dessert. Your body takes time to adjust, give it time but don't be discourage if you go a week or three with no change...
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    OMG I need you, it's my birthday week so I've slipped up quite a bit, but if you view my food diary a week or two back I'm trying to keep my carbs low now while lifting weights in the evening x3 pw ( following NROLFW ) but the book advocates giving your body a 48hr rest between work outs. Whatever you do obviously works, ccould you give me some tips please?

    Hi, drop me a message and I'm sure we can get you motoring :smile:
  • you onl have five lbs to lose so it will take longer to get it off . i wouldnt eat back calories.. i dont and i lose weight although i have more to lose than you do.. i usually eat 1200-1400 a day and i do work out very hard. if my body says it wants more then i eat more. i try hard not to eat processed food and try to eat more wholesome and homemade foods. i understand its easier to pound down a shake or eat a bar but you really should eat fresh food. it may be helpful to get that extra five lbs off you are trying to lose..i dont know what type of workout regime you have but when i go through plateaus i change my workout and i usually start losing again
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Hi Matt,

    I agree the genetically gifted are going to have an easier time with this but I am actually seeing this happen with myself - I don't count myself as one of these gifted few. :-(

    I wouldn't have believed it myself if my trainer wasn't taking regular measurements).

    I'm only talking slightly under maintence, training fasted in the am and doing almost entirely compound moves.

    Are you new to the regime and heavier weights you are using? Could explain things.

    Honestly tho peeps, this IS an exception rather than the rule.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    My plan has been to maintain a daily deficit of 500 calories. Is that too much?

    That would equal to 1lb loss per week, no it is not too much, it is good.

    Regarding your original message in this thread, it sounds as if you are maintaining, hence no weightloss.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Matt,

    I agree the genetically gifted are going to have an easier time with this but I am actually seeing this happen with myself - I don't count myself as one of these gifted few. :-(

    I wouldn't have believed it myself if my trainer wasn't taking regular measurements).

    I'm only talking slightly under maintence, training fasted in the am and doing almost entirely compound moves.

    Are you new to the regime and heavier weights you are using? Could explain things.

    Honestly tho peeps, this IS an exception rather than the rule.

    Definately a different way of training for me, have moved from a split to upper / lower/ full body(lots of pull ups too) and lifting a lot heavier than I have previously.

    I honestly didn't think this was possible but the muscle mass is going up quicker than the fat is dropping plus I do have a fair amount of fat to lose.

    I'm also not under the illusion that this will keep happening long term.
  • Jodiled
    Jodiled Posts: 1 Member
    Hi.. I am a personal trainer and I started using MFP mainly because many of the members in my boot camp group were using it. I disagree with the idea of the adding back the exercise calories when you are trying to lose weight. I just quickly looked at your food diary and my first thought is you are consuming too much " fake food" and supplements. You need to aim to get more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Try and get your protein from lean sources.,.eggs.. chicken, fish.. and less shakes and bars.. Much better for your health. You definitely need to get more fruits and vegetables in.

    You have to focus on changes a little more long term.. not just one week. When you are already a fit person, your body doesn't show results as fast as an overweight person trying to lose weight making eating changes and exercising.

    I would not count in those add back exercise calories.. just think of them as a bonus. Have your body fat measured.. and keep track and measure again in one month...Try to focus more on the mirror and how you feel.. how you feel when you are working out.. and less on the scale. I torture myself with the scale even as I always give this advice to my clients..and I can also eat less than my calorie allowance on MVP for two weeks and get on the scale and show an increase pound.. but my body fat has got down 3.4 % since October.. I don't need to lose weight but a few pounds and a lower number on the scale tends to put a smile on my face. Thats more what I am looking for... stick with it.. it will happen
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you everyone! You guys are all awesome! Looks like I need to eat more vegetables. Ive been stubborn about that. And perhaps drop the carbs a bit. And definitely maintain more of a deficit. I'll do another post a couple weeks from now and let you know how its going. I do see progress in the mirror and I am performing really well when I exercise so I know Im on the right track.