How long from calories burned til the weight is lost?

OK, I know this may seem like a stupid question, and i've looked for the answer in the forums, withough success.

Yesterday, me and my children went for a long walk (3.5 miles) and according to MFP, I burned just under 300 calories. I made sure I ate back my exercise calories, yet when I got weighed this morning, I hadn't lost so much as a meesly ounce.

So, my question is, how long does calories burned show up as weight lost?


  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    weight depends on so many things that a 300 calorie burn doesn't necessarily show the next day...

    about 3500 calories equal a pound, so if you stick to your goal every day and burn 3500 calories over the week (500 kcal each day), you might see results within a week or two. i guess? that's what my logic tells me.. Of course if you have a very low goal and the deficit you create is already somewhat huge compared to what your body is used to, you might see results faster
  • transfixedtoast
    transfixedtoast Posts: 89 Member
    3500 calories is equivilant to a pound of fat, however your weight will fluctuate with water retention, muscle mass and bowel content.
    So if you're creating a defecit of 100 calories under your daily used calories then the weightloss won't show up for 35 days. It takes time if you're doing it in asustainable and healthy way.
    But there are a lot more factors as I mentioned before.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    If you eat them *all* then you won't burn any noticeable amount more than you would without exercising - but it obviously helps your heart / skin / muscles / etc.

    I generally aim to eat 50% - 75% of calories burnt through exercise.
  • Buzzerman
    Lol!. Not that soon. It will take upto Two weeks to see any changes on the scales. Keep doing what your doing and do not weigh in for anther Two weeks and weigh in on waking up, Not later in the day. Always first thing in the morning to get more precise results. Good luck.
  • tammy510
    From experience with you only having 11lbs more to lose it is going to come off slowly. I have lost 85 and they went much faster than these last 15 are! I don't agree with eating back your calories if it is under a 500 calorie burn, you have to have a deficit in your calories of at least 500 a day to lose one pound a week. I see a bariatric weight loss doc, I haven't had bypass nor would I but his nutritionist is a lifesaver for me. So you have to burn off more than you take in, if it is equal or over, weightloss will be slower.
    My doctor told me to use MFP but to ignore the eat back calories if I wanted a steady loss. But eat at least 1200 calories a day. Then what burn off in exercise that is what will help the weight loss. But if you are running miles a day and lifting weights at the gym for hours than of course you can afford to eat those calories back, but for just a walk, I wouldn't.

    Hope this helps
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    76 hours 43 minutes, exactly...
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I've been doing high intensity aerobics (Zumba and Bokwa) at least a couple of times a week, burning between 600-900 calories each session. I always eat over 1200 calories and usually have a deficit of about 500. I have just started this about 5 weeks ago, and the first week I lost 1lb, I didn't lose anything for 3 weeks and then lost 6lbs. It does take time.

    this week I've been off work and I have done 5 classes instead of my usual 2, I don't expect to see the results from that until at least next week or possibly the week after.

    Keep at it, keep moving and it will happen. x
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    76 hours 43 minutes, exactly...
    hahaha x
  • shirleyisblessed
    shirleyisblessed Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Tammy,

    I know you were giving the advice about eating back your calories to Linda, but It sure helped me to have a better understanding. So, thanks. I have not lost much and have not had a clue as to if I should eat the calories back or about how many I should have left at the end of a day. Also, I do eat what I want, but try to keep it in moderation. What do you think about restricting sweets or meats for that matter?
  • linda3680
    linda3680 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all the replies - even the "sarcastic" ones - as a newbie, if i don't know something I will ask for advice.

    I will keep up the hard work and try to weigh myself less often - hard though that is :ohwell:
  • naplidon96
    Think of it this way, its the same thing as weight gaining. If you over-eat by 500 calories, its un-noticeable. Just like a 500 calorie burn, you will not notice it. BUT if you CONTINUOSLY are burning [lets say] 500 calories a day, you should deffinetely start to notice it in 1-2 weeks[thats about 1 lb weight loss per week] Just like if you were to Over-eat 500 calories you would gain a pound a week, but, its probably not as easy to notice a weight gain compared to a weight loss, especially if your working out [because your turning it into muscle]
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Thanks for all the replies - even the "sarcastic" ones - as a newbie, if i don't know something I will ask for advice.

    I will keep up the hard work and try to weigh myself less often - hard though that is :ohwell:

    Don't be put off by people being sarcastic or funny - you get a lot of that on these boards!!
    Someone totally new to weight loss/management will have these type of questions, so don't worry. If we dont ask questions through life, how do we ever learn??

    I learnt a lot when I started from listening to Jillian Michaels podcasts. They're free, and now there is 54 (she usually does them about once a week). Start from the beginning, and you'll learn loads!! I listen to them every week on my commute to work
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    OK, I know this may seem like a stupid question, and i've looked for the answer in the forums, withough success.

    Yesterday, me and my children went for a long walk (3.5 miles) and according to MFP, I burned just under 300 calories. I made sure I ate back my exercise calories, yet when I got weighed this morning, I hadn't lost so much as a meesly ounce.

    So, my question is, how long does calories burned show up as weight lost?

    You need to burn 3500 calories to lose 1lb, so it would happen over days not in one day.

    Be careful when eating exercise calories back, if you do that you need to be quite accurate in knowing how many you have burned and some of the MFP exercise calories are overestimated.