Do you think people are lacking 'class'?



  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Class and respect are the same thing. You can't have one without the other.

    The problem is that parents don't take responsibility for raising their children to be responsible, respectful, productive members of society anymore. They blame all their kids' problems on other people and other things ... teachers, coaches, friends, parents of other kids, medicine they're taking for made-up "syndromes," etc.

    My dad was also the type who would pull aside grown men and young boys alike and politely ask them to refrain from cursing in front of my mom, my sister, and me. So I grew up believing that a man who curses in my presence is a man who has no respect for me, and I still believe that. It has nothing to do with what year or decade it is or what generation currently reigns supreme in re-establishing social norms. There will never be a time when cursing in the presence of women or children is acceptable to me.

    And that is just one example of crass behavior that is better left for the locker room. But boys have to be taught that from a very early age. If they're not learning it at home and if they have no other adult male role model to learn it from, they're just going to continue the cycle of boorishness.

    And don't even get me started on what the feminist movement has done to the way women are now viewed and treated.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I think there have always been jerks and there will always be jerks. There are just more people now so a higher likelihood of running into one :)
  • leftymac
    leftymac Posts: 169 Member
    It's because these days children are all taught in school that they're entitled to get what they want. They're not allowed to fail, they're not allowed to excel, they aren't taught manners, and they aren't punished when they're obnoxious or disrespectful to others.

    I think teachers have less control these days...

    If teachers have less control, it's because we're not allowed to. I refer a student to the office for disrupting class and from the uproar caused by them and their parents, you'd think I was sentencing them to the federal penitentiary. This lack of control that people perceive that we teachers have is not because of us not doing our jobs, it's because of parents feeling their precious snowflakes can do no wrong.
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    Yes yes yes! People have no "coof" what my grandmother calls it. Ladies have forgotten how to be ladies. Men no longer feel the need to respect or show chivalry. People just say whatever comes to mind sometimes with no regards to people's feeling. They're cursing, fighting, shooting, and stabbing for sensless reasons and are teaching the next generation to do the same. It's just horrible! :embarassed: I pray for the next generation
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    It's because these days children are all taught in school that they're entitled to get what they want. They're not allowed to fail, they're not allowed to excel, they aren't taught manners, and they aren't punished when they're obnoxious or disrespectful to others.
    I'm not attacking you, but I hear this quite often and I just have to say that this is not the case with my son and his school. He's always been held accountable for his school work and his behavior, both by his teachers and at home. Not all children are a-holes and not all schools allow them to be.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    And don't even get me started on what the feminist movement has done to the way women are now viewed and treated.

  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    yes society is declining. it's not technology. It's because the NUCLEAR family is declining and these people are raising themselves. Just as you said. You had a father and a mother who TAUGHT you manners and how to behave in society. WE are the fortunate ones. People who behave poorly either were never taught differently or dropped on their heads too much.
    I am like your dad. IF someone's rude behavior bleeds over to MY family I will tell them about it politely ONCE... then it's on.
    Generally, I don't have to follow up .. but I will if I have to and MY family - my kids & grandkids KNOW it. MY adult children know that they can be *kitten* around their friends but IT WILL NOT FLY with me.
    I'm old-school with the manners to match. I live in a way that honors my grandmother and parents. I hope I've taught my children that as well.
    I know I can't be the etiquette police for all of society so I just worry about MYself and MY home.
    Teach your children manners. Enforce it every day. That's all we can do
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    It's because these days children are all taught in school that they're entitled to get what they want. They're not allowed to fail, they're not allowed to excel, they aren't taught manners, and they aren't punished when they're obnoxious or disrespectful to others.

    I think teachers have less control these days...

    If teachers have less control, it's because we're not allowed to. I refer a student to the office for disrupting class and from the uproar caused by them and their parents, you'd think I was sentencing them to the federal penitentiary. This lack of control that people perceive that we teachers have is not because of us not doing our jobs, it's because of parents feeling their precious snowflakes can do no wrong.
    People are quick to blame teachers and school systems. It starts at home. Every time I contact my son's teacher via email, she ends the email with "Thank you for your continuing support." That shouldn't even need to be said. And it's not just this teacher. Same thing with his teacher last year.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Ooooh, yes.

    It appears that many people got a memo stating, "You are entitled to things you haven't earned. You deserve more and more and more without effort. Don't let anyone tell you hard work is the path to success. You don't have to work hard, you deserve everything NOW."

    If my parents got that memo, they forgot to pass it along to me. They were soooo mean, that if I had Girl Scout cookies or other other fundraiser stuff to sell, they made me actually go out and sell it. ME!!!! Like it was my responsibility to actually work for my organization.

    Child Labor Laws? Pfft ... my dad had a deaf ear to that rig-a-ma-roar.

    And I'm gonna tell you what, I'm a better person for it.
  • jsielke
    jsielke Posts: 10 Member
    We have gone from a world where children were disciplined for bad behavior, most men had served some time in the military, and women were not avidly competing to be as pushy and arrogant as the men they worked with. Indeed, most women actually raised their own children, and didn't have Day care and nannies to do it for them.

    Now, it is all about increasing a child's "Self-esteem." He can be obnoxious, rude and bullying, but heaven help the person who dares to discipline him! It is no wonder that just in the past 20 years, we see kids bringing guns to school and killing their classmates.

    We need to get back to teaching our kids that the world does not revolve around their wants. Jdelot hit it right on the nose. But as long as we have a government whose politicians get votes by buying them with their "entitlement" programs, it will not happen. Hear that "whirring" sound? That's our founding fathers spinning in their graves!
  • For me I feel when we allow our children to grow up with the role models in the entertainment industry like brittany spears, Rihanna and so on, they are not going to grow up with respect for themselves or anyone else.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    It's because these days children are all taught in school that they're entitled to get what they want. They're not allowed to fail, they're not allowed to excel, they aren't taught manners, and they aren't punished when they're obnoxious or disrespectful to others.

    agreed!!!! My teenage stepson has been freinds with some of these kids and some days he is one of them....but on those days even at almost 19 years old and in college (but still living at home) he loses cell phone privledges, vidoe game privlidges etc. he is reminded that he is still dependnt upon us even if he is legally an adult and her shoudl be greatful for all the things he has in life. BWT. I am in no way suggeting I am a perfect parent either,

    I think the other issue is that children do so much of there interacting behind the vail of technology...text, facebook, utube, that they haven't been taught how to interact with peolpe can't just "block" your boss if he pisses you off you have to learn to deal with things in a civil manner.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    We have gone from a world where children were disciplined for bad behavior, most men had served some time in the military, and women were not avidly competing to be as pushy and arrogant as the men they worked with. Indeed, most women actually raised their own children, and didn't have Day care and nannies to do it for them.

    Now, it is all about increasing a child's "Self-esteem." He can be obnoxious, rude and bullying, but heaven help the person who dares to discipline him! It is no wonder that just in the past 20 years, we see kids bringing guns to school and killing their classmates.

    We need to get back to teaching our kids that the world does not revolve around their wants. Jdelot hit it right on the nose. But as long as we have a government whose politicians get votes by buying them with their "entitlement" programs, it will not happen. Hear that "whirring" sound? That's our founding fathers spinning in their graves!

    Although, I have to say that it is not fair to critize women for working outside the home. The economy dictates that most people have 2 incomes to survive. I wil have to continue working when my husband nad I have a child. But I have also worked in a day care and therefore know you can find quality people to care for your children outside the home but you also have to put in quality time when you get home.
  • ninainMA
    ninainMA Posts: 10 Member
    Are you talking about class or manners? I don't think class is something that can be taught, it's inherent in a persons character and personality. Manners are just plain common sense that are taught from generation to generation. Unfortunately, many have not learned manners and are therefore just plain rude. I think a generation has been skipped over and those are the people that feel entitled and take what they cut in line, don't say please or thank you, etc....I still try to teach my grandkids to say please, thank you, hold the door for someone, etc but it's not reinforced from their parents so it's a shot in the dark if it will take or not. I think the lack of manners today causes others to forego their manners so they are not looked at as being easily manipulated or taken advantage of. You know, get them first kinda thing....
    Class to me is someone with manners ...dressing appropriately for the situation...I can't stand the pj lazy can someone be? Oh and lets' not forget this gem...the pants on the ground! Really? I think there is an underlying meaning to those low riders that most of the kids don't know about....they better stay out of jail if the don't want to find out!
    Social etiquette has flown out the window....
  • Teaca
    Teaca Posts: 2
    Yes, I must admit I can sometimes be this person. I am a work in progress. I am working on correcting my behavior. I was raised with manners however if you got angry it was a free for all with bad language and manners. I am trying to make sure I set a better example for my children. I think all of the above comments can be true. My brother in law has a saying I love. When society got indoor plumbing and started ****** in the house and eating outside the house it all went to he**. I know this is vulgar but think about it families used to sit at the table together and have meals talk about their day be respectful and assist their parents. Now everything is on the go. We rarely have time to stop and think about what we are doing. The loss of family values has caused a landslide of bad behavior.

    I can't even touch the entitlement thing it makes me too angry.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    People have always been like this. It's just the fact that there are a lot more people now, so you have more opportunities to see it.

    Do you really think the flappers in the Roaring 20's were all about class, dignity, and respect? Oh, and the Old West, they were real classy thieves and murderers.

    People haven't changed, we're just a lot closer together and have access to more people than we used to.

    Kinda like how everyone is paranoid about violent crimes because of all the stuff we see on the news on TV and think things are so much worse than they were back in the idealized 50's. There's actually less violent crime now than there was in the 1950's according to statistics, but back then, you don't know about these crimes unless they happened in your local community.
  • ebbtime
    ebbtime Posts: 35 Member
    I work in a middle school. That alone should say enough! Being around those children, I have come to believe, it's the parents whose actions, or lack of, are teaching their children to act the same way. I have 5 children myself....3 are in middle school, 2 in elementary. I also believe it goes back a generation or 2. Somewhere along the line someone dropped the ball & it has escalated from there. I'm not bashing anyone or pointing fingers but respect has a huge part in this.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Yes. I do. But we will raise our boys to be men. Yes mam and No Sir. Thank you and can I help you with that. They know to give up there seat for an adult. Woman are not called names but cherished and respected. There Dad has the last say and money doesn't grow on trees. They know that a day may come where they have to fight for family and or country. And If it does, they won't do it with pants sagging half way down their behinds. A's and b's are expected. As one day hard work will be. Strict? Old fashioned? Yes.

    You are awesome!!!! All parents should be like you and your husband. Bravo!
  • Yes, We lack the basics of civility and tact. We just want to be the center of our own worlds.

    Like someone else said here.... I am not a good example of "class" nor set the best example for politeness and civility. I am just old enough to see the decline in our culture of what is norm.
  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    i notice it in certain places.

    especially the entitlement attitude. i live in a very poor very rural area..and the people here just dont care. they honesty purposely will try to swerve to hit an animal on the road. they dont use turn signals. they dont say excuse me when they need past you, they just push.

    but just a few mins down the road there is a town full of the bohemian hippy types.. worldly and they are kind and actually thoughtful and polite.

    Wow, I'd love to know where that first place is so I can avoid it. Perhaps you should move to the hippy place!