any 50+ women out there for support?

I am over 50, fat and out of shape. Metabolism is slower than molasses in January and the weight just hangs on. Husband is in denial that he is also very overweight and seems to sabotage my efforts. I need a couple friends who are in the same boat for support and encouragement. Anybody out there?


  • sappyoldlady
    sappyoldlady Posts: 49 Member
    I am not 50 yet but you can add metabolism seems to have died! LOL
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    I am 51 and have had great success with this website. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am on mfp everyday and will support you as much as I can.
  • mcelledge
    mcelledge Posts: 68 Member
    What is it with 50? I cant get the weight off . Are you walking or working out? i am not consistent too much going on i guess . We can do this if we just take a day at a time.
  • thomsonmt4
    thomsonmt4 Posts: 7 Member
    hi 'Im Maria I am 51 I'm loving this site and everyone on it - it's time for me to get involved instead of hiding in the shadows - feel free to add me as a friend and I will post a picture of myself. It's creepy talking to an empty space. I log on everyday, I too joined in January 2012 I have been very "good" but the weight has not come off this week so I too need encouragement:blushing:
  • .. welcome to MFP.... I am 49 and recently joined and after getting used to the site, I have started posting. Love the food journal. I hear you on the metabolism factor, I am a slow loser and as much as i would like to take off 1 or 2 pounds a week, sometimes, I only lose two tenths. Frustrating, but I try to keep my eye on the prize and that is a healthier more fit me. :) Feel free to add me if you want a buddy.
  • Hi, I'm Carlene and 58. Yep, once 50 hit, everything seemed to have stopped! My wonderful sister-in-law got me going on this site a couple days ago and I love it! Just the boost I needed. I love to walk and for some reason, I stopped about 5 months ago and gained almost 15lbs. I need to lose a lot more. I need all the encourgement I can get! I will also love to be a support for others. We can do this!!
  • welcome hun ,please add me i will try and support you aswell x
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    I'm 53 and new to this site. I have been on Spark People for a few weeks, but love that I can use this site on my new smartphone. I'm single, so thankfully don't have to deal with anyone else in the kitchen, but I'm my own worst enemy anyway. I read a great book, Diary of a Former Fat Girl, and she had some great tips and talks about how the people around us can sabotage our efforts, even when they love us - because we're changing and even though it's for the best change always freaks people out. Let's get fit in our 50's!
  • WakingUp
    WakingUp Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 60, and get where you're coming from - feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I turned 51 in November. I had been a total couch potato for two years, hadn't worked out at all, and tipped the scale at over 300 lbs. Just before Christmas I just decided enough was enough, my knees were hurting, my back was hurting, and for the first time in my life, just felt OLD!!!! I hated it.

    I joined a gym and hired a trainer on a Thursday Dec 15th, and on the following Friday I had my first workout session with the trainer. He weighed and measured me.. 327!!!!! OMG.. and like 57% body fat or something.. I don't know.. I think my brain stopped functioning when he told me my weight. I had to warm up on the treadmill for 10 minutes.. I really thought 5 was going to kill me. And I'd lost so much flexibility I couldn't even hike my leg over the seat to the cycle machine. UGH!!!!

    Two months later, I'm working out 5 or 6 days a week. I've exceeded my trainer's expectations and push him to push me. I have lost 23 lbs and 4% body fat and two inches off my waist. I work out with him twice a week, the rest of the time I do various forms of cardio, including walking, elliptical (kicks my *kitten*), or cycling or swimming. I'm feeling like my "young" self again and loving it. I watch what I eat too.. no fast food or junk food.

    You can do it... it just takes starting and really being dedicated and motivated for change. It feels soooo good. Some days I really don't feel like working out AT ALL!!! But this site really helps keep me in the game and I just push through it and get er done!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • I'm 58 and need to lose more than 150 pounds. There is a group, Seniors Losing Weight, that y'all might be interested in joining.
  • I just turned 52 and recently found MFP. I have no friends here yet. My husband loss weight due to an illness and sabotages me by bringing icecream home! So far my willpower has been pretty good, but he doesn't make it easy. If anyone wants to add me as a friend, that would be nice. I'm not sure how that works yet. Thanks
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    hi all, I am not quite 50 yet... 1.5 years to go... but I am finding success on here and I am willing to befriend anyone who would like to share the support .....
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 51 and would be pleased to be added to your friend list.
  • bj6886
    bj6886 Posts: 60 Member
    51 here and working hard to get rid of 100+ pounds.
  • meemaw2boys
    meemaw2boys Posts: 2 Member
    Hi!! I will be 60 shortly and have lost with this program. I love having it on my phone also so that I can keep the food recorded. I just got my FITBIT and love it!! It really keeps track of the steps I walk and it works well with this program. I have tried several different step counters but FITBIT is great! Well worth the money if you can scrounge up the money,got mine from Amazon.
  • I'm just getting started here myself. I started doing web searches for supportive communities and found MFP. I dunno how the friends thing works, but you've definitely got my support! I have a husband who either just doesn't get it or doesn't want me to change. I thought I was totally alone, but it's not true. There are others with saboteurs in their lives. The thing that really made me realize there were others out there was this student's online survey about it (just google PUBS-WL). Those questions mixed with questions about my relationship really helped me firm up my resolve to stay active and get through this. Hang in there for you! :happy:
  • yarwy
    yarwy Posts: 43
    Hey everybody! I'm 51 and felt like I was going on 80....0000 ummph!! Metabolism--what is that? I started MFP just to see if it would make a difference with me & have been VERY suprised that it has HELPED!!! I don't like to EXERCISE & never liked to DIET...those were two of my least favorite words...but this has helped me realize that I'd better take responsibility for myself!! I actually enjoy logging in my foods & seeing that I CAN DO THIS!! My daughter has been cooperating with my food choices & my husband is cooperating a little....(Oh, and one daughter that can eat anything she wants & not gain a lb!!). I'm even walking a little & kinda look forward to it each day....The support you get here is a tremendous help and fun....feel free to add me as a buddy also...Wyndie.
  • yarwy
    yarwy Posts: 43
    51 here...feel free to add me as a buddy too!