I think its time for some changes

So i was married for a little less than two years and gained more weight than i would have liked during that time. I did weight watchers about a year ago and lost 13 lbs and felt good about it. I then packed up and moved across the country and didn't like the meetings up here so i decoded to give this a try. It worked till i fell off the wagon but I'm climbing back up and I'm pretty positive i can do this again. Feel free to add me


  • NicolaNash
    good luck. Its a brilliant tool and you will get loads of support and advice on the website or via adding friends. Be positive and set yourself lots of little short term goals/targets and things to look forward to to keep you on the straight and narrow.

    I have used this successfully last year and then fell off the wagon (I am an emotional eater - boredom, bad mood etc) but have been back on the wagon since New Year................
  • beantown12
    add me on if you see fit