What is going on with my face?

Ok so I need some help here. About 2 1/2 years ago I had lap band surgery. Since then I have lost over 100 lbs. In that time i have changed my lifestyle to eating right, drinking lots of water, exercising. September of 2011 I had breast reduction. I had lost so much weight and my breast only went down from 46DDD to a 42DDD so you can imagine that. My back hurt all the time. Anyways getting back to the subject, Since that time I have been buying all my foods organic, gluten free, free range, grass fed and avoided all fast foods, eating no breads, no pasta. Since all of this my face has gone from being clear when I was fat and eating fried foods to now breaking out all the time. No new makeup, no new detergent, no new face cleaner. In fact if anything all my stuff is either doctor prescribed or good for me. And not sure if this has anything to do with it but I been increasing my workouts incorporating more strength training and it seems my face punishes me for it. After breast reduction i wasn't allowed to workout for 6 weeks. In that time of no working out my face cleared up. Call me crazy. Anyways I have a doctor appointment coming up. My regular doctor has already did blood work on me and everything is normal. Now going to see a dermatologist. Anyone experience something like this? or know what might be going on? I also going to see a endocrinologist to check on my hormones levels as that is also a possibility. Ugh and I woke up this morning with a cold sore on my cheek! Last month I dealt with redness and itchiness under my eyes and that finally cleared up.


  • michellereneejenkins
    i've heard when you lose weight toxins are coming out of the fat and can make you break out. i've experienced this too but not to the extent you are describing. you may need to change face soap to one meant for acne. the dermatologist should be able to point you in the right direction. good for you on the weight loss though!! can't help but make you healthier. i would venture to say your body will eventually catch up and regulate those hormones a little better.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Could you be getting something in your diet that is not as good as you think it is? I'm certainly no expert on the topic, but even though organic foods don't have traditional pesticides, there are other things that produce can contain depending where its grown... Maybe you've introduced something into your diet that you're actually allergic to. (just a thought).

    Also, do you wear makeup when you workout - or make a point to take it all off before you sweat?

    EDIT..by the way - you look AMAZING. Congrats on your success!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    Could you be getting something in your diet that is not as good as you think it is? I'm certainly no expert on the topic, but even though organic foods don't have traditional pesticides, there are other things that produce can contain depending where its grown... Maybe you've introduced something into your diet that you're actually allergic to. (just a thought).

    i agree! see if you are allergic to one of the foods you have incorporated recently!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    You might want to check with an allergist, if the dematologist doesn't find something. When I develop/discover new food allergies, I get hives and break-outs.
  • arnie900
    arnie900 Posts: 22 Member
    You are right that it could be a lot of things, but make sure you are working out with no makeup or any heavy lotions. They can clog your pores.
  • JustKat2020
    JustKat2020 Posts: 6 Member
    I would strongly encourage you to balance the bacteria in your gut. You do this by adding a reputable pro-biotic to your diet. Find a natural food store or a natural health practitioner in your area and get some and follow their instructions on how to take it. (If you are currently on an antiboitic for anything you will need to wait till that course is done.) You will be amazed in a few weeks how much better your skin will look.
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and advice. I have gone to both the dermatologist, endocrinologist and allergist and nothing could be found. All my test came out normal. I don't workout with makeup and I wash right afterwards. To date my face has finally cleared up some with some minor breakouts. Since going to my doctor she has put me back on birth control. (I came off it two years ago when my husband got a vasectomy). So seems like it is working not sure. Maybe I needed to balance out, who knows. For now I am ok, just hope it doesn't flare up again.