I've been here one week... still need friends!



  • wakeywildcat
    wakeywildcat Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me anyone x
  • irisheyes226
    irisheyes226 Posts: 27 Member
    I just started yesterday and need friends as well! I would love to help motivate all of you if you will do the same for me!!
  • I've been here 4 days....would LOVE some new friends to keep me on track!
  • Hi and welcome! I have been on MFP for one month now (and also started a food and exercise plan for one month before joining this web site). I am in a similar situation as you are. I am a self employed actor and also want to have 100% confidence behind the camera and in front of live audiences. I also do voice over work and have a home recording studio, but also meet with clients at recording studios off site. My weight loss goal is 16 pounds and I'm at 9 pounds lost so far (in two months which is about a pound a week), thanks to MFP. MFP really makes me accountable for my actions and reminds me throughout the day to put healthy food choices into my body, and get my exercise in. Also, I know that I have to be completely honest with myself, even if I've had a bad food day, or else this plan just won't work. I include even a Hershey's chocolate kiss if I eat one. Anyway, I have one MFP friend on here, who is actually a close friend of mine here at home, and haven't really expanded beyond that. You seem like someone I can relate to so feel free to friend me! Best of luck to you and congratualtions on an exciting career! From one performer to another, we can do this!
  • welcome
    feel free to add me
    good luck
    Charmaine :)
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    Good luck .. you are in the right place ... can add me if you wanna ...
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Feel free to add me as well...MMarvelous
  • r3d13
    r3d13 Posts: 139
    Welcome everyone. Feel free to add me.
  • Feel free to add me, love chatting about weight lost , new receipes etc........( I need friends as well )
  • Hi! Feel free to add me. I'm a musician as well, thoughI was more active as a player-teacher when I lived in LA and Minneapolis. Now I'm in the Canadian north. I used to run competitively, but chronic back trouble sidelined me four years ago and my weight worked up from 155 to 198 in two years. I ride a stationary bike an hour 6X a week, which helps so long as I watch my diet. MFP has helped me to lose 8 pounds in three weeks. I also have a 30-pound goal. Good luck!
  • Tmrice721
    Tmrice721 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi welcome aboard!!!!!! Please feel free to add me the more the merrier, we all have the same goal no matter what brought us here... :wink:
  • I started MFP in November and love it. Please add me to be your friend if you would like.
  • I've been using MFP since January and it's awesome! I've lost 12 lbs so far with more to go. I am registered for a 5k in March and hope to at least finish. Please feel free to add me.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    You can add me if you would like to.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    Fellow musician been here since march 2010 so feel free to add me too \m/
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    feel free to add me if you'd like...
  • RedMuse
    RedMuse Posts: 50 Member
    Add me , !!! :)
  • I haven't really gotten into the social aspect of the sight but it has helped me lose 16lbs! And I love it. I am hoping to lose 4-6 more before my boy friend gets back from Afganistan on March 12th. I'd love some support. Right now I'm at work and for some reason can't stop thinking about a whataburger on wheat (the burger is about 520 calories so its a big no no haha) instead of the baked chicken I made last night with a side of corn and spinich. Feel free to add me I'm not sure how to.
  • jak111
    jak111 Posts: 36
    Hi and welcome. I have been on here since October. I think you will like it. here. I am 50 and from MN please feel free to add me as well.

  • Just joined today, a co-worker told me about this site. We are starting a biggest loser contest next week at work.
    I suggested this to staff. I am a Food Service Director in healthcare.
    I lost 80 lbs or so in the last 18 months, gained back 8 lbs, and want to get back on track.
    I currently weigh 240.
    Working with food for over 25 years has not helped me at all in terms of my relationship with food....
    I have many complex health issues, most of which would improve were I to lose weight.
    Already having lost weight has improved my life, in terms of more energy, feeling better about myself,
    and most importently, breaking my addictive behaviors with foods that were my triggers
    (bread, cheese, pizza, salty snack items and diet coke).
    I am a vegetarian, have been for 20 plus years, but still was obese despite that.
    (Portions and bingeing were my faults.)
    Now I eat much more "normal" portions, and don't obesess about food like I used to.

    My health issues somewhat limit my life right now----I want to be healthier so that I can be more
    active, socially, and on a daily basis. ( I have MS, cardio issues, diabetes and was recently injured in a car accident.
    I also had a mild stroke back in November which took a lot out of me.

    I volunteer at a local grass-roots animal rescue group called "The Stratford Cat Project" at least once a month.
    I have been a member for over ten years, did animal rescue work for many years prior to that.
    (Don't ask how many cats I live with...I am a crazy cat lady!)
    I also volunteer at a soup kitchen for a homeless shelter every other month.

    I read tarot cards professionally for a fundraiser for my church. and once a month at a shop in CT called Talisman.
    I am actually quite good at this...

    I have a daughter who is disabled, she lives in Florida, probably has MS but has not had a correct diagnosis yet.
    I also have a grandson in college in Florida.

    I live with my (unofficial, never legally married) "husband" of 12 years, who is an adult education teacher in
    night school in CT.

    We rent a 4 room apartment, are hoping to buy a house within our lifetime (LOL, fear of the economy).

    For fun, at this point, I sleep, watch some TV (Idol, Downton Abbey, stuff on HBO, HGTV).
    I do beadwork, make jewelry, paint watercolors, do mixed media crafts, read, sometimes write,
    and believe we are here to love and learn, and be kind to ourselves and others.

    Politically, I am unaffliated---sort of disgusted with all of it, both parties disappoint.

    Spiritually, I am loosely a member of my church, though I sit on the Board of Directors---I am not 100 % into sharing
    every belief that they hold, though it is close enough. (See online: Albertson's Memorial Church of Old Greenwich
    if you want more info on what they believe.)

    That more or less covers the basics...
    Hope to hear from you soon!