Running Shoes Suggestions

Hey! I started C25K three weeks ago and am doing pretty well but I have come to realize that my athletic shoes are NOT running shoes. lol Could ya'll recommend some good brands of running shoes for me? Thank you!


  • This is very hard to answer as each individual is different. When I was originally looking for info on this there were major things related to how you run and the shape of your foot. If you have a shoe store that specializes in running I would suggest going there and having them fit you. Granted the shoes won't be cheap but maybe they'll give you some info on how you run and what type of shoe you need to find some on your own.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Someone has probably already said this, but the best thing to do is go to a running store and be fitted. That way you can try on all of the shoes and see what fits your feet best. You don't necessarily have to buy the shoes there, but then you will know what you are looking for and buy them cheaper online. That was my plan but I was so impressed by the staff at my local store I ended up buying there.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    I agree with lilfurson -- if you have a running room or runner's world or running whatever -- I would go check it out -- then they can help you find what shoe is best for you based on your body type, how your run etc (they will make you run haha)

    If you don't go that route I reccommend trying on like 5 brands before you decide. They all have a way different feel and all styles of each brand will be different.

    I love lightweight running shoes and I run in Nike lunarfly.

    GOOD LUCK :)
  • The best, as suggested is to go to a store that specializies in fitting running shoes. Everyone has a different gait and a different foot. If you don't have a lot of time Runner's World magazine would be a good place to start, they are always reviewing shoes
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Someone has probably already said this, but the best thing to do is go to a running store and be fitted. That way you can try on all of the shoes and see what fits your feet best. You don't necessarily have to buy the shoes there, but then you will know what you are looking for and buy them cheaper online. That was my plan but I was so impressed by the staff at my local store I ended up buying there.

    Plus you support your local businesses that gave you the free fitting. If everyone did what you originally suggested they'd go out of business.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I will also recommend a running store. The good ones will have you run on a treadmill so they can see how you run and whether you pronote, overpronate, etc. They'll also look at your arches. They'll then present you with a few brand options made to fit your style and foot. Make sure you buy shoes which are at least a half size larger than you'd normally wear in a running style shoe. Your toes will thank you. The sales person should already know this but just in case, now you do, too.

    They may also recommend insoles, especially if you have high arches. Unless you really do have high arches, hold off on the insoles until you get a chance to try out the shoes. You may not need them and the custom fitted ones are very expensive. If you decide you do need more support, you can always go back and buy the insoles later.

    ETA: If your running store offers a fit guarantee, do not hesitate to use it if necessary. I bought my shoes at Road Runner in Tempe, AZ and paid for the VIP club which allows me to return my shoes up to 90 days after buying them if they don't fit right. I ended up returning the first pair I bought and then the second pair, too. Both really ended up being too small for the way I run and I kept getting bruised toenails. I've now had the last pair for 3 months with no problem. I'll happily go back to Road Runner, even if it IS a two hour drive, when I'm ready to replace these.