Really discouraged

So, yesterday I was very anxious about my weigh in, but was hoping it was just my mind going crazy. Nope. I should never doubt my instincts...I GAINED 1 LB and GAINED BODY FAT!!! UGH! I was miserable afterwards. I still did my workout, but felt so fat, ugly, and disappointed that my heart just wasn't in it. I even went home and cried I was so discouraged. I'm trying to stick with it today, but the urge to stop by Chick-Fil-A this morning was so intense. All I want now is junk food because I'm my mind keeps going over and over..."You did exactly what you were supposed to (ate like a rabbit, exercised, took vitamins) and you still gained weight. What's the point? You may as well eat what you like if you're still going to gain weight." Granted, I drove past the Chick-Fil-A this morning, but I'm still feeling very fat, ugly, and discouraged. When will this stop?!


  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    Keep up the hard work and you will see results. You're not struggling alone - there are a lot of us that have a battle going on in our heads trying to convince ourselves we don't really want to eat [insert your weakness here]. I promise it gets easier over time. Good habits will become second nature and eventually you can stop craving fast food. It took me almost a year to completely stop craving fast food. Now it usually makes me sick :sick: so it's MUCH easier to avoid.

    Don't give up! Keep fighting!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    There are some excellent posts on here that describe what to expect when you change your diet/exercise habits. Weight gain (usually from water retention) is very common in the beginning. It may take 3-4 weeks for your body to understand that there's a new sheriff in town. Then you will see a nice loss.

    You didn't gain it in a patient.

    Edit: BTW...eating like a rabbit is not necessary, nor particularly helpful. Eat a moderate deficit; eat filling, unprocessed foods; drink plenty of water.
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    I know that feeling!! One time I worked my bee-hind off for an entire week and gained 1lb. I cried. My husband had to comfort me allll day. But here's the bottom line: You are NOT fat and ugly. Our bodies are going to go through ups and downs. Sometimes we'll lose a ton, and other times we won't. That's just the way this journey goes. Don't let your mind tell you to give up! Keep going! Don't give in to that disgusting food that's just going to make you feel worse and possibly put you back on a destructive path. Know that there are millions of people going through the SAME thing!

    You can do this! The fact that you care at all is a step ahead of the game of most people. You can do this!!! :)
  • LizJ08
    LizJ08 Posts: 127
    You are doing great. I think it's so easy for us to get discouraged as women because of our hormones constantly causing our weight to fluctuate. That could be the cause. Also, drink more water and watch your sodium intake. Consistency will win out in the end! I'll bet next week when you weigh in you will find that you've exceeded your goal if you continue to be consistent with staying at your calorie goal and exercising. Don't lose heart! You can do this.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Remember that you're not here simply to just watch numbers on a scale tick lower and lower (or are you?). There are significant health risks associated with being overweight. And also realize that weight loss is not always a neat, negatively sloping line where you can see the exact same progress distributed evenly over weeks and months. There are bumps in the road, plateaus and numerous other factors that affect whether or not you see numbers on the scale move or not.

    My advice? Be patient. Take measurements. Don't beat yourself up for days where your weigh-ins aren't ideal or you aren't seeing the exact progress you want to see. Make action plans. Plan to fail - and make action plans to react to that (i.e. put in an extra workout, etc). Also, be careful about making changes you CANNOT or WILL NOT sustain indefinitely. Your comment regarding "eating like a rabbit" concerns me - it makes me think this is not something you will WANT to keep up after you've reached your goal weight. This is a lifestyle change and not a 2 month dive from your normal habits just to drop a few pounds and then regain them in the next 4 months, right?

    This is a journey, not a race. It takes time. Remind yourself of all the reasons you want to stay on this path. Stay the course. You'll get there.
  • sspetter
    sspetter Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there Loop-Hole-Queen!! Let's look at this!
    I agree with everyone is saying. First...Eating like a rabbit does not make you lose weight, it makes you HUNGRY, because we aren't rabbits! Eat satisfiying food (which is the wonderful thing about counting calories!)
    And Do Not Weight Every day! You know that, we ALL know that!
    Look at where you are! 10 lbs down!!!!
    To keep weight off, 1-1/2 lbs to 2 lbs a week may not seem like much but as the months go by that really adds up.
    Weight fluctuates for lots of reasons! You may have gone up 1lb, but some week following you're going to be down 2!
    You hang in there!
  • nshannon14
    nshannon14 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone. I hate to chime in as the husband here, but I wanted to clarify something my wife put in her post. She mentioned "eating like a rabbit" which is kind of an inside joke that seems to have leaked in to her post. That came about when I made a joke two years ago about eating carrots. It stuck them in my teeth and made clicking sounds and everything! Since then it has kind of been and inside joke to refer to any veggies. She actually does really well eating veggies and enjoys them maybe more than I do. I just wanted to clarify that statement. The sentiment about longevity of our eating habits is a good point that many seem to have made. We have made an effort to make foods, particularly at dinner, that are tasty and healthy. I think a part of the problem here comes in the comparison. I'm sure most of you will agree that it is completely unfair to compare the weight loss of men and women. In my weigh in I lost 4 pounds (though it was almost all water weight) and that contributes to the frustration of diet and exercise for her. For the most part you ladies have a tougher hill to climb then do a lot of us guys and I admire the work and determination it takes to accomplish what you do. I hope that doesn't come off as sexist in any way.

    Baby your husband thinks you are beautiful! I'm here to support you every step of the way in this. Listen to the advice on this post. Everything I've heard sounds like positive and solid suggestions. In a month when you come back and make a post you will be touting your weight loss victories and these will be the same people here to congratulate you as will I!

    Hope everyone has a good Friday!
  • kelly4800
    kelly4800 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm right where you are. Three years ago, I lost 20 pds. and kept if off for 2 years. Now, I've gained 22 pds. and can't seem to lose an ounce. Granted, I'm not extremely overweight but, when you're 5'1" as I am, you can't carry alot of extra weight. I know I should exercise every day, but I just feel like it won't do any good so I just sit on the couch and eat junk. I'm not giving up - just trying to find something to motivate me.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Well, if it would make you feel better, you can head to the moon, and weigh yourself there. Or you could put a scale in an elevator, and then stand on it while going down. Those will all make you weigh less.

    Honestly, I don't like going by my weight. I don't even like going by body fat content, because that's misleading, as well. It's a nice thing to have for numerical comparison, but honestly, what makes the difference is your shape. I know when I've gained some pounds because my butt won't fit in my pants. I don't need a scale to confirm it. When I look in the mirror, and see some extra flappage on my arms, I know I've gained weight; I don't need to measure body fat content to know that. If you're healthy, and you're literally SEEING results, you're doing the right thing.

    Weight is nothing more than the measurement of gravity's pull on your body. Try not to let those numbers get you down, because if Earth suddenly shifted it's rotational axis, and the magnetic poles changed, gravity wouldn't be the same. You could gain 20lbs in an instant, but your shape wouldn't be any different. So just remember, it's not the numbers that count. It's what you actually see. :wink:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hello everyone. I hate to chime in as the husband here, but I wanted to clarify something my wife put in her post. She mentioned "eating like a rabbit" which is kind of an inside joke that seems to have leaked in to her post. That came about when I made a joke two years ago about eating carrots. It stuck them in my teeth and made clicking sounds and everything! Since then it has kind of been and inside joke to refer to any veggies. She actually does really well eating veggies and enjoys them maybe more than I do. I just wanted to clarify that statement. The sentiment about longevity of our eating habits is a good point that many seem to have made. We have made an effort to make foods, particularly at dinner, that are tasty and healthy. I think a part of the problem here comes in the comparison. I'm sure most of you will agree that it is completely unfair to compare the weight loss of men and women. In my weigh in I lost 4 pounds (though it was almost all water weight) and that contributes to the frustration of diet and exercise for her. For the most part you ladies have a tougher hill to climb then do a lot of us guys and I admire the work and determination it takes to accomplish what you do. I hope that doesn't come off as sexist in any way.

    Baby your husband thinks you are beautiful! I'm here to support you every step of the way in this. Listen to the advice on this post. Everything I've heard sounds like positive and solid suggestions. In a month when you come back and make a post you will be touting your weight loss victories and these will be the same people here to congratulate you as will I!

    Hope everyone has a good Friday!
    Fabulous post! I wish my husband were doing the things you are doing and giving the support you are. You also made some excellent points. Men definitely have an easier time losing weight. Part of it is because you all have more mass on average, and higher metabolisms. Perhaps it would help if you both looked at the percentage of total weight lost so you could more easily compare apples to apples. You'll probably still lose weight more quickly but the difference won't seem so huge.

    To the OP, keep at it! It is sometimes a struggle but the end result is so worth it. Weight loss is not a straight line on a graph. Some weeks we gain but most weeks we lose. Sometimes we'll see a few weeks without a loss at all but that's just your body's way of telling you that it's happy where it is. At those times, we switch things up (new exercises, eating a little more, whatever it takes) to start losing again.

    Wishing success to you both!
  • First- hang in there, you're doing great! A lot of us understand what you're going through. I lost about 25 lbs during my first few months, but have been at a very frustrating plateau for a while now. It's tempting to beat myself up about it, but i know that my worth as a person depends on much more than a number on a scale- and so does yours!

    Second- what a supportive husband! That is so wonderful to hear :) It sounds like the two of you are in this together, and that is a great advantage to you! You can help pull each other up when one of you is down, you can vent to each other when you've had a rough day, and you can celebrate your successes together. Best of luck to you both!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    If you haven't done it yet, take your measurments. This is the first time I've done it and it's the only thing keeping me sane as I haven't moved the scale in over 3 weeks except to gain a pound. I was feeling really bad about my good eating and hard work at the gym until I just thought to measure and realized that while I had gained a pound I had dropped 2 inches. I'm wishing the scale would move because it's more satisfying but I realize in my head muscle weighs more than fat and my body is trying to change even if I can't see it.
  • zebraspots2069
    zebraspots2069 Posts: 213 Member
    Hello everyone. I hate to chime in as the husband here, but I wanted to clarify something my wife put in her post. She mentioned "eating like a rabbit" which is kind of an inside joke that seems to have leaked in to her post. That came about when I made a joke two years ago about eating carrots. It stuck them in my teeth and made clicking sounds and everything! Since then it has kind of been and inside joke to refer to any veggies. She actually does really well eating veggies and enjoys them maybe more than I do. I just wanted to clarify that statement. The sentiment about longevity of our eating habits is a good point that many seem to have made. We have made an effort to make foods, particularly at dinner, that are tasty and healthy. I think a part of the problem here comes in the comparison. I'm sure most of you will agree that it is completely unfair to compare the weight loss of men and women. In my weigh in I lost 4 pounds (though it was almost all water weight) and that contributes to the frustration of diet and exercise for her. For the most part you ladies have a tougher hill to climb then do a lot of us guys and I admire the work and determination it takes to accomplish what you do. I hope that doesn't come off as sexist in any way.

    Baby your husband thinks you are beautiful! I'm here to support you every step of the way in this. Listen to the advice on this post. Everything I've heard sounds like positive and solid suggestions. In a month when you come back and make a post you will be touting your weight loss victories and these will be the same people here to congratulate you as will I!

    Hope everyone has a good Friday!

    WONDERFUL, such support!!!!...he is right! i was posting my little 1 lb weight loss last week and this week's weight in i couldn't even put on site...i gained 1lb. Yes i was a little discouraged as well, but i realized that if i cont. to work hard and maybe harder...ti will all pan out...what is the saying..Rome wasn't built in a didnt gain any weight in a it will take longer then a week to lose it....Keep up that good work DONT GIVE UP!!!!
  • AlisonL14
    AlisonL14 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for this thread - the scale told me I gained 3 pounds today and I felt so desperate I decided a) it was broken and b)it lies to hurt me cause it may be the devil. So I ran around my apt. trying to weigh things I knew the weight of already to prove the scale's evil plot. While I still think the scale is possessed by a demonic force, I must say that all of your encouraging words have made me feel better too. It's a marathon not a sprint for sure!!!
  • nshannon14
    nshannon14 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you everyone for being so complimentary. In truth we both have had and will have opportunities in the process where we will need each others support. In my opinion it is a lot easier to make this kind of change when both parties are on board and are willing to be supportive of each other. Sometimes it is tough to be enthusiastic and motivated without being competitive though. Fortunately our gym has a scale that measures body fat, weight, blood pressure and heart rate. I agree with the person that said that measurements are a much better indicator as well. I think it is easy to lose sight of that when so many things are based on pounds lost. We see it on people's statuses, and hear about others at work, and on TV. Sometimes it is tough to accept that this will be a slow process when you see people losing 15 pounds a time on the Biggest Loser. That kind of weight loss just isn't realistic for most people. Thank you all for your supportive comments. Everyone keep up the good work!!
  • Thank you everyone for your kind words!! I'm feeling better than I was this morning and staying on track. Hopefully I'll have better news to report next week!!
  • Hang in there!!! Your doing great and the right thing! Its probably water gain or perhaps near your menstral cycle, I have been told that up to a week before your body will actually be heavier and it is nothing that your doing wrong. DONT GIVE UP!!!
  • catwomanclaws
    catwomanclaws Posts: 23 Member
    I definitely hear you...and I know others out there do too. This weight loss stuff may very well be one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life. It takes commitment and time and patience. You will have days, like today, where it pulls you down and you just want to give up. But tomorrow is a NEW day and you just need to refocus and remember your goals. Hang in there.....keep strong! You can do this! Eyes ahead!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's ONE pound. Just one.
  • Weivhing in is sometimes very discouraging. Next time you feel really good bypass the scale and enjoy your day and keep feeling good. A womans body has no respect for weigh day. Your clothes and your friends will tell you wben your losing. I weigh about every 10 - 15 days. It has made me a happier dieter.