Caffeine or no Caffeine???



  • hollythehutt
    I've never really drank very much soda, even as a little kid, but I drink a lot of black coffee and espresso-derived drinks. I find that, paradoxically, *not* drinking coffee for too long gives me headaches, weird vision, and irritability, plus I just love the taste of good coffee, so I don't think I'll be giving that up any time soon.
  • Stumoo
    Stumoo Posts: 14
    I find that, paradoxically, *not* drinking coffee for too long gives me headaches, weird vision, and irritability,

    That's not a paradox. That's classic caffeine withdrawal. But don't worry, your addiction isn't doing you any harm and is probably good for you on balance, contrary to the unsupported assertions of stanvoodoo above.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    I will not lie the first couple weeks was very tough. But well worth it in the end.I had a few bad migraines but I got through it. I do not drink coffee or tea so quitting my caffeine pop was a very big deal. I can have a pop every so often when we go out of pop with caffeine, and I dont have a headache the next day like I used to get without.
    I do notice that I no longer get the bad mirgaines I used to get also. So I think thats worth it all. So i suppose I will just stick to the non caffenated. I just wonder what other people thought about this situation. Thanks >:O)

    I told myself I would no longer bring in caffeinated drinks into the house once my last 12 pack of cans was gone. I went with out pop for a period for about a couple months before I reintroduced the caffeine free in our house. Worked out great!
  • bellavie23
    bellavie23 Posts: 83 Member
    Honestly, I limit myself to maybe 1-2 cups of coke a month, if that, other than that it is just water, however, I don't have an addiction to it, I don't drink coffee, so it makes it easy to have 1 or 2 now and again, I just add the calories in. Dont make yourself suffer, one coke will not harm you, better to have one when you are having a small urge than to get to feeling you need one and having quite a few. Moderation for me.
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    I quit caffeine for January and when the month ended I didn't go back because I felt so good - loads more energy than I had before. Now, I drink a pint of water when I first wake up instead of coffee, and when I am feeling lethargic, I drink water or rooibos (redbush) tea, which is a nice caffeine free red tea that I have with lemon.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    The Women's One a Day multi-vitamin for active has caffeine in it! The same as a cup of coffee! I take it everyday and drink nothing but water.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I don't drink pop but I do take caffeine pills (which is the equivalent of about a cup and a half of coffee). Work til 2 in the morning then deal with kids all day and then tell me if you don't need the caffeine.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    I have not had soda in 4 months but I drink maybe 4 to 8 oz of coffee every once in a while if I have a sweet tooth.My hubby usually buys caramel brownie or vanilla hazelnut flavored coffee from a local coffee shop so that plus Splenda or Truvia helps satisfy my sweet tooth :)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Coffee is keeps me from making others' necks go "break"!
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I only drink diet soda every now and then but I am a soild 2 cup of coffee a day gal.. I stopped for a while and started having horrible migraines.. so caffeine for me!
  • Templetough
    As much as caffeine can help a work out, I also quit caffeine about a year ago and it's really hard to start it again once your body isn't used to it anymore. Since I haven't had almost ANY in a year, when I accidentally drank a coke zero assuming it was caffeine free, I got horribly anxious and jittery. could just be how my body reacts to it though. I've been doing great without it though!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I've had 2 sodas in the last 2 months but I will never, ever give up my coffee, no way!! I drink 1 to 2 cups in am, and 1 to 2 cups in eve......
  • sfh0wrd
    I am an AVID coffee fan, and have tried to kick it, but just can't. And then I'd get those awful caffeine withdrawal headaches. *Shudder*

    I typically have 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning. Sometimes I'll have one in the afternoon, but not on a normal day, especially when I have a run planned for the evening.

    To me, eliminating carbonated beverages always made the bigger difference for me. So now I'm soda free, but not caffeine free! PLEASE! DON'T TAKE MY COFFEE!!!

    If you need a little boost, you should check our Yerba Mate tea. This website explains it if you are interested!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I just did a caffeine-free week. I forgot to have my morning coffee on Monday morning, and then I decided to see how long I could go without it. Normally I'd have at least two cups of either coffee or black tea a day.

    The results have been very uninteresting. I don't feel more energetic, I don't feel less energetic, I'm not having withdrawal symptoms. I guess I'm not addicted. Since it's something I enjoy I might as well start drinking coffee and tea again, but it's good to know that I can go off it easily if I'm in a place where unsweetened black coffee or tea is difficult to get.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    No cafeine! Not got for anyone!

    It dehydrates you so you need to drink even more water to flush your system.

    I can tell you getting off of soda really sped up my weight loss and I don't miss it at all anymore. Never in a million years thought I could say that!

    Best of Luck!

    Actually this is wrong. Check out the data at the Mayo clinic website.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    To me, eliminating carbonated beverages always made the bigger difference for me. So now I'm soda free, but not caffeine free! PLEASE! DON'T TAKE MY COFFEE!!!

    Actually, it's an amazing source of antioxidants and great diabetes prevention. Please don't feel guilty about drinking 1-2 cups per day that's what's suggested for these two benefits.
  • sdminor11
    I quit drinking pop about 2 months, i have slipped a couple times but nothing like before. I drink coffee which seems to work way better than pop and its alittle bit healthier for you. Honestly i hated the taste of coffee like 3 months ago but now id rather drink it over pop.
  • Stumoo
    Stumoo Posts: 14

    Actually, it's an amazing source of antioxidants and great diabetes prevention. Please don't feel guilty about drinking 1-2 cups per day that's what's suggested for these two benefits.

    It's great really, a vast majority of the population is self-medicating with coffee and tea. Imagine how bad public health might be without it? Now if we could convince everyone to drink it black with no sugar, we might crack the obesity epidemic too. No point saying it here as I'm sure you're all aware of this, but lattes and frappes and all that junk are generally pretty high in calories...
  • sfh0wrd

    To me, eliminating carbonated beverages always made the bigger difference for me. So now I'm soda free, but not caffeine free! PLEASE! DON'T TAKE MY COFFEE!!!

    Actually, it's an amazing source of antioxidants and great diabetes prevention. Please don't feel guilty about drinking 1-2 cups per day that's what's suggested for these two benefits.

    Oh, I don't feel guilty about it. I'm perfectly happy with my cup of black coffee in the morning.

    I am glad I no longer drink 8-10 cups a day (no lie) like I did when I worked at a local coffee shop. Same way I'm glad that I no longer smoke!
  • dberry01
    dberry01 Posts: 18 Member
    Lots of arguements on the benefits of caffeine