Well hello MFPs!

Hey guys!
I've been at this for a couple weeks, but finally gave in to posting here at the forums.

A little about me:

I'm 21,
currently 173.5 lbs (which has been hanging on! Ugh!)
my starting weight was 182 lbs, and that was when I just got home from college in December.

My goal weight is 135-130.

I like to think that I eat quite healthy, but the weight was sticking on, even with daily workouts (30 minutes+ a day, 7 days a week) and I have a feeling I wasn't getting ENOUGH calories.

Started on 1200 calories, as MFP set for me, bumped it up to 1300 after I PUT ON some weight, and last night realized with a BMR of 1600, and a TDEE of 1900 (not including exercise) I need to eat more.

So I changed my calorie intake to 1550 last night, and am planning on trying to eat at least once every 2 hours or so.

Would love some friends on this journey, and also curious if anyone has any weightloss tumblrs or such.

Hi everyone!
