World of Warcraft



  • xaarinana
    xaarinana Posts: 6 Member
    My brother got me hooked on it! He's buying me a subscription as a late xmas present :) I'm waiting for him to get his bank statement in the mail so he can pay for it and i feel like i'm going through withdrawal! lol
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    I'm actually currently studying to be a game designer. However, I will not let myself play WOW because I know I would get hooked and never finish my degree or get a job. :D
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    Any WOW geeks out there? Would love to talk about anything game related. I'm an 85 rogue.

    Getting Fangs of the Father? :wink:
  • sawyermark
    sawyermark Posts: 74 Member
    Kael'thas undead warrior named Spanktastick here. Use to play almost all the time but thankfully with working out and trying to be more healthy I've cut back alot.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'm a WoW nerd! Definitely not as often as I want to be but I'm there. 85 priest, 85 pally, 75 shaman, 83 mage, and some other toons in the 40s or so. Add me if you want and even real id once I've gotten to know you.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    Can't say I like the game. For my husband WoW is the other woman. I have tried to talk to him, the kids have even made comments about Daddy being too busy to help them or get them something when they need it. He admitted once that he is addicted, but he won't stop or limit his time. I can't compete with his addiction anymore.
  • sawyermark
    sawyermark Posts: 74 Member
    Sherry go out and do stuff by yourself. His curiosity will make him follow. Talk about the cool stuff your kids do the same will pull him out of the chair hopefully. if not only other choice is to kick him out or join the dark side.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Ex-WoW junkie here. 85 resto/ele shammy on Anvilmar. I loved end-game content in WotLK but I couldn't dedicate the time it takes to gear up for endgame in Cata. I grinded rep for a few factions for a few pieces I needed, started hardmode dungeons, and bailed. It just wasn't fun anymore. Also, I read an article on gaming addiction and how these companies specifically design them to turn us into rats pressing buttons, waiting for our treats (i.e. random drops really aren't that random - they are designed to keep us grinding over and over and over and paying them for what isn't really fun if you think about it).

    I wouldn't allow your 10 year old to play for the same reason the other players mentioned - the other users. MMORPGs aren't for little kids because adults (and teens) can be, well, rather adult in their conversations. Unless, of course, you want your kid exposed to an indepth lesson on anatomy and intercourse (anything from women and men to men and men to men and... sheep? I think I saw a lizard in the mix once), politics and why the government sucks or rocks, the occasional "You're all going to hell!" speech, and the various names and creative cussing that goes on. That said, some parents allowed their children to have accounts. Generally, these were guild leaders who ran guilds with family-friendly rules so they knew their kids weren't exposed to adult themes at least inside the guild. I also allowed my children to create a toon on my account but I never let them play enough to get out of the starting areas and into the more public population.

    Sherry, I started off a WoW widow too. Then I started playing to get some sense of why in the world he was choosing his stupid game over his family. I understand it completely now. I'm just thankful we don't play like we used to.
  • I am a lvl 85 rogue! My entire family plays WoW: brother, sister, brother-in-law and two nephews. For Christmas, I got my nephews Pathfinder RPG for some face-to-face socializing and to expand their creative side.