New! Lets be friends! Support?!!?

Hi MFP friends! My names lauren I am 25 years old, and since i graduated college I have gained 20 ish lbs!! That puts me around 5'4 and 180 lbs. "morbidly obease" according to the bmi index charts :(. The fact is that I no longer ride my bike anywhere (used to ride to class, work, etc), I eat whatever I want and do not have a routine workout schedule. My jeans are tight and I feel uncomfortable. Its ok though, this is a temporary problem. I've been tracking calories on and off since about last may and all I have to show for it is a consciousness that i eat TOO much. so now ive decided that I need to get my butt in actual gear, say no to seconds, yes to burns, and hello to the hot bod I know is under these 20 lbs. Any one want to jump on board? I need some support and friends!!!! Good luck to all see you 20 lbs from now!


  • steffihoney
    Welcome and lots of luck!! I have a lot more than 20, but that is my first goal!!
    I sent you a friend request.
  • D8tedMusik
    D8tedMusik Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Lorena, Welcome and good luck with your quest. I know with hard work and determination you can knock those 20 pounds out in no time!
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    Hi there! I'm sitting at 180ish lbs too and gained most of it in my last year of University. We can do this! :)
  • Ironyb
    Ironyb Posts: 30
    Hey don't feel too bad I was 210lbs and only 4'9. I had gained like 50lbs entering into college, and now I've lost 40lbs of it. I know you can go it!!!
  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Lauren! I joined MFP a LONG time agao but only recently decided to actually use it to help me reach my goal. I have a LOT more than 20 lbs too lose so I know I can use the support. I will send you a friend request!

    Good Luck and I KNOW we can do this! With God's help ALL things are possible.
  • AnnaK812
    AnnaK812 Posts: 48 Member
    request sent!
  • courtwhitear
    courtwhitear Posts: 23 Member
    I'll be your friend and support! I am 5'4 and weigh WAY more than 180! :( I gained 40 lbs last year when I met my now husband (eating out and not working out took its toll fast!) Best of luck to you!
  • Tulipgirl1223
    Tulipgirl1223 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi I'm new too. I'm Julie, I'm 34 and I live in IL. Feel free to request me if you want.
  • Princesspetal7
    Princesspetal7 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi I'm Sarah. I'm 32 married with a 19 month old daughter. I am 170 lbs needing to get to 140lbs. Wanting to 2lb a week. I am confused as to exactly what exercise to add to my diary.... Every time I go out for a walk to the shops etc...

    Can anyone help?

    Sar x
  • Danpellizzari
    We've all been there. Add me if u like.
  • zaaden
    zaaden Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Lauren
    I have been on MFP for quite a while, although have only started over past couple of months to really put it to use to eat better and lose weight.
    The MFP friends definitely help and I have also found that if you are willing to open your diary it makes you think more about what you eat as it is there for all to see.

    Good luck.
  • brimona
    brimona Posts: 19 Member
    hi lauren.

    im also 5' 4'', but i havent seen 180 pounds in years (im 198.8). im on my way back down that way though. im sending you a friend request now. i need more active commenters and talkers on my friends list.

    anyone else reading that likes to be social, add me too.
  • lorena007
    Hi there, So there is an app. for smart phones called map my run, its fantastic! It uses GPS to track where you are walking, your average speed, calories burned, tracks time and distance. You can make your workout public or private AND you can pause and resume (for when you stop in a store)! I use it to track my mph when i walk my dog and then log it into MFP. For example theres a route i walk my dog and if its a brisk walk it will tell me 3.5 mph, .6 miles 40- 50 calories burned. Its a really great app!
    Good luck!