New here. Is it really this easy?

Hi I'm Julie, I'm 34, I live in IL. I'm married, and have 2 kids. I'm a SAHM. I need to lose 30 lbs.

Is it really this easy as just inputting my calories? So if I eat an apple I just add it? Is it really that easy LOL.

Anyways, feel free to add me as a friend if you want



  • brimona
    brimona Posts: 19 Member
    yes and no. you will find that it gets hard to count everything. theres a lot of guessing and mesuring. and its even harder if you are eating out. and you will also learn that some things have a lot more calories than you ever thought. but its a learning process.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    lol no one ever said it's going to be easy - put at leats you don;t have to count your calories yourself and calculate back and forth. However, putting in the cals won't make you lose weight ^^
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    No way! It's not easy, if it were everyone would be successful. This is a great learning tool. You will learn so much from MFP. It's worth the effort.
  • msteaplease
    msteaplease Posts: 32 Member
    I just added you!

    Adding the food definately isn't tricky.

    The tricky part is to make sure you know exactly how much your eating (ie. use a food scale and measuring cups) Also make sure your making better choices. Filling up on protein rather then carbs.

    Alot of people have open diarys, where you can see what they're eating. Take a look and get an idea.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    In the beginning it may 'freak you out' if you're not used to logging everything in and seeing how many calories you're eating, but when you get used to it it's good. my friend got me on this because he's taking some nutrition class and I guess he thought i would benefit from this or... he thinks I'm fat! :tongue: :smile: He's a good friend. I'm taking it as he cares about me... have a wonderful weekend! Monday's a holiday!!!
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    Sure, it's that easy....just like it's easy to lose weight--all you have to do is eat right and exercise, right? But seriously, measuring, counting, reading labels all are keys to success. When you over-indulge and don't want to enter those numbers, you seriously have to do it. even if you don't change any of your eating habits at first, the very process of finding out how many calories you regularly eat can be VERY eye-opening! (for me it was like, "Ohhh, so THAT'S why I have gained so much! I'm eating about 3 times the calories I should be eating every day!)

    Also, find a group that fits you and join it! Or start a group of your own. The group accountability thing, and the support from MFP friends. really keeps you focused. Good luck!
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    lol no one ever said it's going to be easy - put at leats you don;t have to count your calories yourself and calculate back and forth. However, putting in the cals won't make you lose weight ^^
    Putting in the cals will make you lose weight if you are honest with your goals and your log literally you will lose weight doing nothing else a perfect example is my wife she has lost 19 pounds since I started doing this and she has done nothing but eat what I am eating. So yeah IF you are honest log everything stay under day after day week after week it will be that easy add me if you want
  • Tulipgirl1223
    Tulipgirl1223 Posts: 91 Member
    LOL By easy I mean I don't have to figure out points (I'm coming from weight watchers, and I'm not knocking the program AT ALL), but I got burned out on figuring out points.
  • emmie530
    emmie530 Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's pretty simple to use and when you have the app on your phone it makes it easy on the go! It does take determination and motivation which the community helps a lot!! Good luck! you can do it! :) Feel free to add me! :):):)
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    LOL By easy I mean I don't have to figure out points (I'm coming from weight watchers, and I'm not knocking the program AT ALL), but I got burned out on figuring out points.
    my wife did weight watchers that was all it taught her was math not knocking it either it has helped millions it just isn't free like this
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I've got a friend who does WW. He says the points are super easy. I beg to differ. Like everyone says, if you are honest with your logging and take the time to do it right, you should see the pounds drop off. You'll probably have days where you are feeling discouraged and wondering why you bother, just don't give up! When you feel discouraged, look to your friends here!

    Feel free to add me if you need someone to be there to help with encouragement! :)