


  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    Not all fats and carbs are created as equal..... it is ok to eat 50% of complex carbohydrates which are also used for weight loss because of their high fiber and nutrient content, and if you eat monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats... those are fat burners that gets rid of saturated fats.....

    High protein diets do not put a strain on the kidneys unless you are eating freakish amounts of protein or if you have any sort of health issues/problems with your kidneys. High protein diets are excellent for weight loss. You consume calories from protein, fats and carbs. So, if you aren't consuming a lot of protein, then most of your calories come from carbs and fats. And MOST people aren't active enough to utilize all the carbs they intake. Shoot for 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass.
  • bajkej
    I agree MFP's numbers are way too low. I am always over on protein. So, can the macros be changed manually to fit our personal needs so we can see them on the summary?
  • truecountrygirl
    truecountrygirl Posts: 100 Member
    the people that are on here doing the high protein low carb diets i thought that was like adkins and they reccommend that you dont stay on that for like more then a year or something like that
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    that is correct don't stay on it... Dr Atkins died from his own diet lol
    the people that are on here doing the high protein low carb diets i thought that was like adkins and they reccommend that you dont stay on that for like more then a year or something like that
  • DisneySkaGirl
    With heavy workouts and whatnot protein is the most important thing, at least compared to carbs, sugars, fats, etc. I go over in protein almost every day (I drink a proteins shake for breakfast every morning after a workout) and i lose weight at a very steady pace...know why? protein keeps me full MUCH longer :D i try to have higher protein content, because I know how important it is. Not excessively high though.....

    What kind of protein shake do you drink? I was asking on here if maybe I should be drinking any kind of protein shake but didn't get many response like 2 ppl. What about whey protein? I am trying to lose and be lean and I workout pretty hard 5 or 6 days a week..

    I use GNC Amplified Whey Protein. As I understand from looking into different brands etc (but by no means an expert), this brand of why is slightly broken down already, so it is more readily absorbed when you use it, making it better for recovery after a heavy lifting workout. Downside, it is a bit pricey. I've had chocolate, cookies and creme and fruit punch, they are okay tasting, though others have told me they love them. I guess I just have trouble interpreting something as chocolate that ISN'T chocolate.
  • truecountrygirl
    truecountrygirl Posts: 100 Member
    that is correct don't stay on it... Dr Atkins died from his own diet lol
    the people that are on here doing the high protein low carb diets i thought that was like adkins and they reccommend that you dont stay on that for like more then a year or something like that
    hahaha wow isnt that just great lol
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    I agree MFP's numbers are way too low. I am always over on protein. So, can the macros be changed manually to fit our personal needs so we can see them on the summary?

    I just managed to change them by going my home, goals, change goals, custom, and then you can change by percentages!!
    also atkins is only high protein very low carb, if you are workout alot you need to eat both carbs and protein however you need much more protein for muscle repair !!
  • DisneySkaGirl
    that is correct don't stay on it... Dr Atkins died from his own diet lol
    the people that are on here doing the high protein low carb diets i thought that was like adkins and they reccommend that you dont stay on that for like more then a year or something like that
    hahaha wow isnt that just great lol

    I think the major difference is that Adkins was saying eat as much protien and fat as you want, with no concern for the calories or the quality of the items consumed. Adkins would not differentiate between a person eating only cheese and bacon and another person eating lean chicken and salmon.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    I hired a trainer to get me started with workout and diet. I'm shooting for 200 gms of carbs, 175 of protien, and about 40 of fat. As expained to me, protien is essential not only in building muscle but maintaining muscle. My target weight is 175 lbs which is how we came up with my protien number. Excess protien is not stored as easily as carbs or fat.
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    I've reset my goals to 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat. The automatic ones are very low, and that's what I kept hearing was a good percentage.
    exactly what I reset mine to
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I agree MFP's numbers are way too low. I am always over on protein. So, can the macros be changed manually to fit our personal needs so we can see them on the summary?

    I just managed to change them by going my home, goals, change goals, custom, and then you can change by percentages!!
    also atkins is only high protein very low carb, if you are workout alot you need to eat both carbs and protein however you need much more protein for muscle repair !!

    Thanks for that! X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I've reset my goals to 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat. The automatic ones are very low, and that's what I kept hearing was a good percentage.
    exactly what I reset mine to
    Bump to remember percentages x
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I actually set my protein way way higher than MFP to help prevent loss of lean body mass. Going over on protein is a very good thing. MFP protein goals are way way too low.

    I have mine set to 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, 20% fat.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    the people that are on here doing the high protein low carb diets i thought that was like adkins and they reccommend that you dont stay on that for like more then a year or something like that

    I am on high protein, but not low carb. My fat intake I don't really care about. I just try to keep the carbs under 40% intake and keep protein at or above 40%. These percentages are guides more than anything. The reason why people keep their protein intake high is to prevent loss of lean body mass or muscle tissue. Losing muscle means a decline in your resting BMR basically making it harder to maintain your weight once you hit goal and harder to lose as you get closer.

    If you aren't already, I highly suggest doing some strength training with your exercise routine as well.

    Good luck to you :)
  • kyleekennedy222
    how do you change the mfp settings? to change your protein
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    that is correct don't stay on it... Dr Atkins died from his own diet lol
    the people that are on here doing the high protein low carb diets i thought that was like adkins and they reccommend that you dont stay on that for like more then a year or something like that
    hahaha wow isnt that just great lol

    Actually he died because he fell and hit his head on a sidewalk. Don't see how that can be translated to dying from his diet.