Does anyone pre-plan their days?

I've lost 79 pounds so far and have 54 to go to reach my goal. I have had great success so far just "winging it" but realize that the remainder will be harder than the first 79 pounds. How many of you enter your next day's food intake to make sure you hit your nutritional numbers. Up until now I've mainly targeted only calories and sodium. Your input is greatly appreciated and I'll probably do whatever the majority of you say. Thanks!


  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Absolutely. I'd never make it if I just ate and then counted it. If I can plan ahead it will make it easier to make changes if I need to.
  • samanthanic0le
    samanthanic0le Posts: 81 Member
    I always log mine ahead of time. It gives me a good chance to really see where I need to adjust. It gives you something to look forward too. Plus, it's always a good feeling to match up close. :]
  • shenhannigans
    I do this most weekdays.. weekends, not so much. Helps me make sure I stay within my limit.
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    Any day I work I always enter my foods in the morning or the night before. It really does help!!
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    The night prior or that morning is when I log my food.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I get my workout done in the morning and then plan my meals after that. Then I change it if I need to throughout the day!
  • misslissa121
    I don't plan the whole day, but I do try to plan around my dinner. I enter what I am having for dinner when I enter my breakfast (I have the same thing for breakfast all week, mainly for financial and ease of getting out the door on time) But having my dinner planned in the morning helps me pick out what snacks and lunch I will have and if I will be hitting the gym harder.

    Also if I am too lazy to log it before I eat it then I don't eat it
  • salene17
    salene17 Posts: 16 Member
    I do every night before I go to bed. Sometimes I make adjustments, but for the ,out part I stick to my menu!
  • Cody78xx
    I always plan ahead but only 1 meal at a time (except for breakfast). It keeps me in check so I never eat more than what I already had planned :)
  • tataliciousd89
    Yeah, I pre-plan most days. I usually know how much I will burn exercising and have to pre-plan to make sure I eat enough of those calories back.
  • keywestsunset
    keywestsunset Posts: 139 Member
    I also do this. On the days I work, I put in breakfast, lunch and snacks, and then I know what number of calories I have left for dinner, and plan accordingly. I also try to plan my dinners for the week, so we aren't trying to think of something last minute. That used to result in fast food too often.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I pre-plan most days in the morning and change things up as the day goes on.

    If I'm going to a restaurant I always draft up my day so I know how much wiggle room I have.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I plan what I am going to eat for breakfast and lunch during the week. I don't log anything though until I eat it.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I think I'm seeing a trend here. Thanks.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    I did a few years back, but that made me obsess. So I eat then count.
  • aprillk
    I just recently started entering my meals the morning of. I enter everything including snacks, that way i know the plan... if i were doing it on my own it wouldnt happen. Its kinda like i put it out there now i have to live up to it. Congrats on the weight loss! =)
  • Peacock2468
    I usually plan my meals the night before. There are time when I make adjustments if I feel I am not getting enough. I usually try to stay an extra 200-300 calories under my goal. Some days this works, others not so much.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I wouldn't say that I pre-log, but I eat so much of the same thing that I know how many calories I can use for each meal/snack. If I am tempted to eat something else or indulge I will plug everything in to make sure I have enough.

    I honestly only target my calories at this point, but realize I may have to adjust that as the scale goes down more.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I did a few years back, but that made me obsess. So I eat then count.
    I guess that is what I've been doing. I usually adjust my exercising in the evening to match what I ate for the day. I don't watch my protein/carb/fat intake closely though. Those numbers are usually all over the place, mostly on the low side though some days I'm over.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,052 Member
    Most evenings, I plan the next day's meals. It's a great help to me in avoiding an overload on sodium. Sometimes though, I don't have the time or I'm just too tired to sit at the computer and it shows in my diary. Like today, UGH.