nausea and now bloating?

okay, so my doctor put me on zantac last week for stomach pains. well, since then I've been nauseous like I ate the world's oldest egg salad sandwich. I've found that carbonated beverages seem to help this, but now I'm all bloated (I never drink carbonated stuff ever...) help please :( I need this nausea to go away but I feel like an awkward potato right now!


  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    I've had digestive issues MOST of my life. Poor digestion meant poor nutrient usage. The more pills the doctors put me on the worse it got. I threw out all the pills and went vegetarian. That helped a lot.

    I have a lot of food intolerances. Such as synthetic flavorings. I can tell if they use real or fake vanilla in baked goods. Same with lemon flavors and lime flavors. Fake stuff I burp for several hours. Anything microwaved makes me belch like I've sucked down a whole beer.

    If you're near a Trader Joes their papaya enzyme is very helpful for bad digestion. And it's pretty inexpensive.

    You need things to AID your digestion. Not stop it.

    Basically - our food consumption is so bad our pancreas - which produces enzymes for digestion and repair - is three times the size of a cows. Of that, 90% goes toward digestion, leaving 10% to repair our bodies. Which is leading us down a road to premature aging and illness.

    PS: The syrup used in like vending machine sodas, 7-ll or Burger King, what ever - is very good for nausea. Not so much soda straight from a can.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    okay thank you! I don't have a TJ's but I have a wegmans. so I'll check it out there. thank you so much. I didn't have any of these issues until I started this medicine and now I feel like death :( I don't eat red meat really anymore, except for reindeer and venison on occasion. right now I'll pay anything to stop feeling like I need to throw up every 5 minutes!
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    Call your doctor, or talk to your pharmacist. Zantac doesn't normally have that effect.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    You might just need a different type of acid blocker. I have that kind of issue with Prilosec. I personally recommend Prevacid, it saved my life when I was dealing with refeeding issues after starvation. If you've recently increased your caloric intake, trying scaling back and increasing 100-200 cals every other day until you're at the right spot. It's a common occurrence for people to have digestive problems when increasing calorie intake, especially if they were previously undereating.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Zantac shouldn't be doing that to you! Perhaps you're on too high of a dose? I don't know exactly. Do you take any other vitamins or supplements?
    Try ginger tea for the nausea. It works really well for that.
    Hope things get better soon!
  • maryjay51
    you might have a food allergy.. i was having the same problem ..i gave up dairy and white flour products and ooo la la ..the bloating, constipation, gas and abdominal pain is gone... when i have something dairy or white flour again i bloat up all over so it had to be that ..
  • BellydanceBliss
    you might have a food allergy.. i was having the same problem ..i gave up dairy and white flour products and ooo la la ..the bloating, constipation, gas and abdominal pain is gone... when i have something dairy or white flour again i bloat up all over so it had to be that ..

    Yeah i ate at ihop yesterday like a dummy. Was in my range of calories etc but holy crap. I have felt like kaka all day.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I've had digestive issues MOST of my life. Poor digestion meant poor nutrient usage. The more pills the doctors put me on the worse it got. I threw out all the pills and went vegetarian. That helped a lot.

    I have a lot of food intolerances. Such as synthetic flavorings. I can tell if they use real or fake vanilla in baked goods. Same with lemon flavors and lime flavors. Fake stuff I burp for several hours. Anything microwaved makes me belch like I've sucked down a whole beer.

    If you're near a Trader Joes their papaya enzyme is very helpful for bad digestion. And it's pretty inexpensive.

    You need things to AID your digestion. Not stop it.

    Basically - our food consumption is so bad our pancreas - which produces enzymes for digestion and repair - is three times the size of a cows. Of that, 90% goes toward digestion, leaving 10% to repair our bodies. Which is leading us down a road to premature aging and illness.

    PS: The syrup used in like vending machine sodas, 7-ll or Burger King, what ever - is very good for nausea. Not so much soda straight from a can.

    How did you figure out your intolerances? I have digestive issues but since I'm almost always bloated it's hard to pinpoint the cause. I had my doctor test for lots of food allergies and Celiac but they all came back negative.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    I was pretty okay before the zantac, I would get intermittent pains in my liver area, maybe twice a month that last around 30 min. But it felt like someone was stabbing me so my doctor thought maybe an ulcer :/ however. I think I'll definitely call him ASAP and see what's up. I'd rather get those pains once a month than feel nauseous 24/7! Ugh. Thanks everyone as always :)
  • brindlechewy
    brindlechewy Posts: 84 Member
    I have IBS and was having similar issues to yours--nauseous, bloated, and sharp stomach pains. The one thing that's really changed my life is switching to a low fat, mostly vegetarian diet. I've been getting most of my protein from eggs, fish, and beans, and the lack of fatty meat has greatly decreased my pain and bloating. Another issue for me (warning: gross stuff coming up) was CONSTANT constipation. Even while drinking tons of water and exercising regularly, nothing was going on in that area. Needless to say, a few weeks of eating lots of vegetable fiber and beans has completely changed that. Now I don't get stomach issues unless I make extremely poor meal choices, like the greasy pizza I had for dinner tonight. It was tasty, but I know I'll be paying for it for the next two or three days. Good luck, and I hope that your digestive issues are resolved. It's miserable and painful to be at the mercy of your stomach.
  • duetwithjosh
    Try taking 1g of encapsulated ginger, twice daily or as needed. It's cheap, and effective for both bloating and nausea. It's really helping my digestion. (Plus, ginger has all kind of other health benefits as an added perk.)