Knee Pain

So I really started on my new diet & exercise plan at the beginning of last week. I was trying to walk/run in some non-supportive shoes and by the end of the second day started having some knee pain. I went this past weekend and bought some great supportive running shoes to hopefully alleviate the knee pain. The problem however hasn't gotten any better and hurts in a very specific spot on the lower front inside of my knee. It hurts especially bad when I am running (not much pain when walking) and really hurts to the touch.

Any ideas of effective workout plans to build cardio that might help...I really want to rest it but am trying to train to walk/run a 5K on March 3 and hopefully walk/run a Half-Marathon in about 70 days!


  • Good luck with your goals. They sound better than mine. The only other thing I can advise besides going to the doctor is to start back at the beginning. How many miles are you walking/running a day?
  • bfeusner
    bfeusner Posts: 66 Member
    I am currently training for about 30 minutes at a time (approx. 2-2.5 miles) and it is predominantly walking mainly because of the pain when I try to run. I have a feeling that it is my body telling me I am too big to run because back when I was running in the past I weighed about 240 pounds and now I weight around 290. Not sure if that is the problem or what.

    It doesn't hurt at all during walking but after stopping it does start to hurt later. I am working on continuing to ice it and trying to give it time to heal!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    From someone with knee issues: never take knee pain lightly. Since it's been going on for a few days and significant changes such as changing shoes, I'd recommend speaking with a doctor.

    In the meantime, RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
  • goodmans90
    goodmans90 Posts: 45 Member
    I started having bad knee pain also, while I was walking on the treadmill. So, I stopped for about a week. Gave myself a rest, then I started taking osteo by flex. I can't believe the difference it has made. I am back to daily exercising without any problems. I only take 2 caplets in the morning and that has helped me alot. I hope this helps you. Good Luck
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    It could be a number of things- really, a doctor is a great start. It could be ligaments, cartilage- if it's gone thin that might explain why it hurts more to run. Check with a doctor first though.
  • bfeusner
    bfeusner Posts: 66 Member
    It will be at least two weeks before I can see a doctor because I am in the process of getting new insurance and I do not currently have health insurance until at least March 1st,,,Hopefully I can get this resolved in the mean time...
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member

    Try BCG knee support, it doesn't completely eliminate the pain but it curbs it great deal.
  • I have knee pain too and I am training for a 5K as well. The 3 things that have worked wonders for me are: 1) knee braces - I use the ACE ones that velcro around (three straps) to really hold your knee in place - at first they may feel constricting, but you will grow to like them; 2) stretching! stretch the glutes for double what you are used to and 3) no uphill inclines - flat surface on the treadmill. In the past, my knees have prevented me from running but for the past 45 days or so (running every other day) has been going well...up to 5 miles of interval (run/walk) and icy hot afterwards is a must to soothe :) good luck!!!

    one more thing...Question - do your knees 'click' going upstairs? it is possible your knee isn't completely aligned and is running off track - that is my issue...hence the knee brace to keep it in line. When you do get might be a good idea to go in. Might be an easy fix. Physical therapy told me to strengthen the inner and stretch the outer (and no inclines). I hope you find relief soon and keep up with the training.
  • bfeusner
    bfeusner Posts: 66 Member
    I will say that I am not specifically worried about not being able to exercise as I have done a great job of staying at/under my 1900 net calorie goal...So far I have already lost 5 pounds in 5 days since I first weighed in on the 13th...I just really wanted to be able to start participating in the 5K and ramp up my training for the half-marathon.
  • bfeusner
    bfeusner Posts: 66 Member
    I have knee pain too and I am training for a 5K as well. The 3 things that have worked wonders for me are: 1) knee braces - I use the ACE ones that velcro around (three straps) to really hold your knee in place - at first they may feel constricting, but you will grow to like them; 2) stretching! stretch the glutes for double what you are used to and 3) no uphill inclines - flat surface on the treadmill. In the past, my knees have prevented me from running but for the past 45 days or so (running every other day) has been going well...up to 5 miles of interval (run/walk) and icy hot afterwards is a must to soothe :) good luck!!!

    Thanks I'll have to try that! Good luck!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    As soon as you can get in to see a DR. get in to see one. Knee pain is nothing to shy around about, especially if you are active. It can set you back majorly. My advice is to walk instead of run, don't over do it, and REST when you finish. As a nurse that is the only legal advice I can give you. But I'm sure you know about aleve and advil, so I won't say anymore than that. Good luck to you, and I hope and pray you feel better soon.
  • tjs616
    tjs616 Posts: 51 Member
    So I really started on my new diet & exercise plan at the beginning of last week. I was trying to walk/run in some non-supportive shoes and by the end of the second day started having some knee pain. I went this past weekend and bought some great supportive running shoes to hopefully alleviate the knee pain. The problem however hasn't gotten any better and hurts in a very specific spot on the lower front inside of my knee. It hurts especially bad when I am running (not much pain when walking) and really hurts to the touch.

    Any ideas of effective workout plans to build cardio that might help...I really want to rest it but am trying to train to walk/run a 5K on March 3 and hopefully walk/run a Half-Marathon in about 70 days!

    The location of my knee pain is a little different, but I have a similar problem. Mine started up after I was out walking for a few hours with friends in my regular sneakers rather than my running shoes. I believe the difference lies in proper form. When I run, I am always thinking about, and correcting, my form and my knee doesn't hurt. When I walk, I don't tend to think about form and I realize that I have been hyper-extending my knee backwards in my normal walking gait. When I focus on keeping my knee a little bent at all times it doesn't seem to bother me, and hopefully it will heal up before my next half in three weeks. Your problem may not be the same, but try it out and see how it goes!

    ETA: I just re-read and you said the opposite that it hurts more when you run. My mistake! Do your new shoes have correction? When I first started wearing running shoes with mild overpronation correction I had aches in my knees for at least a week.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Well, it could be several things, unfortunately. It could just be a sore tendon, but it would be something worse. You really won't know until you go have it checked out for sure.

    One thing that really helps me with my knee issues in the long-term, though, is cross-training with a lot of strength-oriented exercises, like squats and work with resistance bands. Changing it up so that every exercise focuses on a different muscle group (like targeting the inner thighs, outer thighs, and hamstrings), has really helped, because it keeps the knee balanced and stable, preventing it from turning out or developing areas that aren't as strong. It's when I stop doing those exercises regularly that a majority of my knee issues return, so I have to be pretty religious about maintaining it.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    If you can, cross train. For example, swim. If not, train on a low impact machine such as an elliptical. If not then find a track, grass, or other non concrete surface to walk on.
    If you have actual knee conditional issues, I will be surprised unless you played years of sports, because you are young now still.
    Although it is possible there are conditions, if you do, those will not be worked out in the time frame that you have established for the event you would like to participate in.
    Check the diet. A lot of inflammation can be caused by an omega 3/6 imbalance. Inflammation causes joint pain, without a doubt.
    Good luck with your program.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Sounds like you have a mensicus tear, I've had 2 and that's the exact spot where I get pain if I do any high impact exercises. I avoid most of them and focus on low impact or no impact.

    I'm not an orthopedic surgeon though, but mine has recommended to take glucosamine chondroitin for it (I've had 2 knee surgeries - ACL repair via patella graph and 2 meniscectomies - removing the torn portion of the meniscus.) I wear a patella brace while exercising still, and that has helped, also going gluten free helped tremendously. I practically have no arthritis or swelling.

    while you wait for your appt. to see a specialist, in the mean time, get yourself some glucosamine supps, elevate and ice your knee after each workout, & try to do it 3x per day.
    If it's still bothering you do some water aerobics or swimming/cycling. Feel your knee move as you cycle and see if you notice any crunching or grinding. More than likely it's the meniscus. Good luck!

    ETA: it's usually a sharp pain!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    My knee was hurting in the same place. I went to the chiropractor and he adjusted my knee and said it would happen again if I didn't strengthen my gluts. That's right, My gluts. Well I took his advice and started doing some exercises to target my bum and sure enough my knee is doing much better now.
  • I can relate. I went to an orthopedic surgeon today after I had an M.R.I done. I thought I had torn my cartlidge, because my knee was irritated and swollen. When I am on my leg to long it hurts. I sit down to rest and give it time to feel better. Today the doctor told me my knee looked good. He thought I could of twisted my knee it the wrong way. He said to use an elliptical machine, walk, or swim until it feels better, and stop if it hurts. He said heat and ice is good to try. If nothing you do helps, I would talk to your doctor. I thought I had really hurt my knee. If I am still having problems after a few weeks, I am supposed to go back to my doctor. Good luck.
  • bfeusner
    bfeusner Posts: 66 Member
    Sounds like you have a mensicus tear, I've had 2 and that's the exact spot where I get pain if I do any high impact exercises. I avoid most of them and focus on low impact or no impact.

    That is exactly what I was worried about was my meniscus...I will have to check out the glucosamine supplements and make sure to continue icing it...

    Was it painful to touch your knee when it was torn...If I poke the spot of the pain it makes it five times as bad...Not sure it that helps pinpoint anything or not...
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have severe knee problems, so I am well versed... I have Grade 3 Osteoarthritis both knee's, Torn Meniscus both knee's (have had cleanouts,actually scheduled for another on the 29th, left knee) and a torn ACL in my left knee.... I am getting knee replacements before years end... As soon as I am threw my weightloss and skin surgeries... I can say this as soon as you get insurance hook up with an Ortho doctor and get on a treatment plan. I have worked hand and hand with mine, and we have went to fitting me with custom DonJoy OA braces, knee injections, and 3 pain meds... All this has aloud me to get this weight off, (32 months ago I could barely stand let alone walk) and with my doctors help I am now able to get around pretty good and exercise daily (treadmill, elliptical, weight train, etc) so I would suggest going that route... until then you can do strength training to build the muscles up in and around your knee's, stick to maybe the elliptical the next couple weeks, recumbent bike (if you have access to one) instead of the treadmill (the less pounding the better for the short term) and definitely Ice,Ice, Ice... That is the best thing I can do for my post workout routine... It keeps the swelling down, deadens the pain I have and allows me to recover faster.... Good Luck to you.....
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    A knee brace may become your best friend (it is mine), ice, some kind of anti-inflammatory if needed (like advil...but it depends on what you can safely take)...Stretching...but when you're doing it make sure you're doing it properly...for example, quad stretches where you hold your leg behind you...that's a really bad stretch for knee injuries, especially if you're doing it wrong...don't compress your joints when you stretch. Alternate runs with strengthening exercises...going to a physical therapist would be the best way to get a good idea of what you should actually be doing, but strengthening the muscles that hold your kneecap in place is a long-term way to reducing knee pain.
    Take a break...don't keep pushing yourself with a hurt'll only make it worse, and get in to see a doc/orthopedic surgeon ASAP