Anyone else not eating their exercise calories



  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I don't bc I don't think the calorie count for the workout is accurate, has been off for some people by over 200 calories. Also, on biggest loser, those people work out ALL DAY LONG and eat about 1800 calories, so why should I eat more than that? I know there are people who do, and it works for them. It doesn't work for this body, so I don't.

    females 1200
    males 1800

    its to get the body jump started
    I personally still eat 1200-1400 max a day
    tho I burn 500-2500+ a day
    some days I go into the negatives but i can't eat more than 1201 cals most days
    I also don't eat more than 150 carbs a day well at least try =P
  • SteveGresham
    I never eat my exercise calories. I normally don't come close to eating the calories alloted me (2140). I stay satified in the 1800 range. If my body tells me I need a few more I will but thats rare. On my exercise days I usually don't feel as hungry for some reason.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm lucky to eat my 1200 a day as it is. I really am not a huge eater at all, and after exercise I will be lucky to get over 800 in total. I don't eat them back, am losing weight rather fast & do not see the point in eating more if I am just not hungry.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    It depends on how I feel. If I'm hungry I eat them. If I'm not I don't. It's working so far but I haven't got my mind set in stone on this issue. If I eat them back and don't lose then I'll reevaluate. Same the other way round.

    I find when I run (which is more for health though the weight loss benefits are good too!) I am STARVING. I want to eat everything. So I eat those back!
  • steelersfamily6
    steelersfamily6 Posts: 138 Member
    I do not eat my calories back. I also wear a HRM so I log those calories instead of what a machine says I burn. I try to eat about 1300 calories a day and I continue to build muscle and lose fat. It works for me.

    How much of a difference have you noticed between the machine and your HRM?
  • whatsasize8
    whatsasize8 Posts: 131 Member
    No, I do not eat back my calories burned, or at least I try not to...hahaha. I have been playing with my food goals a bit and currently try to keep to 1200 calories (50% carb, 30% protein, 20% fat). My calories logged today were 1360, and calories burned were 381. I love to do strength training so I'm not concerned about losing lean muscle as some have mentioned, and I have about 30 lbs left to lose (lost 50 lbs so far).
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Remember it takes 3500 BURNED calories to LOSE 1lb
    Takes 3500 EATEN calories to GAIN 1lb
  • I just eat 1200 calories whether I exercise or not
  • Aranda7892
    Aranda7892 Posts: 20 Member
    I find it pointless to eat the calories that you burned off.
  • kimmisatch
    I don't eat them.
    If I was maintaining I perhaps would (if I was sure of the exact burn). But I want to lose weight so I use it as just another tool.
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    I only eat my exercise calories when my body tells me I'm hungry. If I'm not hungry, they sit there. I know a lot of people have a lot of opinions about it all, but in the end, listen to your body. Eat when you're hungry, eat what you like and try to maintain your calorie goals to lose weight. It's all going to happen on your schedule, and how your body wants to do it. Some people can lose 3 a week without trying, some can't handle more than one because their bodies demand more food.
  • I eat on average 1200 calories a day. When I exercise I do not eat that much more. I may have a few extra on the days I do work-out, but if I burn 700 cal. I never eat 700 calories to make up for it; maybe just 100 or so.

    Best of luck!
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    I definitely try to keep my intake at a set limit (1300 - 1500) regardless of how hard I work out. Eating my exercise cals back has proven disastrous for me - I tried it two different times. While I have been averageing 5-6lbs lost a week, the two times I tried eating more - I gained .9 and lost .8 - not good enough if you're serious about dropping weight.

    Regarding cardio calories and recording them on MFP - 2 things: 1) log them, but know what your calorie goal for the day is before you do, and then ignore them... 2) always cut calories mfp or machines give you. I usually cut them by 15 or 20%.

    Underestimate your burn, and overestimate your intake - that way if you make kistakes, at least they're in the right direction!

    Keep pushing for it, and success will be yours!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I wouldnt point the finger at any calorie in particular, be it an "exercise" calorie or just a "regular meal" calorie. You may just consider cutting your total calorie intake back a little. Also the calories burned tends to be great over estimated. Its not obvious not working for you, just dial the calories back a little and you will do fine. Good luck!

    And yes, keep exercising. exercising generally means healthier. People at an ideal weight who are maintaining that exercise will typically be healthier than those that dont. They aren't exercising to lose......

    nicely said
  • effiek
    effiek Posts: 27 Member
    I ate them back for a long time, figuring i needed them to sustain my workouts, and plateaued. Once I stuck to a plan (1300 a day, with cardio and weights) I started to lose again...I think it all depends on your body. I got on Shakeology, which made sure I was getting proper nutrition, and I started being more efficient with my calories. Good for you!!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I am set at 1500 cals for the day, I log all my exercise/activities (Yeah I count my cleaning and even my studying or singing but since I don't eat the cals back it's not a big deal) but I don't eat it back. Net calories doesn't mean jack to me right now as I want to LOSE not maintain.
    But if I go out (like today) and have exercised a little and eat back like 50 calories, I don't worry too much about it.
    I did the same as you: Tried eating them back, and gained... everyone is different and this works fine for me right now... When I start to stop losing then I will change things up!!
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Yep, I eat as close to all of them back as I can. Of course this depends on what time I work out. If I work out late, and I'm not hungry then that would be the only instance in which I don't eat them back. MFP already has you on a calorie deficit set to lose weight. So ideally, you wouldn't need to work out to drop the lbs, according to the site. You might lose weight faster by not eating your calories back, but is it actually fat that you're dropping? The jury is out on that one :) (Seeing how I can't SEE my lean body mass I can not say with 100% certainty how much, if any is lost by doing so)... Just saying.

    Plus, I friggin' love food. Exercise too, now. But mostly food. LOVE.
  • BuffLoveWinning
    BuffLoveWinning Posts: 68 Member
    I try to underestimate my cals burned but Im honest with food. I also lift weights so eating back is vital. It comes off slowly and yes the scale goes up because muscle weighs more. But it takes up less space. :) so it's only been recent ive watched the weight come off but I'm getting compliments. My goal is a pound a week now that I got the scale moving.
    I also have my daily calorie set to 20% less of of my BMR which is my daily calorie intake with out exercise. So eating back my calories from exercise is Not going to necessarily throw me over but my net is nearly almost always 1200 at least. Some days I'm not hungry but if I am heck... I'll eat. Not perfect but it works for me. And I don't feel deprived. Mostly days I'm under my calorie intake too it's my cardio days. Eating is essential after working out. Almost immediately. High protein.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm not! I look at exercise as a bonus to my deficit. At first I was eating my exercise cals but then I gained 3lbs. First thing I changed was an increase in my water intake, and I STOPPED eating my exercise cals. Since the change I have lost 6 lbs. I might dip into them every now and then, but I'm never going to make myself eat just because I exercised.
  • lexidell46
    I do not eat my exercise calories.I am trying to get rid of the weight.