food to avoid if you have problem with your stomach

Hello , i have been trying to loose weight for close to a month now, i i have a hard time with digestion on many foods. i started drinking soy milk, eating tofu, more almonds and others. I seem to get bloated easily as well ,

can anyone suggest foods that are easy to absorb without always refering to my Maalox to help me out.

ps : i already take Nexium once a day and have been doing this for many years.

PS: if anyone has receipes to share that is GOOD stomach and low in acide please add me as a contact.

Is anyone Speak French as well ? I am from Canada therefore i would take Canadian food only as in the UK or USA the foods are not the same and hard to find in CANADA,

Merci, buenos dias, Thank you:smile:


  • Katgan
    Katgan Posts: 22 Member
    I find that processed foods are the worst for my stomach. Try eating foods as close to natural as possible. I like steaming whole soy beans for a good source of protein versus eating tofu.

    You might want to try reducing stress, which can also aggravate one's stomach. Yoga and meditation helps.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Try taking probiotics every day. Seriously! I couldn't handle cheese or any dairy and then I built up my gut with some beneficial bacteria and I can eat dairy again in moderation.
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    BUMP !!!
  • pascale485
    pascale485 Posts: 173 Member
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I lived on prilosec and pepcid everyday. I could not lay down to sleep at night. I could not even bend over to pick something up because the acid would burn my throat, until I stopped eating White breads. I never take it anymore, don't need it. I was shocked and so was my doctor.

    I still eat bread but make it low cal whole wheat.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I have had stomach problems for years, and have found that when it's bad, there are certain things that are killers. Smoking, caffeine, carbonated drinks, sweets, alcohol... everything that is 'supposed' to be bad for you, really is! I found my stomach got a lot better after quitting smoking. I can't have things like red bull most of the time, this seems to be the worst drink for me as it combines the caffeine, sugar and carbonated drink factors together! Simple, unprocessed foods, in small amounts, nothing acidic or sugary. Odly enough, when it's really bad, small amounts of mild dairy things help - I find that one of those nice little probiotic yoghurt drinks is almost soothing if I have a flareup.

    And stress. I can't emphasise enough how much of my this is all caused by STRESS! I beg you, if there is anything in your life causing you stress, nomatter how hard it is, or how much it hurts to do so, find a way to cut it free - your stomach will thank you almost immediately!
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    Sounds like acid reflux! I am in a bout with it now. Horrid thing. There is a site that tells you the acid level of foods and it really helps me out. Stay away from tomatoes they will get you every time. If you want the site let me know I think I have it bookmarked somewhere..
  • annabell0768
    My issue was dairy I gave up cheese for all vegan cheeses which are pretty awesome. (I dress up the vegan cream cheese with a little bit of honey and sometimes a little organic jam). I am also a fanatic of almond milk now.

    Foods that I can't overdo: beans, white bread, raw almonds, anything with too much sodium or too processed, as that causes problems for me.

    Again, this is my personal experience. I found out the problems that each of the foods caused by testing them one a time. I'm sure I have a lot more to learn still.

    Best of luck.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I have spent much of my adult life with digestive complaints. Most of this came from reflux problems, I believe.
    I haven't had any issues since I started losing weight.
    I have put down the Tums, Prilosec, Nexium, Pepcid, Maalox. I just don't need them, and I'm sleeping the night through
    I hope this happens for you too.
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    Could be gluten allergy or intolerance... It has a tendency to develop over time.

    I also Had problems but found out I had a defunct gall bladder that needed removing.

    Hope you find a solution to your problem.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    Try drinking 1/4 cup of aloe vera juice daily.
  • MarilynFaye
    MarilynFaye Posts: 2 Member
    go to "Great Taste No Pain" by Sherry Brescia on the internet to learn about proper food combining for maximum digestion, the advantage of probiotics, etc.
  • frannyeric95
    I have GERD, so I am with you! Things to do that I have done; Quit smoking, avoid any acidic foods (obv)ex. oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes((including spaghetti sauce), alcohol, soda, Stress is the big one, and so is belly fat...exercise is important, and basically everything you enjoy, oh and chocolate!! cruel world!

    I take Nexium currently, have taken Prilosec along with Pepsid, and Dexilant, all the same Nothing works better then the other. I have had 2 Endoscopies, which have resulted in nothing. So, if anyone has anything to add to that I would also appreciate it,
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Bonjour, je parle "broken" francais. Il y a plus de 20 ans depuis I've taken French in school.

    Anyway, losing weight est tres difficile, n'est-ce pas? (I'm trying, sorry it's not better!)

    As for heartburn or stomach problems, I have noticed that since I started eating more nonfat plain yogurt in smoothies, as opposed to milk, I feel better. I also eat less red meat, although I haven't yet given it up entirely. I don't like soy, necessarily, so I've tried almond milk lately, too. It's not so bad really. (I buy it unflavored).

    There's a book called 'The Flat Belly Diet," which makes some recommendations about foods that reduce bloating, which may also help with uncomfortable side effects you're describing. I don't follow their plan, but the book helped me for a brief time.

    Good luck! (Bonne chance!)
  • gastankerdriver
    Good OP. I have been thinking about this alot lately. I am currently taking "Benebiotics" multi-probiotics. They are a mix of probiotics that help prevent GERD, colon cancer, IBS, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. You can purchase them on For me, the holy bible on digestive health is "Digestive Tune-up" by Dr. John McDougall, MD. I have had similar problems with bloating, but have done much to alleviate the symptoms, mostly by changing my diet. Some of the foods I recommend are bananas, apricots, psyllium husk (whole), orange juice, prunes, split pea soup (vegan), vegan refried beans whith whole wheat tortillas, pineapple chunks, strawberries, blueberries, humus, etc. Ideally, a person should eat 3-5 cups of these products (mostly fresh raw fruit and raw vegetables) per day. For more serious issues of bloating, try a bottle of magnesium citrate. (DO NOT make any plans after you drink it. It is a heavy duty colon cleanser that will wring out about a gallon of sewer water from your colon. Whew!!!) Drink lots of water when you take it. Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some support..
  • DeeDeeH72
    I am currently on Ranitidine and Mebeverine for what was labelled IBS. I am currently awaiting the results of a number of tests including Celiac Disease and H.Pylori.

    In the meantime I have cut out all white bread, chocolate, alcohol and take a probiotic drink each day. I lost 7lbs in my first week due to cutting out the bread and my stomach seems to have settled a bit. It is really awful and I totally feel for what you are going through. I started with a really bland diet and used MyFitnessPal just as a log to keep track of any trigger foods. I'm drinking peppermint tea and eating a lot of rice cakes during the day. Little and often seems to be the key for me.
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    thank you , i also forgot to add on my question that i dont smoke and i live a stressfull life at home as well, unhappy relationship...

    is ther any ways i can EDIT my questions ?
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    First of all, get tested for food sensitivities. An allergist will be able to test you and see if you should avoid any foods.

    Then, avoid those foods.

    Then, start taking Cell Food. My digestion improved 100%. I don't have to take any medications at all anymore.

    Good luck.
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Well I have a sensitive stomach, dairy sugars and garlic bother me. I can still enjoy them but I try to keep it in moderation. Soda and especially diet soda will bloat you. Quit drinking it if you can.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    thank you , i also forgot to add on my question that i dont smoke and i live a stressfull life at home as well, unhappy relationship...

    Honestly, you need to make a change to this! I truly believe that all the medication and correct eating in the world won't solve anything if at the root of things you are suffering from stress that is persistant and unchanging! It was hard for me, but leaving a 9 year, very unhappy relationship made a huge difference to my stomach. What's the point of staying in a relationship that brings you only stress? If however there are good points that can be worked upon, do it!

    The second unhappy relationship I recently broke off was my work one - 6 years in a place that caused me untold stress and brought me almost as low as my personal relationship did. I am obviously the type to stick misery out way beyond its novelty period lol! But because of this, I know that you will only be able to leave when you're ready, even if everyone is already telling you to do it. So just think about how you can reduce that stress - and remember, even if it's hard at first, that first morning when you wake up and your stomach feels light rather than lead, comfortable rather than painful, and you no longer get that horrid reflux taste, you will smile!