I eat something...and my stomach BALLOONS!



  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    If it's not psychological, then I'd go with the food sensitivity comments and the suggestion to see a doctor. Not everyone tests positive for full-blown Celiac, but a sensitivity to a particular grain or grain protein, like wheat or gluten, can certainly cause bloating and distention, to the point of looking (and feeling) like your pregnant. Dairy's another one that can cause bloating.

    Wheat does a great job hiding in foods if you don't know where to look for it. White flour, enriched flour, unspecified whole grain flour... Heck, it's even in soy sauce! If it IS a wheat sensitivity, whole wheat (which is often the first thing a lot of people often reach for, thinking that it's "healthier" if you do have a sensitivity) is the absolute worst.

    So yeah, seeing a doctor (gastroenterologist perhaps) and possibly an elimination diet with serious label reading, might be the best route.
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Honestly, I think it's probably a psychological issue.

    I was thinking this as well.

    I would suggest initially that you measure your abdomen upon waking up and after using the restroom. Go eat, and measure it again.

    ......was my first thought too, and what great advice! :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    I've lost30lbs so far (yay me!) and I wake up in the morning feeling nice and small and slim.
    Then I eat something and look like a whale!! My stomach just balloons.

    I've tried to change my foods! I've cut out bread and pasta and fizzy drinks. But I honestly dnt know what else i can do

    Someone help me!! Xx

    It's not psychological, it's actually quite common to feel bloated after eating a bunch of carbs. It doesn't mean you are getting fat. It's a long process to explain it, but if you do some google searching, Lyle McDonald explains why this happens.

    She said she cut out carbs, and it still happens, so I don't see how saying it's carbs will help. :tongue:
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    If it's not psychological, then I'd go with the food sensitivity comments and the suggestion to see a doctor. Not everyone tests positive for full-blown Celiac, but a sensitivity to a particular grain or grain protein, like wheat or gluten, can certainly cause bloating and distention, to the point of looking (and feeling) like your pregnant. Dairy's another one that can cause bloating.

    Wheat does a great job hiding in foods if you don't know where to look for it. White flour, enriched flour, unspecified whole grain flour... Heck, it's even in soy sauce! If it IS a wheat sensitivity, whole wheat (which is often the first thing a lot of people often reach for, thinking that it's "healthier" if you do have a sensitivity) is the absolute worst.

    So yeah, seeing a doctor (gastroenterologist perhaps) and possibly an elimination diet with serious label reading, might be the best route.

    good advice too!
  • GoinOrganic
    GoinOrganic Posts: 86 Member
    Lots of things can cause this... personally I like the way Isabella addresses how to have a flat belly on the web site 'thedietsolution.com' .... things that can cause such swelling are:

    1) sensitivity to a food
    2) digestion/ assimilation problems
    3) wheat, dairy, soy all make the intestines hold water, hence creating bloating
    4) artificial sweetners, preservatives in foods also cause digestive problems, gas, and swelling

    If you have food sensitivities, just eliminating them from your diet doesn't always work. There are ways to desensitize your reactiveness. I like the AAT Worldwide (a search will bring up find a location page). If there is one near you, it's worth the visit to find out.

    Feel free to contact me for more info... but this should get you started at seeing what some of your options might be.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    I've lost30lbs so far (yay me!) and I wake up in the morning feeling nice and small and slim.
    Then I eat something and look like a whale!! My stomach just balloons.

    I've tried to change my foods! I've cut out bread and pasta and fizzy drinks. But I honestly dnt know what else i can do

    Someone help me!! Xx

    It's not psychological, it's actually quite common to feel bloated after eating a bunch of carbs. It doesn't mean you are getting fat. It's a long process to explain it, but if you do some google searching, Lyle McDonald explains why this happens.

    She said she cut out carbs, and it still happens, so I don't see how saying it's carbs will help. :tongue:

    I thought she said she cut out bread and pasta.

    I guess that must be the only carbs in the world. /shrug
  • 42micheller42
    My friend and I both the same Thai Salad from McDonalds yesterday at the same time. A little while later I mentioned that my stomach felt painfully bloated and she looked at me and said "so does mine". I have always though I was sensitive to something but have never been able to figure it out. I really don't believe it is psychological as some have suggested, no offense people :) I doesn't happen as often when I am trying to eat healthy so maybe it is preservatives and such ?? IDK:noway:
  • biancamirella
    biancamirella Posts: 22 Member
    I've struggled with the exact same problem for years - even chewing gum would make my stomach upset. I'd wake up slim and normal, then bloat up after 15 minutes. I went to my doctor and she really couldn't figure out what was going on. I got tested for gluten and lactose intolerance and came back negative for gluten and half-positive for lactose.

    I was still having probelms, so she recommended trying a no-FODMAP diet - a diet designed to treat people that suffer from ibs. I tried it for a while last year and it was a HUGE adjustment. No gluten, no dairy products, no alcohol, no processed foods - and apparently onions are the worst thing you can eat, even down to seasonings with onion powder.

    Fodmaps are a small group of carbohydrates that poorly absorbed in the small intestine. These carbohydrates are unlike others in that they are not absorbed in the mouth, stomach or large bowl. So when they reach the small bowl it feeds the bacteria residing there, which leads to symptoms such as bloating, abdominal cramping, diarrhea and/or constipation.
    Here is a link to a site with more info: http://shepherdworks.com.au/disease-information/low-fodmap-diet
    I wasn't able to keep this up. My doctor ended up just telling me that I just "react violently to food".

    You should go to your doctor and get a food allergy test done first. If those are all negative, you just have to start cutting certain foods out and seeing how your body reacts. Over the last 30 days, I've maybe had 3 or 4 bad days instead of all 30 being horrible (when it comes to my stomach). All this is because of just testing out certain foods. I started out with a diet where I had no problems for over a week, then started adding in foods, one at a time, to figure out what my stomach can't tolerate. So far I've learned that I can't have sugar alcohols, onion (especially red onion), lentils and gum.

    My diet now consists mainly of oats, chicken, tuna, salmon, spinach, iceberg, cucumber, tomato, banana, rice cakes, apples, sweet potatoes and protein powder, and I only drink water and tea. I'll occasionally add in cottage cheese and some protein granola bars. It sounds pretty boring, but it is so worth it to not deal with the stomach problems everyday - to just feel clean and refreshed. Plus I've lost 21lbs since I started - so something is going right.
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    I have this issue as well. I started adding plain yogurt to my program and seems to help!
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    I too have this , I was told by a naturpath that it could be candida albacance , but when I asked my doctor he just said stay away from processed foods , addatives, artifical colors and preservatives,, even butter contains a substance which is used to preserve dead bodies to stop it going rancid sounds gross,
    I am trying to just get back natural untampered with food, But these days its so hard because so many things are processed to some degree , I havent been able to eat totally all natural but where possible i do
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks guys for all of your help - I think I might go to the doctors and see what they have to say about any food intollerances.
    Honestly, I think it's probably a psychological issue.

    I think this comment is kinda rude. I don't think it is a psychological issue one bit. Also, the comment 'it's what happens - it's called being human' or whatever it says. There are obviously ways of reducing the problem. It isnt as if I am stuffing my face with a 1500 cal meal and wondering why I feel fat or bloated.

    But thanks for all of the helpful coments! Xx
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Maybe it was your description, but when someone says to me, "As soon as I eat anything, I look like a whale," to me that says there are body image issues, and maybe food relationship issues. You didn't say anything about a medical issue, you said you look like a whale.

    It's not being rude, it's making an honest observation. If it's wrong, disregard it, but it's also something to think about. Many people losing weight have body image issues and some also have food relationship issues without realizing it, and spend all their energy trying to find a physical solution to a mental problem.

    I've lost 54 pounds, I look in the mirror, my gut looks exactly the same as it did last year to me. When I compare measurements, or look at pictures of me 54 pounds ago compared to today, I can see a huge difference in comparison to it being smaller, but when I look in the mirror it looks the same to me. My eyes haven't caught up to my brain.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I really doubt eating a meal makes you look like a whale. You are probably thinking it's worse than it is.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I too have this , I was told by a naturpath that it could be candida albacance , but when I asked my doctor he just said stay away from processed foods , addatives, artifical colors and preservatives,, even butter contains a substance which is used to preserve dead bodies to stop it going rancid sounds gross,
    I am trying to just get back natural untampered with food, But these days its so hard because so many things are processed to some degree , I havent been able to eat totally all natural but where possible i do

    Heh... It's not surprising that the nutritionist would say candida albacans and the doctor would think otherwise. They may both be right, but neither be willing to see validity in the other's argument. A lot of the processed foods have so much garbage in them. If you've GOT a candida issue (or if your system just naturally has a higher level of flora, which is natural for some women and something your GYN should be able to check for) then all of the added sugars that are added to the processed foods to make them taste better are going to make the candida more active, which in turn angers your immune system, which throws everything else out of whack.

    Acidophilus and sticking to more natural / less processed foods isn't a bad way to go. I'm not saying grow your own food, but there's a huge difference between roasting a chicken and boiling your own potatoes to make mashed potatoes versus peeling back a plastic film and heating a tv dinner because you're probably not adding a whole bunch of mystery ingredients brewed up in a lab...
  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member

    I've lost30lbs so far (yay me!) and I wake up in the morning feeling nice and small and slim.
    Then I eat something and look like a whale!! My stomach just balloons.

    I've tried to change my foods! I've cut out bread and pasta and fizzy drinks. But I honestly dnt know what else i can do

    Someone help me!! Xx

    I have the same issue. Im not sure what causes it either. Sugar is nearly instantaneous bloating though. I would try not to worry though. the number is more important in the end
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Mine does the same thing! Right after I eat a big meal I look preggo...it goes down a while later though. No biggie. I think it happens to everyone, but it's more noticeable on thin people.
  • rosalang
    rosalang Posts: 49 Member
    try food combining. basically not eating protein and carbs in same meal. there are lots of books and info if you google it. it does help but can be a bit restricting when eating out but well work trying
    good luck
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    It happens to me too--and it's not psychological. I don't know what it causes it though.
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    is this a ONLY women issue because i am the same way at supper time and when it comes to sleeping i dont sleep well due to digestions problem