will it or won't it?

I was 24 lbs over my goal weight when I started to watch what I eat in January. I am always on target or under with my intake and I run on a treadmill 5 days a week for 30 min. ( 300 cal burned each time)

As I have only put the weight on around my waist I am beginning to wonder if i am doing the right thing? Will running alone do it or will I lose weight from everywhere else but my waist? I know most of you have more experience than me- keep in mind - a gym is not anoption for me and whatever I do have to be at home.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It should.
  • mairi33
    mairi33 Posts: 2 Member
    Unfortunately it is never possible to lose weight from a particular area - when u diet and/or exercise the weight will come off from all over, including your stomach, but you cannot do anything to focus on that area to lose weight from it. The only thing i reckon you can do is toning exercises - once you get nearer to your goal weight you can focus on doing crunches and other abdominal exercise that will make that area more defined. Keep going with the running!
  • krs82
    krs82 Posts: 1
    Consider strength Exercises too. To just run will make you lose weight generally. But if you want to change your shape you need to grow muscle, more muscle burns more fat.
    Since you can only do it at home, im not sure what you have to hand, but you may have something.
    Also just plodding along on the treadmill must get boring, do you run at one pace? Or do you do interval type runs? As in as fast as you can, then slow, but don't stop and then fast again, you might be able to halve your time on the treadmill but burn the same calories and buy time for some strength excercises.
  • Amy_Lynn74
    Amy_Lynn74 Posts: 134 Member
    You could try doing some extra exercise that targets your abs as well as the cardio. Leslie Sansone has a video that is supposed to help slim down your stomach. I saw it on Amazon.
  • Zumba Abs might be something to look into as well. :)
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    You work out more than I but what we have in common is not joining a gym. Find some strength training exercises to do at home using body weight or dumbbells. Ab work requires nothing but you doing the various crunches. Our weight gain is all over and is all fat. When we lose weight we tend to lose fat and muscle so you need to do strength training work, too. Google for exercises if you are cheap like me. Lots of help out there. Tons of different crunches to help get your muscles in shape. I reshaped my body and got smaller clothes sizes with exercises versus just losing weight like I did before. Don't underestimate the power of building muscle as it also helps to build bone strength which we start losing so early as we age. Need weight bearing exercises like wall sits for legs, picking up heavy things or "superman" exercise for our backs, and weights for our arms or use body weight.
  • Thank you all for your suggestions:) Not joining the gym is purelly due to lack of time and finances but by gathering all your suggestions I should be able to come up with a homemade method. I used to have well build stomach muscles ( you could call it a six pack) about 6 years ago so I am hopeful that once more weight comes off I can rescue them and strenghten again.

    Thanks again for all your help