Gym or Home?



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I lost half my weight going to the gym and half my weight doing Zumba at home... Both obviously work for me. Zumba is a great workout. I want to go back to the gym now though as there's a wider variety and I want to start proper strength training to build my lean muscle mass, and would like a programme set for me x
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    For me its a combination of low income and beeing to easily distracted if I join a gym, so I prefer working out at home because that way I get it done, I cant make up excuses to get away. But after a year of doing dvds I feel its time to move on, I cant keep buying dumbells etc beacause some musclegroups are to big and strong to only train at home. I would say its about preference but also what you wish to accomplish. If its only cardio you wish to do, your just as good doing it at home and can save some money doing it at home instead of at a gym.
  • biancamirella
    biancamirella Posts: 22 Member
    I'm the kind of person that HAS to workout at the gym, otherwise I don't complete my workouts and don't push myself as hard. It helps hold me accountable - since people begin to recognize you. I've met a lot of people that have helped me stay motivated through everything. It's also nice to have a place to escape to, to have some "me" time.
  • You can make it happen anywhere, once your heart is in it. Personally, I say both because I like the mix. I walk with my BFF (outside in the fresh air,) play tennis, and also strength train in the gym. I am looking forward to starting yoga or pilates classes as well. Those classes are far more affordable when included in a gym membership as opposed to a private studio. (Yes, I realize the quality of instruction is not the same as it is in a studio, but I am budget driven!)
  • In short, the one you will do consistantly wins out hands down! That said, I can tell you what I did/am doing and what I think most people should do. I was active to begin with, but this is even more true for those who are moving from sedentary to active. START at home!!!

    Here are my reasons. First if you build up your "home gym" with DVD's, dumbells, etc. you will always have them and can always use them, no matter what the weather, life circumstances, price of gas, or whatever reasons people use for to not getting to the gym come up. Secondly, your home is definitely not intimidating, so it is more likely you will stick to it in the begining when you feel awkward, sore, frumpy, whatever. Finally, it gives you something else to add in later. If you have a good deal of weight to lose, there will come a day when you WILL plateua. At that time your fitness level will be better, your appearance should be better, you should have more confidence and capability. That is the time to ramp it up a notch!

    I have lost about 90 pounds at home. I have an elliptical, numerous DVDs, a step, dumbells ranging from 5# to 22#, the big beach ball, a kettlebell, and one resistance band. I will always have those, and use them still. I hit a plataue (I've spelled that two different ways and neither is strking me as right...sorry). I have about 75 more pounds to go, maybe a little more, we'll see as I get closer. I just completed a promotional rate on a local bootcamp for one month, I am currently taking advantage of a free week at Lifestyle Family Fitness, I have two more "promo" months at different bootcamps and a couple more gyms to check out, them I am taking my tax return and getting a year somewhere. I need the ramp up of intensity, the accountability of others, and the push that comes from not wanting to look bad in front of others, to take my fitness to the next level and bend my metabolism to my will. When you get to that point, if you do, LivingSocial, Groupon, Google Offers, and such are great, especially if you live near a decent sized city.

    Sorry to write so much. I have had this talk/debate with others. Some just won't do it (meaning workout) if left to their own devices at home, some won't do it in front of others, for them it truely is an either/or situation. But if you think you will do your workouts well and consistantly in either setting.... this gives you the best of both worlds, doesn't break the bank, lets you budget and plan for future spending, and gives you the ability to tackle the need to ramp up your workouts in the future.
  • Home for me - for the time being!

    I have been running on and off for several years now. I've recently discovered my local running club so I now have company on my two midweek runs. I haven't hooked up with anyone from the club for weekend runs but there's always time. I have a treadmill, weights bench and barbell/dumbells in my garage. But space is at a premium so its not easy to make room for a workout - and as others have mentioned, its more difficult to motivate yourself at home.

    However, in a couple of months time I turn 60 and as such, will get concessionary rates at my local leisure centre. As well as the gym there is a swimming pool, relaxation area (sauna, steam). I pass it every day going to and from work so I plan to join and add two gym sessions to my running.
  • hungryPHATbunny
    hungryPHATbunny Posts: 84 Member
    Saved the gym membership money to have a cost FOREVER...not to mention the convenience etc...
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I have a cheap gym membership as I work at a University (£100 a year) so I tend to go there once a week for my heavy weight workout.

    Apart from that I tend to work out at home. I have no trouble getting motivated and I can do what I want - I do sometimes get annoyed when I'm in the gym and there's a bench hogger sitting on a piece of equipment for an hour whilst they text message /chat / stare at themselves in the mirror etc.

    Then again, I have a pretty good set up at home - a chin bar, dumbbells and barbell with 100s of lbs of weight, a pro quality exercise bike (with a load of RPM videos); Insanity, Asylum and P90X DVDs.....

    That said, I would like to be a bit more sociable and not just work out alone all the time. I'd particularly like to do RPM in a gym or a decent Power Yoga class. But as far as I know there aren't any near me.

    So I suppose if I had to choose, I'd go for home. But the gym certainly has benefits in terms of amount of weight, variety of benches and machines etc.
  • Ajmead
    Ajmead Posts: 56
    I do both, my gym membership is 19.99 per month and for this you can go any time of the day. I haven't joined a big gym but one which is in a hotel I have use of pool, sauna , steam room and gym equipment . It's the second best thing I have done , the first was finding this app.
  • I lost about 85 lbs. at home with diet and simple exercise. ( Walking, biking, Swimming) I wanted to take it to the next level because ,after educating myself I discovered that to keep significant weight loss you need to build lean muscle. Didn't have alot of equipment at home for that so I joined a gym. Have lost about 20 pounds since then. Can't say it has been any faster but it has been enjoyable. Like others, I think it's a commitment issue and wether you do it at home or in the gym is a personal decision. If money is the main factor there are many things you can do at home if you think outside the box. Also I would recomend doing some online or library research if you need excercise ideas cheap. It really helps to change up your routine on a regular basis.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    I need to control my eating habits and what I put in my dailey eating and I feel I need to start all over again with my exercise and work outs.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I lost about 46 of my 49 pounds without a gym membership. I have one now and thoroughly enjoy it because I am able to do a lot more strength training, but it is definitely not a necessity!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've lost nearly 60lbs and I can honestly tell you, I wouldn't be where I am without my gym membership. I commend anyone who can workout at home and stick with it. I do not have that kind of motivation or dedication. I'll be honest, if I can choose between sitting on my couch and doing a workout video? Well, I'll choose sitting on the couch every single time. ;)

    Having a gym membership is what kept me on track through all the ups and downs of this journey. I know if I would have tried to do it strictly at home, I would have given up a long time ago.

    It is really an individual thing. Some people can do it by working out at home and others NEED the gym. Find what works best for YOU.
  • JimandLin
    JimandLin Posts: 76 Member
    I meet my friend at the gym. I need the motivation.
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    Home-with no weights or equipment. For the most part I use workouts from it's totally free and usually doesn't take very long. I just moved so I wouldn't know where to find a gym anyway, plus I'm cheap and poor lol.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    i'm doing the p90 program at home. if the gym was near, i'd choose the gym or most likely, do a combination of both.
  • Nice, I love how many responses I got. I think from this we can say that losing weight doesn't need a gym membership. Some people have a block saying I can't afford to work out this helps. So excited. :)
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    HOME... all the way. I run 3-5 days a week, and do strength videos at home 2 or 3 days a week, in general. I would rather fit it into my day at home than have to drive to the gym, then workout, then drive home. It's much easier for me to walk into another room to get it do, or simply go outside.

    I also would rather spend the $ on different exercise videos than on a gym membership. Or on 5K entry fees, so I can run some races. :-)
  • I've lost 113 lbs and all of it at home, I can't afford a gym membership
    That is awesome, same situation with me. Congrats
  • Most of weight issues come from eating more than your body needs. Period. No matter where you work out, if you eat too much of the wrong things, you're going to gain weight. Period. if your on a budget, put your money into good food and borrow work out DVDs from the library, ask a friend to stop by (my wife used me, she's my best friend), and go to it! My wife has made great strides using this method. She really knows how to get it done from the "been there done that perspective!' If you want to talk to her, let me know and I'll tell her.
    sure any tips would be great