30 Day Shred question

Hey guys, I'm on day 4 of the 30 Day Shred, and although my legs are sore and I feel different, I seem to be "getting used" to phase 1. It's not as challenging as it was 3 or 4 days ago. I'm guessing this is normal, since there is a phase 2 and 3, right? Or am I doing something wrong?


  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Thats kinda the point. Build up the endurance & then move on to the next level.
  • Soniatantu
    Soniatantu Posts: 78 Member
    I just completed day 9 of level 1 and it does get easier because your endurance increases. I am planning on starting level 2 tomorrow. I would suggest moving up a level.
  • KateB1982
    KateB1982 Posts: 107 Member
    I started Level 2 yesterday - it is a killer! I, too, was finding Level 1 easier towards the end, but trust me, stick with it until day 10. You will appreciate the increase in your endurance to move onto Level 2.

    Oh, and for a little motivation, I weighed and measured this morning - I am down 4 lbs and 4.5 inches! :)
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    youre ready for the next level!!!
  • Stephie_J
    Stephie_J Posts: 260 Member
    I did Day 4 of Level 1 today too and am finding it easier although my legs are hurting like your's! (It was my arm and stomach muscles that hurt the first couple of days) I am tempted to do a full 10 days at each level hoping that will give me maximum results.

    If you move up a level do you then do more days at that level or just do 10 days of level 2 and 10 days of 3 but less of level 1?
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    I'm on day 5 of level 1, and my endurance has increased too. This is how it's supposed to be I think. That's why there are 3 different levels, so it keeps challenging your body. :)
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    Yes i found this too BUT thats when point comes to push yourself more on it because you are now able to give it 20% more than you first could, IMO.
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    Actually today is my last day of the shred! Whoot whoot me! Anyways, I did each level for 10 days. If you've already PERFECTED level 1 (perfect = doing all of the "advanced" version of the moves, good form, and no resting) then you could move onto level 2. Or increase the amount of weight you're using. That'll keep it more of a challenge. Whatever you want to do...it's your workout and your challenge :)
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    What size weights are you using? You could always up them a bit to increase the challenge until you get to L2. :smile:
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    I started Level 2 yesterday - it is a killer! I, too, was finding Level 1 easier towards the end, but trust me, stick with it until day 10. You will appreciate the increase in your endurance to move onto Level 2.

    Oh, and for a little motivation, I weighed and measured this morning - I am down 4 lbs and 4.5 inches! :)

    Those are awesome results! Congrats! I'm on day 5 of level 1 and I can already see a difference in my body!
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I would start pushing myself harder. I'm on Day 2 Level 3 and as each became easier I pushed myself harder. Believe me you can make it challenging again! My goal was to do each level 10 times without a break. I have ended up taking 22 days to finish levels one and two but I have kept going anyway. I'm really pleased with my results so far, although as with many others they are more in the measuring tape than the scale. Keep up the good work!!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    It definitely gets easier. I got really bored with Level one after the first few days but I stuck all 10 out. I started level 2 today and it was SO much better!
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    As each level gets easier I think the idea is to push yourself a bit harder and put more into it to get a better workout. I would maybe try a heavier weight as well if you are finding it 'easy'.
  • Mynue_Jeens
    Mynue_Jeens Posts: 98 Member
    What I've been doing s as the individual levels get easier I up the weights that I use. If I'm getting used to the 3lbs I move to 5, but I stay on each level for the full 10 days. Although I haven't experienced much soreness I have lost about 3 lbs since starting. After the shred I'm going to focus on heavy lifting (currently on day 6 of Level 2)
  • lozfisher
    I'm on day 29 of 30DS ... I did 1 day on level 1, 10 days level 2 and the rest level 3. Defo gets easier although I feel that there are still some exercises on level 1 & 2 that are difficult still even if whole level is easier! I made sure I worked harder at those exercises till they felt easier?!? One tip I would give is take pics, I haven't and I'm sure there's a massive difference in my toning but I've got nothing to compare it to!!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Today is my last day of 30DS. I would NOT suggest moving on to level 2 until you finish level 1. If you are finding it easier, up your weights and do the "advanced" moves all the way then see how you feel. I had great results and am actually considering doing it again along with a couple others workouts because it gave me great muscles! :)
  • supermum123
    wow! are you doing any other sort of exercise or is it just 30DS giving you that result?
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    The fun thing about 30DS (for me) was that I'd have different sore spots every two days. The first couple of days my whole body killed, but then it would be my abs, or my legs.... and different areas would hurt. I did 10 days on each level. Now I do Ripped in 30, but I am not as crazy about only 7 days on each level, surprisingly. I miss the last few days where I push harder because I've finally got it all down. But I suppose that's the point.
  • supermum123
    I started Level 2 yesterday - it is a killer! I, too, was finding Level 1 easier towards the end, but trust me, stick with it until day 10. You will appreciate the increase in your endurance to move onto Level 2.

    Oh, and for a little motivation, I weighed and measured this morning - I am down 4 lbs and 4.5 inches! :)
    Are you doing just 30DS or have you included any other sort of exercise?
  • RedVelvetCurls
    RedVelvetCurls Posts: 304 Member
    I actively walk 3 miles, to and from uni, every day as well. I think I'll keep with level 1 right now but use heavier weights and try to do the deeper moves. Thanks guys! <3