any mothers out there with advice?



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Do you have a YMCA nearby? Our YMCA gives us a "scholarship" so it is affordable for our one income (low income) family. They have free (or really cheap) childcare. They will watch your kids while you workout, take a class or swim! for up to two hours each child! If you don't have a gym with childcare, try taking the kids for a walk. Baby in stroller or snuggly and older child walking or in stroller (if baby in snuggly). I make my 5 yr old walk for miles with me to the pool or to a park or playground. He needs to use his energy constructively and I need to lose weight!
    the Y here is way too expensive to join...I was going to join right before I got pregnant with my second son but they wanted 750 for a yr and that was with only one child!...I'm struggling to get by right now so that unfortunately is out of the question =/

    I thought the Y was cheap - guess I was wrong...we don't even have one here closest one is 30 minutes away.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Do you have a YMCA nearby? Our YMCA gives us a "scholarship" so it is affordable for our one income (low income) family. They have free (or really cheap) childcare. They will watch your kids while you workout, take a class or swim! for up to two hours each child! If you don't have a gym with childcare, try taking the kids for a walk. Baby in stroller or snuggly and older child walking or in stroller (if baby in snuggly). I make my 5 yr old walk for miles with me to the pool or to a park or playground. He needs to use his energy constructively and I need to lose weight!
    the Y here is way too expensive to join...I was going to join right before I got pregnant with my second son but they wanted 750 for a yr and that was with only one child!...I'm struggling to get by right now so that unfortunately is out of the question =/

    I thought the Y was cheap - guess I was wrong...we don't even have one here closest one is 30 minutes away.
    I dont know if its just maine, but it seems like everything here is more expensive..*misses houston* lol
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    When my kids were little, I taught them how to jump rope, jump on the trampoline and do tricks, I had running races with them, went to the pool. Lots of things you can do with the older one while the baby naps will get you moving. Get crative. Teach him how to do somersaults! Push him on the swing...upper arm workout. Lift your laundry basket full of clothes over your head a dozen times! lol Do you have stairs in your house? Walk up and down them several times. Teach your youngest how to rollerblade. They burn a lot of calories because they are contantly on the go....go with them!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Do you have a YMCA nearby? Our YMCA gives us a "scholarship" so it is affordable for our one income (low income) family. They have free (or really cheap) childcare. They will watch your kids while you workout, take a class or swim! for up to two hours each child! If you don't have a gym with childcare, try taking the kids for a walk. Baby in stroller or snuggly and older child walking or in stroller (if baby in snuggly). I make my 5 yr old walk for miles with me to the pool or to a park or playground. He needs to use his energy constructively and I need to lose weight!
    the Y here is way too expensive to join...I was going to join right before I got pregnant with my second son but they wanted 750 for a yr and that was with only one child!...I'm struggling to get by right now so that unfortunately is out of the question =/

    I thought the Y was cheap - guess I was wrong...we don't even have one here closest one is 30 minutes away.
    I dont know if its just maine, but it seems like everything here is more expensive..*misses houston* lol

    you're in maine? i'm in brunswick. whereabouts are you? (if you don't mind me asking)
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Do you have a YMCA nearby? Our YMCA gives us a "scholarship" so it is affordable for our one income (low income) family. They have free (or really cheap) childcare. They will watch your kids while you workout, take a class or swim! for up to two hours each child! If you don't have a gym with childcare, try taking the kids for a walk. Baby in stroller or snuggly and older child walking or in stroller (if baby in snuggly). I make my 5 yr old walk for miles with me to the pool or to a park or playground. He needs to use his energy constructively and I need to lose weight!
    the Y here is way too expensive to join...I was going to join right before I got pregnant with my second son but they wanted 750 for a yr and that was with only one child!...I'm struggling to get by right now so that unfortunately is out of the question =/

    I thought the Y was cheap - guess I was wrong...we don't even have one here closest one is 30 minutes away.
    I dont know if its just maine, but it seems like everything here is more expensive..*misses houston* lol

    you're in maine? i'm in brunswick. whereabouts are you? (if you don't mind me asking)
    skankford aka sanford :laugh:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Pull them in a wagon or push them in a stroller and take a walk or jog.
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Can you change their schedules at all? I would go crazy if my LO woke up that early. What about trying to get them to bed around 8pm and waking up at the same time so that you could do something in the morning? I have found that kids are creatures of habit. If I switch things up and stay consistent about it, they will eventually adapt.
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Do you have a YMCA nearby? Our YMCA gives us a "scholarship" so it is affordable for our one income (low income) family. They have free (or really cheap) childcare. They will watch your kids while you workout, take a class or swim! for up to two hours each child! If you don't have a gym with childcare, try taking the kids for a walk. Baby in stroller or snuggly and older child walking or in stroller (if baby in snuggly). I make my 5 yr old walk for miles with me to the pool or to a park or playground. He needs to use his energy constructively and I need to lose weight!
    the Y here is way too expensive to join...I was going to join right before I got pregnant with my second son but they wanted 750 for a yr and that was with only one child!...I'm struggling to get by right now so that unfortunately is out of the question =/

    Our YMCAs offer scholarships that are really affordable. If going to the gym appeals to you, you may want to inquire about those too. Like someone else said, if you are determined, you will make a way to exercise!

    By the way, I have 4 kids myself. They are ages 9, 5, 4 and 1...three of them are boys! I feel your pain. I've been getting up early to workout or doing so during my 1-year-old's nap time while the boys watch a dvd.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Have your partner help out? :ohwell:

    :laugh: ....The day that happens is the day the world comes to an end...ok that was mean but its how i truely feel lol...he sleeps in until 3-5 everyday and then runs errands for about 30mins to an hour comes home jumps on the computer or goes to a friends house...then goes to bed at like 3-4am....and wonders why i'm in a b****y mood...and as many times as we have the talk it still doesnt sink in that its time for him to grow my bad now i'm just rambling...just a touchy subject with me sorry

    Oh thank God...I'm not the only wife out there with this type of hubby. LOL.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I have the same proble. That's why I try to be active during the day with kids. Go for walks, play ball, hulla hoop, ... And as for my sculpting I fit it in 3 times a week in the evening as soon as the kids are sleeping. I do what I can that's it. Sleep is also very important for weight loss so listend to your body.
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    I didn't have time to read through all the other posts so sorry if this is repetitive...

    I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. I try to just do random "dance parties" throughout the day. My son finds them fun and I often hold my 8 month old and dance around. Also my son and I will run back and forth to the door and back. It certainly isn't 20 minutes at a time or anything, but it is fun and I hope it is helping me.

    It is SOOOO hard to fit in a good solid work out with a baby in the house!!!!
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    The double stroller is a good idea, if you already have a single stroller, try and find a baby carrier for the 8 month old. My son was carried in a front pack, a Moby, until he was 12 monhts and too long. I switched to a hiking pack I found online for $15, which was a total steal. I like the hiking pack for 2 reasons,,,one you have the little twerp captive prisoner and can worry about the bigger one and two, carrying a kid on your back really ups the calorie burn. So two for one in my book! And walking is always available and free. That and I did workout DVDs during naptime, let your older child watch a video or something that will keep him occupied for 30 minutes and do your own thing. That and give your hubby a swift kick....
  • JLEC77
    JLEC77 Posts: 9
    Do you have a YMCA nearby? Our YMCA gives us a "scholarship" so it is affordable for our one income (low income) family. They have free (or really cheap) childcare. They will watch your kids while you workout, take a class or swim! for up to two hours each child! If you don't have a gym with childcare, try taking the kids for a walk. Baby in stroller or snuggly and older child walking or in stroller (if baby in snuggly). I make my 5 yr old walk for miles with me to the pool or to a park or playground. He needs to use his energy constructively and I need to lose weight!
    the Y here is way too expensive to join...I was going to join right before I got pregnant with my second son but they wanted 750 for a yr and that was with only one child!...I'm struggling to get by right now so that unfortunately is out of the question =/

    The Y will not refuse anyone a membership - they are a charity organization. They HAVE to subsidize your membership if you can prove you need the $$$ help.

    Good luck...
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    The double stroller is a good idea, if you already have a single stroller, try and find a baby carrier for the 8 month old. My son was carried in a front pack, a Moby, until he was 12 monhts and too long. I switched to a hiking pack I found online for $15, which was a total steal. I like the hiking pack for 2 reasons,,,one you have the little twerp captive prisoner and can worry about the bigger one and two, carrying a kid on your back really ups the calorie burn. So two for one in my book! And walking is always available and free. That and I did workout DVDs during naptime, let your older child watch a video or something that will keep him occupied for 30 minutes and do your own thing. That and give your hubby a swift kick....

    I dont think i could carry my 8 month old around ...he's almost as big as my 3 yr old LOL...about 6pounds lighter, but my 3 yr old is sooo skinny because he only likes healthy food (Yay) and runs around like crazy ...but on the other side my 8 month old is above avg he's 24lbs ...i tried the front carrier once and it hurt my shoulders sooooo badly....Ive just been looking around for double strollers ..and yes the father and I have had many discussions about how lazy he is and that he needs to help out more...I think its finally starting to sink in that im not gonna take much more...the last week he's woken up before 1 lol...not much of an improvement, but a little bit :laugh: