Gym or Home?



  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I invested a lot of money in being able to do everything from home, but couldn't stay motivated. Someone would want my attention in the middle of a workout, It was super easy to say I'll do it in a minute and not. Ever since I joined the gym I have exercised 4-6 days a week versus 1 or 2. I take classes so I know I'm doing everything right. and when stuff gets hard I dont just sit on the couch for a minute, there is no couch, lol I push through.

    It is probably what works best for everyone. I was personally mortified to go into a gym. at 300 pounds I thought everyone would be juding/laughing at me. but instead I made some friends, and have had nothing but a great time. I love my gym. Istarted with a free week trial, then signed up for a month, if I still like it after a month I'mma sign up for a year. I refuse to touch the scale, but I feel great and have a ton more energy then when I worked out at home.
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I was doing everything at home until I started lifting heavy. Joining a gym was definitely worth it for that and my gym is only $9.99 a month. Now that I am paying, I go on my schedule because dammit, that's MY money and I want it to be worth it
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I do both. I love going to the gym! But when I don't have time I have all the weights and equipment at home so I never miss a workout! I think it's personal preference. And if you are tight on cash and don't have equipment at home body weight excercises and calastinics are great!
  • joiselene
    joiselene Posts: 15 Member
    I had a gym membership for 1 year and lost 12lbs. I did not renew the membership and bought an exercise bike instead. At the same time I also discovered Myfitnesspal so I have been eating better. It has been 6 months since I got the bike and I have already lost another 12lbs. I also do yoga at home with videos. There are some good free ones on YouTube (search 20 min+ videos), and some with links that you can download. It is much easier getting myself to exercise at home rather than going out to the gym. I do miss running though so I'll have to wait for warmer weather and run outside.
  • I think for now I'll just do most of it at home but when I need to tone etc. I might have to pick up a Gym Membership cause there is only so much dumbbells and a ball can do. :/
  • I was doing everything at home until I started lifting heavy. Joining a gym was definitely worth it for that and my gym is only $9.99 a month. Now that I am paying, I go on my schedule because dammit, that's MY money and I want it to be worth it

    That's affordable here its like 35 a month. :/ Wish there was something around that price range here.