college student help

I'm a junior in college and looking to get to a weight I can feel comfortable in before I graduate with my degree in teaching. I joined this site back in January. I have really struggled with finding motivation to work out during the school semester however I'm working at it better this semester and starting fitness classes at my univeristy. I'm just wondering how many of yal that are full time college students find it difficult/easy time trying to balance out classes, studying, and having time to workout? What works best managing having time to study plus working out? I'm always looking for friends that can motivate me as well as I motivate them.


  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi! I'm a uni student, and have the same issue with balancing work plus 'real' work plus friends plus exercise! Feel free to add me :)
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    Do you go to the gym or work out at home? The reason I ask is because you can always bring your books to study at the gym when you're on the treadmill or bike.Can you record your lectures? If so, you can listen to those too instead of listening to music.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I make working out an priority as much as I can. It's one of those things I HAVE to get done like any other paper. I also go to my university's fitness classes but they don't have them on the weekends so I do my own workouts at home. Maybe get a fitness dvd if you don't have any, that way you will know how long your workout is going to take you so you can schedule it in
  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    I am a full timer (15 units) in my senior year. I only have class 2 times a week (Tues and Thurs) and I workout almost everyday. The last two weeks I've skipped Thursday because it's my long day and I don't get home until around 9:30pm and I'll skip another day if I feel like it (like today for example). I will usually work out around an hour, I'm hoping to start going longer though. I currently do not work so it's really easy. School and losing weight are my two full time jobs.

    Good luck in finding a routine that works for you! And remember, even if you only go for 30 mins, at least you went!
  • MoogieOh
    MoogieOh Posts: 141
    Heeey! I haven't started uni yet but I will be next week. I joined the gym there and I arranged my timetable to have gaps in it so I can use the gym in between classes :) Also packing a healthy lunch might keep you motivated through out the day :)
  • cmccoy0901
    cmccoy0901 Posts: 156 Member
    Do you go to the gym or work out at home? The reason I ask is because you can always bring your books to study at the gym when you're on the treadmill or bike.Can you record your lectures? If so, you can listen to those too instead of listening to music.

    I do both I will either work out to zumba for the wii at home or I go to the gym on campus
  • hugthefish
    I'm a full time student in my last semester with the most classes I've ever had at once, plus two jobs. Luckily, my classes don't start until 12pm MWF, so I just make myself wake up a littler earlier (like 7:45 or 8) and go to the gym RIGHT AWAY so I don't have time to make up excuses not to go throughout the day. I pretty much only go those days, but since I've started, I've wanted to go more and might go to an abs class tomorrow night. Just find a time in your schedule that will always be there and don't schedule anything else in that time. Treat it like another class (with no homework!). Even if you only have time for 2 or 3 days per week, that's better than nothing at all.

    Feel free to add me as a motivation buddy :)
  • afull416
    afull416 Posts: 24 Member
    My last semester of college was Fall 2010 and I was a junior. During that time I had been working out and losing weight. I was a full time student and a tutor at the school. I made it something that was a priority. I had classes TTH and worked WMF. I was talking two tennis classes so that was my workout on TTH and on MWF I would workout after work. If your work load is too much to add in time for working out, at least make sure you are changing your eating habits. You also said that you are talking fitness classes. For now just have those be your workouts.
    Feel free to add.
  • GuerrillaHermit
    I am doing the college thing too... non traditional as I am 29, engaged, with two boys (with ex-wife) and a daughter with my fiancee... It is tough. I usually am hitting the school's cardio room at 6am everyday, then off to classes until band rehearsal ends at 5:30pm.

    I too am a junior, majoring in Music, so I feel your pain juggling classes, family, practicing, ensembles, and working out. Luckily for me the early morning workouts feel good, and I do my practicing and studying as much as I can between classes on campus so when I go home, my day is done and I can be the family man until bed.

    Some days I cannot get a full work-out in, or none at all if I oversleep or have other obligations, but I try to jump right back into it and tell myself, even on short days, something is better than the nothing of the previous 10 years of my life.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope you find a schedule that helps you reach your goals academically as well as personal and fitness.
  • carrotstick2012
    It's really easy to think of all the things you need to do before you exercise (put on washing, study, etc). What works for me is making exercise a top priority. I do treadmill before I study (and it helps me think better and be more energised too).
  • GuerrillaHermit
    It's really easy to think of all the things you need to do before you exercise (put on washing, study, etc). What works for me is making exercise a top priority. I do treadmill before I study (and it helps me think better and be more energised too).

    Most definately this... and I find on days I miss workouts, by my 2pm class I am DYING for a nap, but when I workout, I blast through the day like a boss.
  • kattaw
    kattaw Posts: 30 Member
    I graduated from university last May, but managed working an average of fifteen hours a week, being involved in two very time-consuming extracurricular activities, all of my studies, and my thesis during my senior year, as well as working out almost every day. I will not even begin to pretend it was easy, but I did lose fifty pounds doing it so it was definitely worth it. The biggest thing for me was finding a schedule and sticking to it. If I had a break between classes long enough to get in my work out, I'd schedule it in then. But most of the time, my day started with classes, then I went straight to work, then to choir, then I'd grab dinner in the caf, and once my meal had settled, I'd work out before starting homework. Often, it was the sheer momentum of the day that got me through those work outs (Hip Hob Abs, so I could do it in my room - I found this faster than going to the gym, waiting on a machine/space to exercise, walking back, etc). I spent the first three years at school making excuses about not having time. And to be honest, I didn't - I had to make time. But I figured if I was going to be staying up until three in the morning doing homework anyway, it might as well be four so I could work out. It's really just about deciding you're going to do it, and sticking to it. And see if any of your friends want to join you! I had a couple workout buddies - they help keep you accountable and make exercise time a little more bearable.
  • cmccoy0901
    cmccoy0901 Posts: 156 Member
    It's really easy to think of all the things you need to do before you exercise (put on washing, study, etc). What works for me is making exercise a top priority. I do treadmill before I study (and it helps me think better and be more energised too).

    Ok thanks I will try working out before studying. Cause I know sometimes I will fall asleep doing homework. Alot of my is mainly hand craft projects or lesson planning I have to make for when I have field hours I have to do in an elementary classroom