When you throw a party.....?



  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    We take a whole wheat tortilla wrap and spread light cream cheese on them and put low fat/sodium reduced ham, chopped green onions on them and roll em up and cut into bite size pieces or leave whole! They can also be created to your own liking with all sorts of different meets, cheeses, veggies etc.... this is just our preference. We have also done (for kids) the peanut butter and banana rolled up~always a hit with all.
  • Why dont you try doing low calorie options of all the snack and junk foods? Make your one pizza dough (try a paleo version) and what about "fake" pepperoni or sausage and homemade pizza sauce and reduced-fat cheese. Make your own potato chips, or use Special K cracker chips. Put out fruits and veggies with hummas or greek yogurt dip. There are TONS or low cal healthy versions of cakes and cookies. The best thing I have been doing for myself is not saying I cant have pizza, but instead finding a version that I dont feel guilty about.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I love food. I experiment making different things that I enjoy in a healthier version. I also make 'regular' versions of other things. I have cookies and cakes AND salad, veggies etc. If my guests choose to have heathy options, they are available, if not, thats ok. I try to eat veggies ALONG with my not so healthy options that I love AND always have a salad first to fill my tummy...
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    To those that think you're imposing your new lifestyle on others....the super bowl party I attended this year was hosted by a guy who is trying to get in shape. The party consisted of all guys except me. And picky eaters at that (my BF is the worst). The host made a skinny buffalo chicken dip (from skinnytaste.com), grilled chicken and had dips that were served with veggies as well as chips, and also had skinny brownies (replace oil and egg and everything but the boxed mix with pumpkin). He was excited about it, and everyone LOVED the food. My BF ended up virtually licking the pot of buffalo chicken dip clean. So, just b/c you opt for healthier versions does not mean you are robbing your guests of delicious food or imposing beliefs on them. When I throw a party and put forth effort into each item served, I'd like to serve stuff I actually want to eat. Not to mention you said your friends are interested in the changes you're making, so clearly these guys aren't even reading through the whole thread..... oh well....my main thing is....skinnytaste.com buffalo chicken dip--win. Brownies with pumpkin-win. Good luck in whatever you choose to serve.
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    Personally, I serve the foods people normally have at parties and then practice my self control. :) However, I recently started finding that when I make the healthy snacks they get eaten faster than the unhealthy ones and people RAVE about how good they are. Some ideas (I pulled the links off pinterest):

    -veggies & home-made hummus

    -Five Layer Greek Dip and home-made pita chips http://www.thelovelycupboard.com/2011/09/5-layer-greek-dip.html (I prefer to make my own pita chips fresh, you just cut up 100% whole wheat pitas into triangles, spread in a single layer on a baking sheet, brush lightly with olive oil & top with oregano and bake at 350 for like 5 minutes until slightly brown.)

    - Garlic Parmesean Edamame http://28cooks.blogspot.com/2008/10/garlic-parmesan-edamame-so-other-night.html

    - Buffalo Chicken Rolls http://www.canyoustayfordinner.com/2011/01/31/buffalo-chicken-rolls/

    - Skinny Spinach and Artichoke Dip: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2011/09/hot-spinach-and-artichoke-dip.html

    - Skinny Taco Dip: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2010/07/skinny-taco-dip.html

    Women's Health had some more great ideas too! http://www.womenshealthmag.com/nutrition/appetizer-recipes?cm_mmc=Newsletter-_-764320-_-12292011-_-ReadMore#axzz1mmwRlfW3

    Anyways, I hope you find something you like/have time to make. I promise you that the little extra effort is worth all the compliments you'll get!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Why dont you try doing low calorie options of all the snack and junk foods? Make your one pizza dough (try a paleo version) and what about "fake" pepperoni or sausage and homemade pizza sauce and reduced-fat cheese. Make your own potato chips, or use Special K cracker chips. Put out fruits and veggies with hummas or greek yogurt dip. There are TONS or low cal healthy versions of cakes and cookies. The best thing I have been doing for myself is not saying I cant have pizza, but instead finding a version that I dont feel guilty about.

    I have been doing this to! Or I fit in pizza once a week or every other week. But since I am not a master at this like some claim to be, I find that once I allow that pizza in I start craving other salty bad stuff. So I am trying to get a better handle on it. I have made some really good healthier pizza on tortilla shells that was super good! If you have a good recipe for the pizza dough I would love to check it out. I have tried one or 2 low cal "dough" ideas that were horrible so I gave up and just stuck with tortillas or fitting in regular thin crust pizza when I got the hankering for it!
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    I have friends over every other Thursday. A veggie tray is ALWAYS out with both a sour cream based dip and a hummus. This gives my guests choices.
    My other snacks are sometimes healthy, sometimes not. Unfortunately I made some really awesome unhealthy snacks this week and I had a lack of self-control :(
    Almost anything less-than-healthy can be altered if they are home made.
    One of the snacks I make that gets the most raves is very simple. Just 3 ingredients:
    1 mango, diced
    2 avocados, diced
    1 lime
    Mix the mango and avocado in a bowl, squeeze the juice from the lime over it and mix. That's it. You can add a little cilantro if you really want.
    Good luck.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    So every one can and should eat healthy just like me,

    I don't want to get into an arguement here with you, but that is the WRONG aproach. You should NOT be imposing your beliefs or lifestyle on anyone else. Even if the party is in your home.

    ^^^^^ Totally agree - I would never impose my new lifestyle on my friends - I will have healthy choices - for me, and others that want to eat that - but will also have chips, peanuts, pizza, desert for my guests (if that is what they like - and choose to eat) - and you know what - I eat the occasional piece of pizza or desert too - it is a lifestyle change after all!!

    As for healthy options - a lot of good suggestions - I love a "veggie tray" with babaganoush, humus, salsa etc as dips...
    Chicken baked in the oven, roasted eggplant, capsicum and zuchinni.....
    Steak - BBQ'd medium rare - cut into strips
  • strawberries! if youve heard of edible arrangements do something like that, i know EVERYONE loves them, fat free pretzels are also good, tostitos too:)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I make healthy foods for guests which they absolutely love, nobodys missing out. Its never bland or boring!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    To those that think you're imposing your new lifestyle on others....the super bowl party I attended this year was hosted by a guy who is trying to get in shape. The party consisted of all guys except me. And picky eaters at that (my BF is the worst). The host made a skinny buffalo chicken dip (from skinnytaste.com), grilled chicken and had dips that were served with veggies as well as chips, and also had skinny brownies (replace oil and egg and everything but the boxed mix with pumpkin). He was excited about it, and everyone LOVED the food. My BF ended up virtually licking the pot of buffalo chicken dip clean. So, just b/c you opt for healthier versions does not mean you are robbing your guests of delicious food or imposing beliefs on them. When I throw a party and put forth effort into each item served, I'd like to serve stuff I actually want to eat. Not to mention you said your friends are interested in the changes you're making, so clearly these guys aren't even reading through the whole thread..... oh well....my main thing is....skinnytaste.com buffalo chicken dip--win. Brownies with pumpkin-win. Good luck in whatever you choose to serve.

    Thank you. Really. I just don't see how one can think it's imposing your beliefs on people that you invite to your house to to serve food that you like and worked hard to prepare...Do you expect all your guest to forward you a menu of what they want when invited to your house!? I was taught that when you are invited to someone's house and they offer you food you at the least politely try it and you never ever tell them you don't like it or expect them to serve something else cause you don't like their food choices. Are vegans imposing on me if they invite me to their house and don't cook meat? No! At least I don't think so! I will eat what they fix. And if they are coming to my house and I know they are vegan I will try to have something they can eat cause I want to be nice. BUT LIKE I SAID my friends are ON BOARD with this idea and if they were not then I would have something they could eat or they would offer to bring their own cause they are nice and considerate like that. This is not a party where I have to provide all the food all the time anyway. It is not an insult nor does it make for a bad party for them to bring their own. We just have to have it here every time for convenience so they bring their own sometimes. Jeezzz ok really I am done justifying or explaining my self. I owe no explanations...I asked a question, if you have helpful answers give them, If I tell you they wont work for us then offer another if you have another and if not don't get all offended that I did not accept your suggestion and keep posting unhelpful comments. Thank you in advance!
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    PS. I don't think throwing a party and serving food that EVERYONE can enjoy is 'imposing your beliefs' on anyone. It's not like you're going to someone's house and complaining about what they serve or telling someone what to order at a restaurant. There are tons of healthy options and your friends will know you well enough to appreciate what you are trying to do and support you. Most people will probably appreciate you providing some healthy options instead of the typical party fare. :)
  • shipleyd
    shipleyd Posts: 94 Member
    this party is going to be awesome.

    It always is! My husband is writing a RPG and his gang loves RPG's so we get together to play test the one he is writing for like 5-6 hours every other sunday! We have lots of fun except that we all eat so bad and since I have started this mission in life everyone else is kinda getting interested to! So we are trying to get ideas to make it healthier on top of the fun!

    If everyone is jumping on board then pose a challenge to them...Everyone has to bring one healthy dish. You will get to eat healthy, everyone will have brought something they will like and you will get to try new things!
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    PS. I don't think throwing a party and serving food that EVERYONE can enjoy is 'imposing your beliefs' on anyone. It's not like you're going to someone's house and complaining about what they serve or telling someone what to order at a restaurant. There are tons of healthy options and your friends will know you well enough to appreciate what you are trying to do and support you. Most people will probably appreciate you providing some healthy options instead of the typical party fare. :)

    Thank you:) we really are tired of the same ol same ol. We have been doing this for about 3 years now, playing different games and we are just tired of the same things