Reasons for eating under 1200 cals



  • anandaamrita
    anandaamrita Posts: 17 Member
    I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well and that eating makes you feel sick.

    I would say eat as much as you can - perhaps if you make up high calorie shakes and sip them slowly, that might help getting towards 1,200 calories?

    Have you spoken to your doctor about this? It might be best to get a medical opinion. If you're in the UK, try ringing NHS Direct and asking them.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Please ignore everything else posted. Especially the post above me.

    Generally, all things being equal, I would say yes, if you're eating under 1200 calories you're setting yourself up for failure.

    However, right now, things are not equal for you. You've started a new medication that is making you nauseous. Give yourself two weeks to get used to the medication and if you're still having the same issues talk to your doctor. Eat as much as you can stomach but focus more on getting used to the medication then worrying over something that right now, you can't control.
    ^^^^ This! Listening to your body is important. You are not well, you are starting a new medication so you need to listen to your body. My mum recently came off strong steroids after her radiotherapy and she could eat virtually nothing for a few weeks. She ate what she could and listened to her body. She ate only the foods that she could tolerate (mostly proteins) and didn't worry about it. After a while she has gradually been able to eat more and more and is now able to eat almost normally. During this time she did lose weight and now this weight loss has slowed right down to the level she wants. She can even eat a modest amount of pasta and potatoes now.

    Listen to your body. Don't worry too much for now. Hopefully you will start feeling better soon and will gradually be able to eat more. What's the point of eating all your calories if it's going to make you feel so nauseous that you're sick? Do we force ourselves to eat 1200 calories when we have stomach flu, noro virus or any other stomach virus for that matter? No. We eat what we can if and when we can and listen to our bodies to tell us when we can eat normally again. I'm sure it will happen soon. For now, eat what you can. Perhaps little and often so as not to overload your delicate-feeling stomach, and gradually increase again as you get used to it. Perhaps if things don't start to get better soon it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor for advice. It may be that there is an alternative that suits you better.

    I hope you feel better soon, hun. It must be horrid to feel so poorly. If you need a supportive friend while you are going through this, feel free to add me :flowerforyou:

    You can listen to your body all you want but it's not always a good idea. Sometimes when are you are ill you don't feel like eating or drinking liquids but that is in fact what you must do to get back to health!

    And to your point about noro-vius which is the one I had one mind, I've had it myself and trust me my body didn't want any liquids to go into it ( it's what my body was telling me ) but my brain knows that if I don't get liquids into me I will become very dehydrated and even sicker.

    So "listening to your body" isn't always the best advice.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Everyone is right in saying that your body needs a minimum amount of calories to perform basic functions. But you don't have to eat them to get them. You may, as example and used as a generic plural "you", have a lot of fat which then can be used to augment any calories in to perform these functions. Under 1000kCal a day is considered a Very Low Calorie Diet and used medically in extreme cases and for treatment of some conditions such as diabetes. Personally, I wouldn't reccommend it. A day or 2 isn't going to harm you however, for example if you're ill. But you shouldn't go out of your way to eat lower than this. If I was you and you're finding it hard to eat lots, then make what you eat higher in calories and quality nutrition. Things like nuts, dried fruit, seeds, healthy oils. Even a couple of slices of wholemeal bread or a bowl full of porridge made with milk and jam and a chopped piece of banana. If you can't do that, it's excuses you're making to eat very low calories and could be the start of an eating disorder.

    Be careful.
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    Hey, medication is something not under your control. I would talk to your doctor about this to see if there's anything they can do for the side-effects (I have had doctors give me anti-nausea meds for my antibiotics before) or if there's a better med out there for you. A few days of under eating while your body gets used to the meds isn't a problem, but if it continues for several weeks talk to your doctor. Also, if you aren't already, consider taking a multivitamin to ensure that you are getting enough vitamins if you aren't eating. :flowerforyou:
  • dawnh1968
    dawnh1968 Posts: 25 Member
    New medication usually does cause nausea - for a few days, then it usually settles.

    In the UK you can buy something called Motilium - which gets rid of the nausea feeling. Sure you can buy similar wherever you live.

    If the nausea doesn't pass after a week - speak to your Doctor.
  • JeffSFO
    If this is temporary I wouldn't worry about it but if you continue to have problems please consult your physician.

    That said, I'm living proof you can net under 1,200 calories on a daily basis and thrive by eating foods high in nutrients. For over two months now I've averaged just over 1,000 net calories daily and for the last 30 days alone I've averaged 940 net calories daily.

    This isn't some death wish, either. I eat regularly scheduled meals and have heavy workouts but I eat nothing that has empty calories--everything is very nutritious and I'm not hungry. My fitness has improved drastically and I'm getting stronger while losing weight and feeling fantastic. However, once I hit my goal weight of 180 pounds (down from 230 with 8 to go) I'll go into maintenance mode and aim for 2,200 net calories daily.

    Note: I'm not saying anyone should do what I'm doing but do want to dispel the myth of immediate dire consequences from being under the magic 1,200 calorie limit.

    Here's my food diary in case anyone is curious:
  • tedmccormick
    I'm a guy, and when I started I was at 290. I'm about 6'0" and changed my lifestyle at New Year's - since then I'm down about 40 pounds. I routinely eat 800-900 calories a day and my weight loss always tracks with my calorie deficit (or slightly under). My food diary is available for public viewing, feel free to run the numbers yourself. The magical 1200 calorie number is just that...a magical number with no real bearing on anything. I've never seen any research, scholarly or otherwise, that says that it's valid. Don't be concerned about it.

    What *IS* really important is to ensure that, even though you are naseous, you are getting an appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals. You should really be trying to get iron and magnesium through your diet, especially if you are feeling poorly. I also try to 'max out' my protein so that I don't have to worry about hunger or satiety, but that's probably not as important. Focus on finding foods you can stomach first, then figure out how to incorporate them into your diet.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    I want to apologise for the way I reacted to the post. However still firmly believe that you shouldn't tell people to ignore someone else's post. Advise on what they said. But not ignore.
  • JeffSFO
    What *IS* really important is to ensure that, even though you are naseous, you are getting an appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals.
    Focus on finding foods you can stomach first, then figure out how to incorporate them into your diet.

    Excellent advice!

    To the OP, I hope you feel better soon.
  • frannyannemum
    Please ignore everything else posted. Especially the post above me.

    Generally, all things being equal, I would say yes, if you're eating under 1200 calories you're setting yourself up for failure.

    However, right now, things are not equal for you. You've started a new medication that is making you nauseous. Give yourself two weeks to get used to the medication and if you're still having the same issues talk to your doctor. Eat as much as you can stomach but focus more on getting used to the medication then worrying over something that right now, you can't control.
    ^^^^ This! Listening to your body is important. You are not well, you are starting a new medication so you need to listen to your body. My mum recently came off strong steroids after her radiotherapy and she could eat virtually nothing for a few weeks. She ate what she could and listened to her body. She ate only the foods that she could tolerate (mostly proteins) and didn't worry about it. After a while she has gradually been able to eat more and more and is now able to eat almost normally. During this time she did lose weight and now this weight loss has slowed right down to the level she wants. She can even eat a modest amount of pasta and potatoes now.

    Listen to your body. Don't worry too much for now. Hopefully you will start feeling better soon and will gradually be able to eat more. What's the point of eating all your calories if it's going to make you feel so nauseous that you're sick? Do we force ourselves to eat 1200 calories when we have stomach flu, noro virus or any other stomach virus for that matter? No. We eat what we can if and when we can and listen to our bodies to tell us when we can eat normally again. I'm sure it will happen soon. For now, eat what you can. Perhaps little and often so as not to overload your delicate-feeling stomach, and gradually increase again as you get used to it. Perhaps if things don't start to get better soon it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor for advice. It may be that there is an alternative that suits you better.

    I hope you feel better soon, hun. It must be horrid to feel so poorly. If you need a supportive friend while you are going through this, feel free to add me :flowerforyou:

    You can listen to your body all you want but it's not always a good idea. Sometimes when are you are ill you don't feel like eating or drinking liquids but that is in fact what you must do to get back to health!

    And to your point about noro-vius which is the one I had one mind, I've had it myself and trust me my body didn't want any liquids to go into it ( it's what my body was telling me ) but my brain knows that if I don't get liquids into me I will become very dehydrated and even sicker.

    So "listening to your body" isn't always the best advice.

    Without wishing to jump on the band wagon and reiterating what some people including Carolyn has said, this lady is in desperate need of help and advice not people putting their 2pence in thinking they all know best. Fine, everyone has a right to their own opinion and mine is that if she is putting away 1200 calories a day and then being sick, surely she is doing more damage than good. She is throwing up some of what she is eating, depending on how soon she has taken the medication, she could be throwing that up, and depending on how much she is throwing up, she could be tearing the lining of her stomach which is no good for anyone. She will end up throwing up some of the calories she has eaten so it is pretty much defeating the object.

    She needs to go back to her Doctor and get advice but I do agree that drinking shakes/soups/drinks is a good idea to get her calorie intake up. Speaking as someone who was on medication for long time due to suffering from postnatal depression and severe clinical depression, I would go for weeks not eating anywhere near the recommended 1200 calorie a day intake and I am still here to tell the tale and still losing weight. I know everyone is different, but she needs support not people bickering like they are in the school playground.

    Hope you feel better soon and am thinking about you :happy:
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    I really like this answer.

    Generally, all things being equal, I would say yes, if you're eating under 1200 calories you're setting yourself up for failure.

    However, right now, things are not equal for you. You've started a new medication that is making you nauseous. Give yourself two weeks to get used to the medication and if you're still having the same issues talk to your doctor. Eat as much as you can stomach but focus more on getting used to the medication then worrying over something that right now, you can't control.
  • Mershon88
    Mershon88 Posts: 46 Member
    The real kicker is.. you cannot force your body to eat food that your stomach does not agree with. You force it.. your body will purge it. Pretty much.... you have to eat what your stomach will allow you to eat right now. It's all part of being ill. If solids are giving you too much trouble..... try some liquid forms of foods (soups, protein shakes, etc.). If after a week you still feel awful, you should go back to your doctor let him/her know that your medication is making you feel that bad and you are having issues keeping food down. hope you feel better soon! :)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    You just started your medication and your body is going to have to adjust to it. This could take a few days. During that time, eat and drink what you can. The biggest thing to think about is getting enough liquids in you to keep yourself hydrated. After that, stick with foods that are low in acid and that are pretty bland. Rice, bananas, toast... those sorts of things.

    If the nausea continues after this week, please talk to your doctor. You may need to adjust your amounts or even change the medication you are on. Whatever you do, DO NOT stop your medication without consulting with your doctor.

    In general, it is not recommended to net less then 1200 calories per for a woman. However, a few days of it, especially when it is due to illness, is not going to ruin everything. Worry about getting healthy again first... then worry about this.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    If you are physically unable to consume adequate nutrition, you need to talk to a doctor.

    Otherwise, nuts and peanut butter are easy on the stomach, which is another reason they are frequently suggested as being good for adding some nutrient-rich calories on a sparse day.

    That being said, you can get good nutrition on fairly bland/easy to digest foods. Many cancer patients, for example, have problems with nausea but because of their treatment, it is essential for them to get enough nutrition. Maybe Google ideas for that on how to get quality nutrition when your stomach isn't being nice to you.

    Also, if you treat your body well, a lot of times you will feel better emotionally/mentally as well. I am bi-polar and under a lot of stress, but if I eat well and exercise, I feel better, even if the stress is still there. So try to do what is good for your body regardless of how you feel emotionally.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    I wouldn't eat if you don't feel like eating, especially if you feel nauseous. You don't want to make yourself sick. Just eat when you're hungry, and eat whatever you can handle. Just speak with your doctor if you're concerned. Remember that no one on here is licensed to give medical advice (and even if they say they are, don't believe them - you can't know for sure).
  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    I agree to give it some time for your body to adjust to your medication. IF You feel like you can..I would suggest making a smoothie or protein shake each day to get some calories in you.

    1 Banana
    1/2 Yogurt (Vanilla)
    1 cup Berries of choice (I like Blue berries and strawberries)
    1/2 cup of OJ
    (add 1 scoop of protein powder if you have it)

    1/2 Cup Vanila Yogurt
    1-2 TBLS Peanut Butter
    1 Banana
    (protein Powder if you have it)
    Cocoa Powder is a yummy addition as well.

    If you cannot have dairy free smoothies.

    Best of luck to you..that stinks when you are not feeling right.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    If you're sick and nauseous then forcing yourself to eat is kind of stupid. Feeling better is the main goal.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Seriously, why are people arguing on this person's thread? You're both rude for making this about the two of you having petty differences. The OP has a legitimate concern here and has already been greatly successful on MFP. Clearly she is not trying to starve herself.

    That said, OP, I would give it more time, but there are ways to up the calories on things that aren't making you nauseous that aren't terribly unhealthy. For example, if you can stomach a turkey sandwich, put two pieces of cheese on it. Or if grilled chicken is ok, eat a larger piece than normal. You should be able to regulate the way you are feeling soon and get back to normal. If the nausea is unbearable, talk to your doctor right away. If it's just uncomfortable give it another week or so. If you don't adjust definitely talk to your doctor after that!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Give yourself a break. Do the BEST you can, know you did the best you can, forgive yourself for falling short of your goal, and if you still don't have an appetite in whatever amount of time your medication info suggests would be expected for your body to adjust, consult with your prescribing doctor.

    I hope you feel better soon.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Please ignore everything else posted. Especially the post above me.

    Generally, all things being equal, I would say yes, if you're eating under 1200 calories you're setting yourself up for failure.

    However, right now, things are not equal for you. You've started a new medication that is making you nauseous. Give yourself two weeks to get used to the medication and if you're still having the same issues talk to your doctor. Eat as much as you can stomach but focus more on getting used to the medication then worrying over something that right now, you can't control.

    I agree. If you had the flu, you wouldn't force yourself to eat. Give the med time to level off and as some of the other posters have commented, call the doc if you don't feel better in a week or so. In the meantime, just try to eat the most nutrient dense foods you can tolerate. Chicken baked in a little broth and a veg? An apple slice here or there with some almond or peanut butter? And see if you can find some ginger gum, ginger hard candy or ginger tea. Or bake your chicken with a little ginger. It helps nausea. You aren't intentionally starving yourself, so ignore what some have said about long-term help problems. Feel better!