Has anyone tried Alli? Thoughts?

It's FDA approved to help you lose weight but before I fork out the money, I wanted to hear about what ya'll think about it!

Let me know!



  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think it's a lot of money for something that can be done without it.

    From your ticker you have a lot of weight to lose. Simply by cutting calories (not sure what MFP states for you to have) you will lose weight. You don't even need to exercise (though you should for health)

    Try the weight loss using MFP without the Alli and see if it works. If it doesn't in six months (and you're honestly following it) then i would reconsider.
  • Yes, I have a ton of weight to lose... That's why I was considering it but you're right, I have to give this site time to work for me as I just joined a week ago. It has me on 2500 calories a day and I usually don't even hit 2000 calories per day and I'm working out 5 days per week for 30 minutes! So, I will wait and see if that helps!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I can't see your diary so I don't know what you're netting, but if you're exercising (at a high intesity) try and at least eat to the recommendation. You need to keep your body fueled and carrying around that extra weight and not eating enough will make you feel like crap.
  • Sounds like a plan, I will definitely try that out! :)
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
    Don't do it! I don't know anything about it, but in my opinion you will feel a lot better and more accomplished if you do it on your own! When I first started out on MFP I thought about getting diet pills to "help get me started". But really most diet pills are just a whole bunch of caffeine with other crap mixed in. Just eat healthy, drink lots of water, and exercise! :) It is so worth it to do it the natural way! :)
  • leah_8303
    leah_8303 Posts: 28 Member
    I did alli once don't do it i don't recommenced it to anyone . i agree with the Lozze...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I haven't really looked into Alli much, but isn't that the one that limits the way your body absorbs fat? And if you do eat too much fat, you end up with ... leakage? (Ew.)

    My problem with that, is that fat isn't bad for you. Some fats are really good for you. Is Alli going to know the difference between a plate of greasy fries, and something with healthy fats like salmon or avacado? Or is it going to give you the squirts (sorry) no matter what?

    That's why I love MFP. Food is fuel, and you can eat pretty much what you want. If it fits your calories and macros, it's all good. It doesn't punish you if you eat a little too much of this or too little of that.
  • I haven't really looked into Alli much, but isn't that the one that limits the way your body absorbs fat? And if you do eat too much fat, you end up with ... leakage? (Ew.)

    My problem with that, is that fat isn't bad for you. Some fats are really good for you. Is Alli going to know the difference between a plate of greasy fries, and something with healthy fats like salmon or avacado? Or is it going to give you the squirts (sorry) no matter what?

    That's why I love MFP. Food is fuel, and you can eat pretty much what you want. If it fits your calories and macros, it's all good. It doesn't punish you if you eat a little too much of this or too little of that.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I thought about it, too, when I started getting back into shape, but eating better and exercise (just walking for the first 8 months), showed me that I didn't need it.

    Any weight loss or suppressant pill scares me, FDA approved or not, due to unknown or unpleasant side effects (anal leakage, anyone?).
  • I thought about lots different diets but I have no will power. But what have done is changed my snacks to fruit and yoghurts,and i have low fat milk and brown bread little changes makes a difference and if u can try and do an hour a day excercise or even 30 or 20 mins a day u will see a difference. I like sweeties and cant stop myself so i have one now and again as treat and always leave till after my tea,I make like a funsize one. I am trying to lose weight and find all these difference has helped I have excercised as much as can every day maybe give my self one day off and over the last 10 days I have lost 2lbs .I feel difference in my clothes too. belive or not im size smaller on top half and bottom already ,maybe have lost more than 2lbs not sur but my weights says im 2lbs lighter.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I used it way back when. I would not recommend it! First of all, we need fats. Fats are not the enemy! It robs you of essential vitamins. Plus there is that whole leakage thing, which is very real and seemingly arbitrary. You are supposed to limit yourself to less than 15 grams of fat per meal, but that isn't always the way your body works. Anal leakage - horrendously inconvenient and really gross. Try it if you want, but I don't think it's worth it.
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    Have you ever went to their website and read some of the comments from people who have taken it? If you do, I guarantee you won't want to take it...Any product that recommends that you wear dark pants AND carry a spare pair with you is definitely a no-no in my opinion...Anal leakage (from what I've read orange greasy poop that stains your toilet)? NO THANK YOU!!
  • I haven't really looked into Alli much, but isn't that the one that limits the way your body absorbs fat? And if you do eat too much fat, you end up with ... leakage? (Ew.)

    i totally agree....with emphasis on the word "leakage" from personal experience! you really don't want to try this!
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    I have been on Orlistat for a year. That's the higher dose, prescribed version of Alli. It does work for me but I have to work hard to make it work. It's not an easy fix like everyone thinks it is. Also, it can be extremely dangerous for some people so I suggest getting regular check-ups, especially liver function, if you plan to take them. And yes, you do get horrendous side effects if you eat the wrong foods, but my answer to that would be, just eat the right foods. Good luck. x
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I'm on Alli right now. Got the 90 capsule stater kit off eBay for about $20 (cause I refuse to pay full price for anything...even clothes). This is maybe my 3rd week on it and I'm not seeing much change. Then again I only want to lose 10lbs at the most. Alli is made for people wanting to lose a large amount of weight, not just a few lbs.

    People freak out over anything that isn't just getting off you butt and moving daily but I think adding Alli wouldn't hurt much if you can afford it. I mean, people drink Shakeology daily and that's $4 for just 1 shake ($120 for a 30-day bag). Not including the stuff you need to buy if you wanna add to it like fruit or almond milk. And that stuff does nothing more than just protein powder a daily vitamin.

    It's all about what works for you and what you want to put into it. Alli isn't a magic pill to make you drop weight fast, diet and exercise does play a part in it like everything else.

    My recommendation: Try it and see if you can afford it. Otherwise, meh
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Oh and btw, I don't get anal leakage and that's without changing my diet since being on Alli. To each their own
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    it just makes you poop a lot! A lot, a lot....
  • hi, i work in a pharmacy and we dispense Alli often. i wouldn't recommend it. for it to work you have to cut out all fats and processed food or you have constant problems in the bum area! (and you don't get any warning & will definitely get caught short at some point when you're out for the day!) ;0(
    to get alli to work for you, you have to cut out the rubbish and if you're cutting it out anyhow why not do it the healthy way and stay from alli?
    hope i made some sense? xx
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Have you ever went to their website and read some of the comments from people who have taken it? If you do, I guarantee you won't want to take it...Any product that recommends that you wear dark pants AND carry a spare pair with you is definitely a no-no in my opinion...Anal leakage (from what I've read orange greasy poop that stains your toilet)? NO THANK YOU!!
    I heard this too. Anything that warns of "anal leakage" is something I avoid.
  • spacecampsucks
    spacecampsucks Posts: 33 Member
    I've never tried it and would only if I was having problems losing weight naturally.

    If you don't mind, I'm going to send you a friend request as we both have similar weight loss goals! (200lb+)