Any fellow grad students out there?

Just trying to find a few friends who are trying to fit this healthiness and weight loss thing in with all the amounts of sitting and reading necessary for an MA! :)


  • que_legal
    que_legal Posts: 4 Member
    i know how you feel. i'm a grad student also. way too many journals to read.
  • I am also a grad student. Hoping I can find time to keep up with myfitnesspal with school!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Working on my PhD in analytical chemistry. I so know what it's like!
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    Grad Student here..........matter of fact I am studying now lol
  • ndneternity720
    ndneternity720 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel your pain chica. I'm in medical school now, so sometimes it's rough because you eat/ drink just to keep yourself awake when studying.
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 168 Member
    I'm not really a grad student, per say, but I am returning to school. I have a BFA in Design'Technology, but am returning to study to become a physical therapy assistant. Good luck in your journey!
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 124 Member
    i am not a grad student either, but have returned to school. Working on my pre med classes. Trying to get into Med school, at 40. Unfortunately, Ill be in school until I am 48 probably.
  • jtallwood
    jtallwood Posts: 53 Member
    MBA student here, procrastinating on MFP instead of doing work haha
  • I'm finishing my PhD in counseling psych and trying not to make time to workout. I feel your pain girl :-)
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    just finished mine. it was rough
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    Good to know I'm not alone! This is my 10 minute paper-writing break!
  • ZambiNan
    ZambiNan Posts: 61 Member
    Finishing up a PhD- which is the whole reason I'm here, I have a horrible habit of eating to stay focused while I'm writing. My comps were a brutal snack-frenzy...anyone have tips for incorporating calorie-burning-study-breaks to the daily grind?
  • langababy
    langababy Posts: 43 Member
    working on a PhD in inorganic/physical chemistry. It's a tough balance. So far I'm still working on trying to squeeze in exercise.
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    Hello - final year PhD here :smile: Most of my weight went on during the last 3 years - too much staring into the computer screen and snacking...

    (P.S. this site is terrible for procrastinating...)
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    Working on a second PhD (am retired, it's a fun thing now) I fully understand your workload. Oh, first PhD is in Rhetoric (how boring); am now enjoying the research in Christian Spirituality. Research now is sooooooooo much easier than it was in the 70s. But, you still have read a zillion journals, and write an equal number of inane papers. I have cut my teaching load down to one class currently, and still have enough time to work in the gym 3 mornings a week. I take Monday mornings off from everything.
  • Yup in class at this moment!!
  • I'm looking into graduate (MBA) programs, but I'm not currently enrolled anywhere.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Finishing my MBA. I snacked the whole way through; sadly. For some reason, when I am studying / reading I find I snack endlessly and mindlessly. It takes a lot to stay focused, but snacking should not be part of that focus.

    It can be done - fitness and education - but it takes a ton of willpower.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I am currently in grad school as well! :) On top of working full time as an RN and raising 4 kids under 5.5, I am tired! Thankfully I have a good husband and support system to keep me sane
  • I just finished writing a 3,200 words APA paper. :angry: Ugh! I managed to do this over the weekend while NOT snacking, eating, or indulging in naughty behaviors... But of course sitting on your behind with the laptop for long, long hours does take away from exercise. Good luck to all of us grad students, working moms, and overworked dieters!!! I am sure we can do it, is a matter of wanting it bad enough! :happy: