Does drinking lots of water help you lose more weight?

I am trying to drink more water from now on. Will it slow down or speed up my weight loss? Or stay the same?


  • jadejo63
    jadejo63 Posts: 136 Member
  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    I personally don't think so, so I just drink when I'm thirsty! :smile:
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    i definately lose when i'm drinking the water, not too much tho because believe it or not u CAN overdose on H2o
  • Makethefatcry12
    Makethefatcry12 Posts: 133 Member
    I lose more when I drink a lot of water. It helps with bloating and knocks out a lot of the sodium that I take in.
  • lisaslim1976
    I think it helps for a number of reasons, we sometimes thirst for hunger and end up eating when we should be dri king.

    Hydration Facts

    75% of the body is made up of water
    80% of the brain is made up of water
    75% of the muscles are made up of water
    92% of the blood is made up of water
    Water carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body
    Water helps convert food into energy
    Water regulates body temperature
    1% dehydration results in thirst
    There is a 10% decrease in your mental performance when you feel thirsty
    2% dehydration reduces your ability to work
    4% dehydration results in lethargy, apathy and mental symptoms
    If you are dehydrated you are more likely to have trouble concentrating, be more irritable and have more headaches
    Long-term effects of being dehydrated include kidney and urinary tract infections, constipation, continence problems, and kidney stones.
    Drinking more water helps reduce obesity and bed-wetting in children
    If you are well hydrated, exercise feels more and more enjoyable.
  • soniaa777
    soniaa777 Posts: 126 Member
    i read that you r suppose 2 drink half ur weight in ounces of water per day.
  • sschoolfield
    Personal opinion is that it does. I do better when I drink plenty of water. I think drinking at least one full glass of water before a meal makes you need to eat a little less to feel full. It is also important to keep our bodies hydrated and help flush toxins from our systems. Just my personal opinion, can't quote scientifical facts to back it up. :wink:
  • jedw31
    jedw31 Posts: 26 Member
    No it doesn't, it is a myth that you have to drink 8 glasses of water a day. you need to drink an adequate amount to keep you hydrated, and tea and coffee, milk and other liquids found in food all contribute.
  • anberlingasm
    It can do, it depends on your diet.

    If you eat a lot of salty foods, you need more fluids or you'll dehydrate yourself. If you don't drink enough water, your body will retain it and this can show up on the scale. It's also easy to mistake thirst for hunger and if you eat something when all you really needed was water, you'll be taking in more calories than you need and therefore not make as much weight loss progress.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Yeah cos I find hunger is from being dehydrated...!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I think people see big results in beginning cos maybe they were retaining water from sodium or other sources and maybe not drinking enough so suddenly they go to 8 glasses a day or whatever and the body starts letting go off all the water it was holding on to!

    If you don't usually drink that much water you might get a few pounds loss the first week but once your body gets used to fact you reguarly drink water and there's no shortage it will just stop holding onto it and the effect won't be as dramatic.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Water help me stay regular
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    No it doesn't, it is a myth that you have to drink 8 glasses of water a day. you need to drink an adequate amount to keep you hydrated, and tea and coffee, milk and other liquids found in food all contribute.

    He's right. You don't need 2 litres! You get some from the food you eat. Drink when you're thirsty. When you feel your mouth fry, you're dehydrated....but most of the time you're not hungry, you're thirsty
  • 1FitBabe
    1FitBabe Posts: 111 Member
    I just read a book that had info. on this. It said that drinking water can help with weight loss and can be especially helpful if you have sugar problems like insulin resistance or diabetes because not drinking enough water puts extra strain on the kidneys and causes excess blood sugar which can slow fat burning.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Icy water YES. Proved.Do a google search.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    No it doesn't, it is a myth that you have to drink 8 glasses of water a day. you need to drink an adequate amount to keep you hydrated, and tea and coffee, milk and other liquids found in food all contribute.

    This depends. It's true that other sources contribute but there are mixed findings on the coffee/tea thing.

    Personally I only count water as I find it a better motivator to stay away from other alternatives. And it seems best that you would drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water. Plus remember you need extra fluid if you're exercising.
  • daphnegetnfit
    Top 11 Health Benefits of Drinking Water

    You will be amazed of the benefits of drinking water as follow:

    Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories. Here are the further details on how to achieve fat loss by drinking water.
    Natural Remedy for Headache: Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration. Although many reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is the common one.
    Look Younger with Healthier Skin: You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity.
    Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrated.

    Better Exercise: Drinking water regulates your body temperature. That means you’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises. Water also helps to fuel your muscle.
    Helps in Digestion and Constipation: Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion. Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement.
    Less Cramps and Sprains: Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, so you’ll less likely get cramps and sprains.
    Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack. Water adds with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis etc. In another words one of the benefits of drinking water is that it can improve your immune system. Follow this link for further information on how lemon water can improve your health.
    Relieves Fatigue: Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance, needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so will you.
    Good Mood: Your body feels very good and that’s why you feel happy.
    Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Related to the digestive system, some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining.
    Can you see the importance of water to your body after understanding the above benefits of drinking water?
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    i read that you r suppose 2 drink half ur weight in ounces of water per day.

    that is NON SENSE , how can someone drink 1/2 his weight daily , remember we need to save the planet in water not drain it
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    In and of itself, I don't think there is any actual research to prove that it helps. Having said that, I find when I drink a lot of water (I will usually drink at least 80 ounces a day) I lose weight better. This is probably not so much burning more fat as much as making sure that digested food moves through the system better, and that it helps keep me full. Perhaps there is more, but that is my take on it. At the very least it will help get the sodium out of your system so you are not retaining extra water, and thus extra water weight.
  • fbcoach23
    For me I think it does several things in helping toward weight loss. First, it does flush the extra water that sodium grabs on to. Second, it really helps me with the soreness that workouts bring, even if it is just walking. I agree with it being good to help make you fuller and sometimes you are just thirsty. It is all over the place on what you need. You hear the recommendation for 8 glasses. I've also heard drink til your urine is clear. But you do have to be careful because you drink too much and you begin to flush good things too. All in all I think water aid's weight loss, but I'm not a woman and have to deal with PMS either. Keep working at it.
