Over 40 And Losing Weight

Just joined!


  • Hi and welcome.

    Shout up if you need any help :flowerforyou:
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member

    I'm over 40 also. Okay, to be totally honest I'm turning 50 this year.

    Welcome to MFP. I hope you'll find this to be a supportive, helpful resource. Good luck on your journey!

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome. I'll be 50 in a few weeks. Wish I'd lost this weight 10 years earlier. Or 20.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone! I am wondering if you have any tips on losing weight......how do you stay motivated?
  • chunk1691
    chunk1691 Posts: 90 Member
    hi im also turning 50 this year, welcome to MFP, feel free to add me. x
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am over 40 too
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am wondering if you have any tips on losing weight......how do you stay motivated?
    This site motivates me! I love the friends I have made on here, they really encourage me and I, in turn, encourage them. Use this site as a place to meet people with similar goals.
    I found this app on my iPhone before I found it on the computer. I use both - I prefer to log my food on my mobile. It's easy to read & respond to my friends there too. But I read and respond to message boards on the computer (can't on mobile).
  • versuga
    versuga Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome! I'm over 40 as well!
  • Over 40 hear! Add me as a friend. MFP is great for motivation and support! welcome~
    EPICUREASIAN Posts: 147 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • mizgiz41
    mizgiz41 Posts: 3 Member
    Trying to get FFF, Fit Fabulous& Forty +
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    Welcome aboard.... forty is when you get it together.... you're just in time!
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    I am over 40 and looking to loose 60+ pounds. Not doing very good as I have only lost 10 pounds in 100 days :-( always looking for friends and advice.
  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    also check out Chalene Extreme I am over 40 and have had such a hard time losing weight since I hit 30. Apparently muscle burns more fat and this program gets results fast and keeps your metabolism up even when you are not working out. I am doing it along with TurboFire and loving the results, wish I had found it 10 years ago!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Welcome! I'll be 42 this year. Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot lose weight and get toned in your 40s. That crap hasn't happened to me. :)
  • Hi!! Will be 45 this year....Feel free to add me. :tongue:
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I'll be 43 this year. I have around 20# to lose, and they don't want to go!!! I'm more active and fit now than I was in my 20's! I'm not getting older, I getting better :bigsmile:
  • rrtnrn
    rrtnrn Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me too!! I'm actually 50.
  • Hello, I'll be forty later this year, initially want to loose 2 stone but could do with loosing 2 more :-(
  • ShrinkingSusan
    ShrinkingSusan Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome to MFP and I wish you great success on your journey. I am almost 42 and have a long way to go, but the concepts touted here really work: eat fewer calories by making healthy choices and move more with exercise.

    Simple really. Why did it take me this long to get it? :)