snacking at night



  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I actually split my calories between 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. Sometimes my snacks are like meals too, just depending on what kind of day I'm having. Some days I exercise extra hard so I can have something special (or 2 servings of something). I've found that more often than not, I'm ending up with extra calories at the end of the day, and no need for them. I also drink a glass of water when I get a craving for something, and then wait 20 minutes. If I still want it after 20 minutes, then I go get a snack. If I have to walk around the apartment complex so that I can have those calories some nights, I do. I've gotten so much better about eating more whole foods (fresh fruits and veggies), and it leaves me with lots of calories left for my late night cravings too.
  • A70sgirl
    A70sgirl Posts: 15 Member
    I like to finish my day with a 40 calorie popcicle. (all american pops are my fav)
    It's sweet, it's low in calories...and I'm just used to calling it good once I've eaten that.
    Then I brush my teeth. I don't like to eat after I brush my teeth, so I think that helps in a weird way as well.
  • mang26
    I have a glass of low fat milk and a cookie most every night. I have also been trying some of the low fat low cal. recipes people share on here. Its ok to snack just count the calories.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I actually am one of the few who prefer working out at night (so not a morning person). I find if I have preplanned activities I can avoid snacking. Tonight is laundry night :) and I hang around here to educate myself and get support.
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    I am the same way and to make it worse, I eat after I fall asleep....My husband says I get up and eat and I don't even remember doing it! So strange! It's like sleep walking only sleep eating. I have started keeping a piece of dark chocolate or a 100 calorie snake pack near the bed and factor it into my day! Hoping it helps, stay tuned!
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    I historically eat most of my calories in the evening. I tried to eat more during the day (today, for the first time) and find myself with the urge to snack/drink sweet cocktails...instead, I've been drinking hot lemon water with a bit of stevia and it feels like a great treat- not quite a cosmo, but close. We'll see if it has worked when I complete my diary for the evening. :-) Good luck!
  • hewson44
    didnt realise so many people are the same haha!

    skinny cow icecream is a good one! next time i shop ill be grabbing some of those because i love icecream

    i do tend to snack watch tv or even reading haha maybe i should go for a walk, just not to appealing in english weather

    so hard, though im better equiped with ideas for the snack attack!
  • babsy300
    babsy300 Posts: 3 Member
    snack during the day so at night your not so hungry too drink water in replace of eating snacks thats why they say eat 5 meals during the day too after 7 you dont want too eat cause that will be stored as fat.
  • chubbychristianchick
    I find that flavored teas with some stevia and a touch of sugar free vanilla almond milk really help curb the cravings. I really like apple cinnamon with a splash of vanilla extract taste just like apple pie. Also if really really hungry I will make myself a 1/2 of a protien shake. Most of the time I'm not actually hungry I'm just craving that sweetness. Sugar free wearther's hard candies are great as well.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Snacking at night is my worst habit and the hardest to break.....I really feel a lot of the time it is from boredom and not hunger (for me at least).....guess I need some new hobbies!
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    This is the worse problem I have
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I love to snack at night. I stick with air popped popcorn. It's full of fiber and helps me out in that department too!
  • hewson44
    can i just ask what stevia is? sorry if that sounds dumb :)
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    I was a BIG TIME evening snacker! I try to keep drinking water and sometimes having a cup of chai tea helps me, also those Skinny Cow mint chocolate chip ice cream cones are awesome and they are 150 calories, satisfies my sweet and crunchy tooth! Good Luck!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Some things you can do (I feel your pain and think I gained a lot of my weight due to eating at night):

    Do you want something crunchy or sweet? Find some substitutes and try them.

    1)Instead of a candy bar, I will have 1/4 c. roasted almonds and 1 Tbsp of semi-sweet chocolate morsels (chocolate chips). This is satisfying and crunchy (and a little sweet).

    2)Air popped popcorn with a zero calorie topping. I bought my airpopper at a thrift store for $3. It was brand new. A lot of people must get them as gifts and never use them.

    3)Save your calories and indulge in that one thing you are craving. But don't have three of them!

    4)Learn to like salad. I sometimes make a giant crunchy salad and eat it late at night. I include craisins, walnuts, scallions, cherry tomatoes with super crisp salad mix. Then I use 2 Tbsp of Marie's raspberry vinaigrette.
  • DJBru
    DJBru Posts: 1 Member
    I like to finish my day with a 40 calorie popcicle. (all american pops are my fav)
    It's sweet, it's low in calories...and I'm just used to calling it good once I've eaten that.
    Then I brush my teeth. I don't like to eat after I brush my teeth, so I think that helps in a weird way as well.

    Brushing my teeth also deters me from snacking/eating late at night. If I'm having a craving I'll down a glass of water and that kills the craving for a bit too.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    i love eating at night. I do it all the time--more calories than there are in my dinner actually.
  • dtucker4403
    dtucker4403 Posts: 47 Member
    Read Dr. Phil's book, "The Ultimate Weight Solution, The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom". I heard about it from someone else on MFP. It really gives good advice on bad eating habits and how to break them. It has helped me a lot. I am a habitual evening t.v. and reading snacker. I have changed my routine to avoid this type of temptation. I am still tempted, but I am more aware of why I want to eat and it's easier to stop myself. I have also started working out in the morning before work, so I am tired and go to bed earlier. No staying up late eating and watching t.v. or reading.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    I have a graham cracker with hot tea every night...but what REALLY works is flossing and brushing my teeth right after!! I find myself reluctant to snack after that. It's just easier to not eat than it is to have to brush and floss again :bigsmile:
  • jna1957
    I eat six times a day and my last meal is dinner which i try to finish by 8pm. No food for me after that time - if i slip - my rule is I eat then i have to go and either work it or walk it off. _ Works for me~!