need motivational friends!!

I've been doing good so far, with the working out and eating well. But sometimes it's really hard, and I know it'll get worse at point where I don't wanna roll out of bed workout. What do you do to stay motivated?


  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I have photos of varying points in my life - looking ill due to be too thin, looking great and looking like a whale - I look at these when I need motivating.

    I also look at what I put down under the 'My Inspirations' section on my profile.

    I bring my wedding dress out and check to see if I can fit back into it.

    I look at all the clothes I have that are too small.

    I look at women who have the type of body that I want.

    I think of my hubby and the baby we want together and this is the biggest motivation I can get.
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me! I really like this site, and when you have even a few encouraging friends checking on you each day you begin to feel some accoutability. I would love another "accountable friend," and would be happy to be one for you. I lost 20 pounds and really did well habit-wise, but then relaxed too much w/ the holidays and recent company, so 6 have crept back on :sad: ... trying to get control before I'm back at square one.

  • TrishD2
    TrishD2 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey you can add me if you want too, we can motivate each other because I need it too! lol
  • sassyshell
    sassyshell Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me! Love supporting my friends!
  • p_barron
    I really need more motivational friends to I give it all the time but don't really receive any so it would be great to have some new ones. I look at the clothes that I wear (mostly my husbands small ones because I am ashamed of my body) and the clothes I used to wear. Also I get a lot of motivation from my husband because he has shed almost 100lbs.
  • _malibu_
    Once i am motivated i am fine and into it... It's when i stop and do nothing that is my problem. Would love to find some friends who i can help and can also help me out on my way to losing weight.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    i sent you a friend request..anyone else can feel free to add me :)