Failing insanity??

Anyone out there feel like they failed at insanity? I've only done the first four days (now I've missed two workouts)
and I feel like an epic failure. Actually considering sending it back. I wanted more cardio than p90x, but even this warm up leaves me gasping and feeling bad. I do notice on the video how hard it is for even the fit people at the end, but really, I have to stop after 10 seconds and catch my breath for a minute. Feels like failure to me. Any tips? I'm trying to do my best and forget the rest, but my best is so god awful now that it brings me to a terrible place in my head.....


  • lechristina3
    lechristina3 Posts: 16 Member
    I've done Insanity....and I have lots of trouble with it as well. My advice is keep going. I promise it gets easier and you will be able to go longer. I had to stop when I got to month 2 because my heart rate was getting high...and I need to restart from month 1. Keep with's a pretty awesome program!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Insanity is not easy and almost everyone I've talked to has said that the warm up is the hardest they've ever done. It's a program that requires practice. I only made it through the first month because even after 30 days I knew I wasn't ready for anything longer. OMG for the first couple of days I couldn't make it through the warmup without stopping periodically. Eventually it got better and eventually I tried some of the workouts in the second month but I've never completed the entire 60 day program. Give it some more time and do what you can. After 2 weeks if you still can't get through the warm up without difficulty then maybe it's time to look elsewhere but if you stick with it I think you'll find that you will succeed. The results you see in the infomercials are real so if you want it bad enough you shouldn't give up.

    Hope things get better soon!
  • Replying to subscribe, because I was going to start Insanity tomorrow.
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    Replying to subscribe, because I was going to start Insanity tomorrow.

    Well, I've heard from enough people to not give up, so I guess I'll be back at it tomorrow! I've missed a few days now, but I"m going to hop back in and just try to do my best and not let myself get down!! We can hold eachother accountable if you want. Feel free to friend me!! (just be warned, it's tough!!)
  • My suggestion is to not expect to master it the first time. Do your absolute best, keep track of your progress and push yourself to do more each time at a higher intensity. Even if you can't do everything the first 90 days keep going. A great quote I read is 'no matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch'. Anything is better than nothing and you will get stronger and have more endurance each week!
  • I completed Insanity...with LOTS of breaks!

    I am in pretty decent shape, I'm a runner, and it is HARD! no doubt!

    I finished it end of january and just Friday my friends and i decided to do an Insanity video, and while I loved the awesome workout, it was still hard to not stop and take breaks every once in a while.

    If you're looking to be in shape, Insanity is your video, but it's gonna suck for awhile.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    When I started Insanity, the fitness test (day 1) almost made me lose my lunch. Wow! I was not in bad shape, but I was not ready for the intensity. So...
    >>Weeks 1 & 2 - I did it every other day.
    >>Week 3 - I did it 5 days and added other workouts on the off days
    >>Week 4 - I will start the 3rd week of Insanity (according to Insanity Calendar) but it will actually be the 4th week after starting the series. I am now ready to do it 6 days a week.

    ALSO - hit the pause button until you have a chance to recover. This is super important.
  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    wow, ive heard it was very tough. i am getting it too, and i am super nervous, but when you see the results people get, it must be worth the pain. and it may take me longer than 60 days, but thats ok.
  • peluzuff
    peluzuff Posts: 11 Member
    I am in week 7 of Insanity. I run 3 days a week, so I do insanity on the other 4 days, so it is not a pure program. I skip the rest day and a run on the recovery day, so I actually get 4 of the 5 regular workouts in each week. In any event, I could not get through the warm up the first week. I also have terrible upper body strength, so all of the pushups and plank position exercises are very difficult for me. I set my own pace and my own goals. For example, for level 1 and level 2 drills, I do the first two with proper form and then the rest on my knees and/ or I skip the jump up. for the exercises that make me too winded (e.g. plank runs) - i set a goal like "I will do at least 15 or 25 and then rest." You may not look like th folks in the video, but will see your personal gains in the fit tests. So yes, listen to Tony and "Do your best and forget the rest!" It is not failure if you do what you can and get better at it.

    I will say that the second phase is a whole 'nother ball game. I was not expecting it to be so much harder, but it is. And, just last week I started to feel like a failure too. But I plan to finish and already I am doing more than I could last week! Good luck!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Failure would be totally quitting. You are just in the process of working up to it. There's nothing wrong with that.
  • i failed insanity. it's a workout for people who are in some sort of shape already (i think so, you or others may differ). I'd recommend starting the 30 day shred. It's tough but you feel good after. My plan is to go back to insanity after I complete the 30 day shred!!
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    My chem teacher just finished Insanity. He only lost five pounds, but he dropped 10% body fat... So, good results.
    However, during the first week, he spent most of class hobbling around the room, because he was too stiff and sore from his morning workout to even walk normally! He was pretty upset because of all the breaks he'd have to take during the workout, too. But by the end, that all changed, and he thought the 30-minute workout was "comparatively easy."
    So, I'd advise you to stick with it. Repeat weeks if you have to, but don't give up, because you will get stronger, and you will eventually see results.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I quit after 6 weeks of month 1. Really don't see the need for 45-55 mins. of HIIT. The first month was great, but.....If you want to consider that failing, you may, but, IMO you don't HAVE to do the full program.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I finished Insanity last summer. I felt the same way: "If the warm-ups nearly kill me, what will the rest of the workout do?" I stuck with it, though, taking breaks whenever I needed to. Slowly, but surely, the workouts become easier for you. In my experience, I think that the longer workouts in Phase II are actually easier because there are more breaks throughout. The max plyo is one example. Stick with it at your own pace but don't feel like you've failed it! I cursed and quite literally flipped Shaun T. off while doing these workouts (it's childish, but made me feel a lot better), but I was very proud of myself when I finished it.
  • ckerce
    ckerce Posts: 25
    I love cardio workouts! Really makes me feel as if i have done something good for my body. Thought that Insanity would be great, bought it and after a few workouts, I sold it. Way too much jumping for me! Just "Jumping"! I got Zumba almost 2 years ago and I absolutely love it! If you like to dance, this is definitely the workout. I have "graduated" to my 6th video and still go back a couple. I bought the 5 disc workout last and it has everything. Cardio, scuplting, abs, 20 min express. I incorporated the body bar workout into my routine for more dimension! Just love it!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I'm an Insanity drop out.
    I'd been doing Turbo Fire (14 weeks) and ChaLEAN Extreme (12 weeks) and was ready to take it to the next level, Insanity. But after 2 weeks I had decided it wasn't the program for me and I returned it.

    1. My burns were good, but not as good with Turbo Fire. 30min of Insanity for 300-320 calories burned or 30min of TF for 320-350 calories burned.
    2. I was suffering through moves that my body couldn't do with no modifications from Shaun T. Maybe my flexibility sucks, but my body mechanics couldn't pull off a bunch of the jumping floor stuff he was doing.
    3. It was not fun to me at all. Just felt like a beating, which made me DREAD doing it everyday.
    4. It gave me shin splints and lower back pain and I'm NOT new to plyometrics.

    I applaud everyone and anyone who has tried and/or completed this program - it's SUPER TOUGH.
    Just wasn't a good fit for me. And I felt bad about quitting, like a loser, but then I remembered, WHO CARES?!?! There are plenty of other DVDs, programs, classes, workouts out there, finding one you like/love is the key. If you don't like/love it you won't stick with it. And that's the real failure.
  • mandalackey
    mandalackey Posts: 25 Member
    I got Insanity for Christmas and was so excited about it. I had done it a few times before with friends, so I knew what I was getting into. I love it. It's an amazing workout. It's HARD! I think that anyone can start with it, even the most out of shape person. You just have to modify the moves to your ability, do what you can, and work up to what they are doing in the DVD. The problem that I have with Insanity is that it is the SAME THING EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even though there are so many DVD's, the exercises in each are relatively similar. If you're anything like me, you'll get sick of it REALLY FAST. I still do it once or twice a week, but I do other things on other days to keep me interested. Don't consider yourself a failure for not following the program exactly. It is hard for even the people in the DVD who are in great shape! Just keep working at it and you will notice improvements in your strength and endurance!
  • mandalackey
    mandalackey Posts: 25 Member
    Totally and completely agree with muffintopminx. Why do a workout you hate when there are plenty of others that are just as good, and WAY more fun?! I love Turbo Fire too! It's my favorite!
  • Like you, I have just started. I already knew going into it that I wouldn't be able to keep up enough to do the 60 day challenge. I simply resolved to do what I can. I performed only three days last week and was getting around very carefully due to the soreness. The scale reflects my efforts beacause I'm down three lbs. It's was a good feeling to know that I am doing something that works! I haven't worked out regularly for some time now. I need to 'dig deep' to rebuild my attitude about getting back on track. Sitting around making excuses for the way I feel was not working for me anymore. I say keep at it. Good luck on your journey.
  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    I am on month 2 of Insanity and yes it is crazy hard and yes I have to stop but I just keep pushing play!! You can do it! Don't give up!!! You may feel defeated some days but it gets better! I plan on doing at least 5 rounds of it. If you need some more support add me!! I will support you 100%! Don't give up!!