#2: the 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth



  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    Steel cut is awesome, but it takes time to cook. I have not found a fast way to cook it. Basically you need to boil it for about 30 minutes. On the upside you can make it in bulk because it keeps very well. I love that stuff.

    I make my steel cut oats in the rice cooker--I have a Black & Decker steamer/rice cooker with a plastic rice bowl. Anyway, I make up 4 servings at a time (I use the settings for long grain white rice and the ratios -- oats/water -- for long grain white rice), I eat one serving and then put the others in containers for future mornings. When I go to reheat, I microwave for 1 minute, break everthing up & add 1/4 cup of milk and dried fruit or a banana and cinnamon, and microwave for another 30-45 seconds. Stir and viola! "Instant" steel cut oatmeal! SO YUMMY!!! :bigsmile:

    This sounds good, but unfortunately I don't have a rice cooker:sad: Anybody else have a recipe for steel cut oats that doesn't require a rice cooker?



    I cook a batch (4 servings) at one time, on the stove top. It takes about 30 minutes. I eat one serving and then refrigerate the rest, and I have oatmeal for the next 3 days.

    My "recipe" is this: 4 cups of water to one cup of oats. Bring water to boil, stir in oats for a couple of minutes til it looks creamy, then lower heat to really low, put lid on pot, and let it cook away. You might want to check it from time to time, and stir, but really, it's pretty low maintenance.

    After 30 minutes, voila! Breakfast! I add heated milk and brown sugar (organic) to mine, and sometimes almonds.

    Very very yum.


  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Thanks for the info! For a little extra health boost I normally add some blueberries and some cinnamon to my oatmeal! Yum! :smile:

    I was wondering about blueberries because they have it next to the raisens and brown sugar at my jobs cafeteria ... maybe I'll try that next time. :-D

    Tried that yesterday ... mmmm Yummy! I don't like raisens very much, so this is now my replacement. :-D
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
  • tvfit
    tvfit Posts: 56 Member
    There is SUCH AN EASY WAY to make steel cut oatmeal: Overnight Oatmeal - google it for recipes by real cooks - I'm a faker!

    Buy BULK steel cut oats to economize
    Before Bed:
    measure oats and rinse them in a fine mesh strainer (I wouldn't feel the need to rinse boxed steel cut oats)
    put in a sauce pan with four times the amount of water (for ex, 1 c oatmeal, 4 c water)
    Add anything you'd like to "spice" it up (we like flame raisins and finely chopped/ground almonds or walnuts)
    bring to a boil. turn off heat. cover with a lid. no need to stir.
    In the morning either 1) reheat if you're not a microwaver or 2) stir, and microwave individual portions

    WE like to sweeten with agave nector. one tsp = only 20 calories.

    I make enough for a week at a time and just keep the saucepan in the fridge.

  • SweetAzn
    SweetAzn Posts: 195 Member
    I bought a box of the instant oatmeal. Is it really not that healthy for you? I suppose next time I could try the steel cut oatmeal but I just love the quickness and portability of instant. But nutritionally, is it really much worse if I use instant?
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I bought a box of the instant oatmeal. Is it really not that healthy for you? I suppose next time I could try the steel cut oatmeal but I just love the quickness of instant. But nutritionally, is it really much worse if I use instant?

    The quicker it is to cook the less time it spends in your stomach and you get hungry more quickly. Try switching to regular non-steel cut oats if you are concerned about time. It doesn't take as long as steel cut but isn't as quick as instant (it's cheaper than instant too!). If you really want to stick with instant, just make sure you buy the regular no flavor kind. The kinds with flavor generallly have a lot of added sugar.
  • SweetAzn
    SweetAzn Posts: 195 Member
    Mon 06/29/09 07:51 AMQUOTE:

    I bought a box of the instant oatmeal. Is it really not that healthy for you? I suppose next time I could try the steel cut oatmeal but I just love the quickness of instant. But nutritionally, is it really much worse if I use instant?

    The quicker it is to cook the less time it spends in your stomach and you get hungry more quickly. Try switching to regular non-steel cut oats if you are concerned about time. It doesn't take as long as steel cut but isn't as quick as instant (it's cheaper than instant too!). If you really want to stick with instant, just make sure you buy the regular no flavor kind. The kinds with flavor generallly have a lot of added sugar.

    Lol...and the box I had bought was of course....the flavored ones!:tongue: Thanks for your help though, I think I will try the regular oatmeal. I am not the biggest fan of oatmeal but I am trying to eat better and I am hoping I'll start to like it!

    Sorry, I'm a newbie at this posting thing:blushing: ...I just replied and copied and pasted our convo...didn't realize there was a quote button til after I posted this.
  • kalamantina
    I usually just boil 2/3 cup of oats in a cup of milk with 2 tsp of splenda or sweet n low! and it tastes good to me!!

    :laugh: thats as easy as it gets
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I personally like to add black strap molasses to my oatmeal. It has such an intense flavor you don't need much plus it's the "nutritious" part that is taken out of sugar cane to make white sugar so while it isn't great for you, it has more vitamins than regular sugar.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I love, love, love oatmeal. Unfortunately, I just get the instant flavored one and doctor it up and microwave it differently to make it taste like it is not instant. Well every morning I eat it at about 8:30 and by 9:30 I am falling asleep at my desk, literally. I've never been like this and I was really confused because i thought after losing 50lbs I should have energy not falling asleep. This only happened in the morning. I thought maybe it was my new vitamins. That wasn't it. So, Thursday I went to the gym to talk to a trainer to start working out with me. I had to give her all kinds of information. I let her know how I was feeling in the morning, how tired I was. She knew right away what it was. It is my OATMEAL. My favorite thing to eat. I am so depressed. She said that the sugar in it is spiking I guess my insuline level and then when it drops back I'm crashing. Needless to say I had to test out her explanation. So Friday no oatmeal and I was fine.

    I guess I need to try the regular oatmeal. The whole reason I bought the instant was to save me time.

    Can someone tell me what the difference is between rolled oats and steel cut?
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Rolled oats are finer and take less time to cook. Steel Cut take the longest.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Steel cut oats are less processed, too, so you get more of the nutrition in oats from them, then you do from more processed oats.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    There is SUCH AN EASY WAY to make steel cut oatmeal: Overnight Oatmeal - google it for recipes by real cooks - I'm a faker!

    Buy BULK steel cut oats to economize
    Before Bed:
    measure oats and rinse them in a fine mesh strainer (I wouldn't feel the need to rinse boxed steel cut oats)
    put in a sauce pan with four times the amount of water (for ex, 1 c oatmeal, 4 c water)
    Add anything you'd like to "spice" it up (we like flame raisins and finely chopped/ground almonds or walnuts)
    bring to a boil. turn off heat. cover with a lid. no need to stir.
    In the morning either 1) reheat if you're not a microwaver or 2) stir, and microwave individual portions

    WE like to sweeten with agave nector. one tsp = only 20 calories.

    I make enough for a week at a time and just keep the saucepan in the fridge.


    Wow, that sounds yummy and super easy! I'm a huge fan of preparing stuff the night before. I tend to sleep in until the last minute in the morning and then rush to starbucks for breakfast :noway:
    I'll have to try this way out! Thanks!
  • danni55
    danni55 Posts: 22
    i haven't ever seen steel cut oats (haven't really looked either!!) but always grab one of those HUGE round cardboard containers of the quaker oats stove cooking kind not the packets.

    Those can be cooked in the microwave like the instant though without the not so great stuff that goes into the packets. I bring a serving in a baggie to work and a mug and have that with some blueberries and cinnamon in it, no sugar of course. It you let the blueberries sit for a bit and warm up with the oatmeal and cinnamon, they get a tiny bit mushy and are sweet and it tastes wonderful!!

    And it's definitely blueberry season in Jersey right now so the berries are really sweet and help with the cravings too!
  • urbanychic
    urbanychic Posts: 6 Member
    I'll admit I'm a fan of the instant oatmeal's (preferably peaches & cream and strawberries & cream) and that's pretty much the only oatmeal I'll eat. My mom use to torture me (yes torture) with regular oatmeal with syrup drizzled on it. Absolutely dreadful. I'm willing to add oatmeal to my diet, but anyone have tips to make it sweeter, without going the cream instant route and is not syrup? Thanks! :)
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    I Love Oatmeal!!!!!!!!!!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member