Couch 2 5K app

I am wanting to start the c25k app. I know there are people out there that have done this because I have been hearing out it. I was wondering how the app is set up? Do you bring your IPod (or whatever device) with you and listen while it talks, or plays music? Or do you need to time yourself while running? Also what have been your results? Weight loss or inches lost? Thanks for any info you can give me ;)


  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member

    That's the website that started it.

    You can use the app or you can time it yourself. That webpage has the chart for the times.

    It's a great program to get started running.
  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
  • melanielockard
    melanielockard Posts: 114 Member
    Ease into 5k is the app I use, I love it. It plays your music and tells you when to walk/run. Good luck!!
  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    Ease into 5k is the app I use, I love it. It plays your music and tells you when to walk/run. Good luck!!

    Perfect! I was wanting something that told me what to do and when to do it... ( don't tell my husband!) I like the idea of the music at the same time too ;)

  • dorkynerd
    dorkynerd Posts: 23 Member
    I am on week W5 D1 of the app. I like it for the most part. It has is a really good program to get you running and your body use to running. I have had some issues with it not telling me when to stop when I have my music playing. But its not every time. I love the program though. It really does work...however I have had to repeat and week 2 before. But it depends on your fitness when you start. I could barely run 1 minute my first week.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I use an app on Android called RunDouble. It has more than just C25K on it which is great for advancing I think but it also allows you to play music through the app/
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I checked out utube and found a person who made a podcast set to some awsome/inspiring music. I have never in my life been a runner, but am now on week 8. I find the program easy to follow. To be honest the first couple of weeks were tough. My legs killed me on the rest days, but by week 3 leg aches were gone. I have lost 4" in my hip area and I do not know how much in my thighs ( I did not measure, but it is noticiable) When I started I could not have run to the end of the driveway, but now run 25 minutes. My pace not the best, but once I get to 30 minutes I will increase my pace.
  • cjones0992
    cjones0992 Posts: 55 Member
    The one I use is called Get Running (apple store). I LOVE it! Starting week 4 tomorrow. Its 9 weeks long, 3 runs a week. I can notice so much improvement in just 3 weeks. And I have NEVER been a runner. First, start your music. I've tried starting/changing my music mid run and it throws off the app. You can't run pandora with it, but you can run your ipod player. The default settings is the lady will give you cues (all cues such as "begin warming up now with a brisk 5 min walk, I will tell you when to start running"). I have mine set to only the necessary cues so I can listen to music more. With all cues, she'll give you 30 second warnings, 10 second warnings, etc. I just like "start running" and "ok you can walk now". Highly recommend it!!! Anymore questions just ask!
  • staceywtucaz
    staceywtucaz Posts: 36 Member
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member

    loving the details of how these apps work for different folks... i looked at a few websites about it but still was not clear to me as a dually-challenged potential participant (not a runner and not tech-savvy)...

    great forum post bethee101!

    any other suggestions mfp'rs???
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    I have the app C25K Free by zen labs. It was FREE and you can play your music from your itunes OR pandora or whatever. It chimes for start and stop and tells you to start running/walking. i LOVE it. I finished Week 2 day 3 calves are on FIRE. lol.
  • leahbhollifield
    I use 5K Runner with Nike+ GPS on my iPhone. 5K Runner lets you use your own playlist while Nike+ GPS tracks your pace and distance (in case you're not running on a mile-marked trail). I think the 5K Runner app was around $1, and the Nike+ GPS app was $2.
  • GThinMintG
    GThinMintG Posts: 9 Member
    How important do you all think it is to do it Run Day-Rest Day-Run Day? I haven't been able to really start it because I can't commit to it three times a week, but I swim and have a spin class so I am still exercising on off days. Any ideas?
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I use 5K Runner with Nike+ GPS on my iPhone. 5K Runner lets you use your own playlist while Nike+ GPS tracks your pace and distance (in case you're not running on a mile-marked trail). I think the 5K Runner app was around $1, and the Nike+ GPS app was $2.

    I also use this app (5K Runner) and absolutely love it! There is a lite version you can get for free. It only has like 3 weeks or so on it, but its good to try out and see if you want to committ to the $1. I really liked it so I paid and it was well worth it. I'm on week 5 and can run for 8 min straight. Which I'm pretty darn proud of considering I used to HATE running.
  • minus40
    minus40 Posts: 112 Member
    I use C25K on my iphone and love it. Signed up for my first 5K in April - woo hoo! Good luck. You'll love it.
  • cadency
    I finished week two of Run 5k app. It sounds like it works like the rest of them: has a voice that says, "warm up," "run now," "walk now." and balances running and walking. I am the worst at running and feel like this has helped me doing it 3x a week. I'm not good at taking rests in between days, though, depending on my work schedule and downloaded a stopwatch app so that I can work on it myself on the days in-between if I feel like running again. This one will also play music in the app and will continue to keep time while you use other apps. It will also notify you of the changes while you're in another app. I can be txting on my walk time and still get the notice when to get back to running. I dig it. They have the 5k one that's 8 weeks and then a 10k that's longer. I'm going to push for the 5k one, try to run a 5k, then train for the 10k app.

    Good luck!
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    I've got that app as well. I feel really out of shape though from doing it so I sometimes have to skip the last two run parts. I love how you can integrate the iPod on my iPhone. What is the one with Nike+? I like my Nike app too but I never noticed a 5k feature.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I did C25K last year and I still exercised on my rest day. I just didn't run. Swimming is great because it's non-impact. I was 60-70 pounds heavier than I am now when I did c25k and my knees would really hurt the day after running. Taking a day to rest them was a necessity, but I still wanted to burn calories, so I did water aerobics or spinning or just some strength training.
  • nmoline
    The one I use is called Get Running (apple store). I LOVE it! Starting week 4 tomorrow. Its 9 weeks long, 3 runs a week. I can notice so much improvement in just 3 weeks. And I have NEVER been a runner. First, start your music. I've tried starting/changing my music mid run and it throws off the app. You can't run pandora with it, but you can run your ipod player. The default settings is the lady will give you cues (all cues such as "begin warming up now with a brisk 5 min walk, I will tell you when to start running"). I have mine set to only the necessary cues so I can listen to music more. With all cues, she'll give you 30 second warnings, 10 second warnings, etc. I just like "start running" and "ok you can walk now". Highly recommend it!!! Anymore questions just ask!

    Does this app also work with the Nike GPS app? Also, can you lock your screen to put it in your pocket and have it still work?